A Dictionary-like Article for Everyone to Enjoy

This is a quick and easy look-up of modern LGBTQ and MOGAI related terms



(Image by Pride-Flags on DeviantArt)

Prepare yourselves because it’s a long list!

TW & CW // gender dysphoria mention, body mention, mentions of the words “romantic” and “sexual”, dark themes mention of violence, gore/vore, mentions of genocide and racism, mentions of anti-Semitism, mentions of cultural infanticide against intersex individuals, residential school mention, physical and sexual abuse mention, trauma mention, rape mention, mentions of Intersex Genitalia Mutilation surgery, mention of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit individuals, etc.

(From A-X, since there isn’t anything for Y and Z sadly… oh well…)

Okay everyone, before we get started, I wanted to ensure that I will add terms that I’ve used from my previous works along with other MOGAI-relevant material on the internet here so that everyone will have a clear understanding of those terms, and let me know in the comments if y’all want me to add more terms in another article! Also let me know if you would like me to create another article that is similar to this one since I cannot add every single term on there (i.e., if you would like me to make a part 2 to this one)!


Abigender: As I will summarise from the Nonbinary wiki in terms of uncommon gender identities, it is when someone identifies as two distinct genders, either in a more simultaneous (meaning “at the same time”) manner or at different times, but only experiencing loose or vague connections to each gender, while also not experiencing that any part of one’s gender(s) is “neutral” or “neither”; This term was coined in 2020.

Abimegender: Also summarised from the Nonbinary wiki, it is referred to as a gender that is infinite, vast, and more profound. One is capable of combining any relevant genders. For example:

  • Abimegirl for an Abimegender girl
  • Abimeboy for an Abimegender boy

In 2020 During Present (or D.P. as A.D. or Anno Domini [translates to “the year of our Lord”, I think] is inherently Christian/Xtian-dominant), the 2020 Gender Census depicted that two people expressed themselves to be Abimegender.

Absgender: A gender that refers to a person who is beyond, moved from, or is between the societal cisgender/transgender dichotomy that some gender-modal individuals find to be too restrictive.

  • Derived from the Latin “Abs”, meaning “away” or “away from”, which refers to being away from transness/transgenderness or from cisness/cisgenderness
  • Also refers to neither being cis or trans, or being both cisn’t and transn’t.

Achillean: Refers to someone who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to masculinity.

  • (A/N: I will not use “androphilic” since there are some individuals ho perceive it as problematic, but there are some androphilic individuals who don’t, and that is fine with me as well)

Accomplice: This is a term that was coined by the Indigenous Action Network to criticise the manners in which the term of “ally” as a label is believed to be an absence of action, risk-taking, or holding oneself accountable for their actions. There is understandable, but rather justifiable criticism towards this term as it has been associated with criminality when there are plenty of margnialised communities that are perceived by the privileged, and predominant groups in power.

Adgender: A gender modality that refers to when someone moves towards a given gender identity or presentation.

  • It is more inclusive than terms such as transmasculine and transfeminine because this term is more of an inclusive one than a term such as trans.
  • For example, a DFAB agender person who is on testosterone and now needs to do similar things as a transfeminine person to pass on days where they feel like a woman (also vice versa for a DMAB agender person, but experiences of being adgender vary from person to person).
  • Another example: When an intersex person undergoes medical intervention, but they don’t consider themself as a trans person, they might either consider themself as adgender.

Aerogender: Refers to when a person’s internal sense of their gender is reliant on the setting that they, themself, are in and/or atmosphere, which can be comprised of different factors such as the person or people one is around with, their level(s) of comfort, the temperature, weather, the time of the day or year, and more; Coined by a Tumblr user named tenderagender in a post towards the MOGAI-Archive Tumblr blog in 2014 During Present (DP).

  • Aerogender IS NOT to be confused with Arogender…

Aesthetgender: Refers to one’s experience of gender as being derived from or from an embodiment of an aesthetic; Coined by an internet user named curiosityismysin.

  • There are many types of aesthetigenders, and it can also be considered as an umbrella term within the xenogender spectrum…

AFAB/AMAB: Referred to as “assigned female at birth” (for AFAB), and “assigned male at birth” (for AMAB). However, the most appropriate terms to use instead of those terms (this can depend from person to person, so take this with a grain of salt) are “designated female/male at birth”, or DFAB/DMAB.

Agender: A person whose gender doesn’t fall in the European-central (or Eurocentic as I will shorten this), white, colonialist and patriarchal gender binary (some intersex individuals are also agender as well); also refers to a person not identifying with any gender at all.

  • This gender falls under the modal trans and non-binary (or enby) umbrellas, and is also referred to as “genderblank”, “genderfree”, “genderless”, “gendervoid”, “non-gendered”, “null gender”, or “ungendered”.
  • Agender individuals DO NOT ALWAYS experience gender dysphoria, because one who is agender doesn’t necessarily have to have similar experiences in relation to someone who does have gender dysphoria and who might decide to feel at home in terms of ensuring that how their physical body looks is matching their internal sense of their gender identity.
  • One doesn’t need to physically change how they look in order to be agender, because they may not feel that they’re anywhere in the gendered notions of what society and its vast cultures deems as “feminine” or what society’s modal cultures deems as “masculine”, but to be content with their bodies as they are. It is also important not to assume either way in terms of an agender person being content with how their body looks or if they are experiencing gender dysphoria.
  • There are agender individuals who use gender-specific pronouns, such as she/her and he/him, but there are also agender individuals who use they/them pronouns, including agender individuals who use neopronouns, such as fae/faer, it/its, ve/ver, ae/aem, ey/em/eirs, and more since there is a vast plethora of neopronouns out there.
  • Agender individuals aren’t always androgynous, because they also enjoy experimenting with their gender expression/presentation(s) than anyone else, and dressing in a way that makes someone happy can be liberating, but it can also refer to fun and a feeling of playfulness other than a “political declaration” as others may refer to it as, so both aren’t as mutually exclusive as others would think or perceive.
  • Agender individuals aren’t the same as genderfluid individuals because being agender and being genderfluid aren’t the same. Agender shouldn’t be “confused” with genderfluid, which is another modal identity that falls on the natural modality of transgender, non-binary/enby, and multigender umbrellas. Both of those identities fall under the non-binary/enby umbrellas, but they aren’t the same.

Agenderflux: Where a person is agender, but they experience fluctuations where they feel feminine/masculine but not anywhere in the Eurocentric gender binary.

  • Coined by the Tumblr user perfectlybrokenbones as a response in a post to the MOGAI-Archive Tumblr blog in 2014 DP.
  • There are notable individuals who are agenderflux, such as the television actor Ellie Desautels.

Alexigender: Refers to a a fluid gender experience that someone is experiencing when they’re aware that their gender is fluctuating but they are unable to label each specific gender

  • Coined by Tumblr user eaglestrike in terms of a response (referred to as a post) to thhe MOGAI-Archive Tumblr blog in 2014 DP.
  • It is NOT to be confused with genderfluid, but keywords that depict how one experiences being alexigender as are that it feels like one’s gender often fluctuates, and that it cannot be described nor can it be named.

Aliagender: Refers to one’s experience of gender that is “other” or that is separate from socially and culturally existing gender constructs.

  • from the Latin root of “Alius” or “other” plus the word “gender”
  • Originated when a moderator [Beck] (Beck will be referred to as B for safety and privacy reasons) on the askanonbinary Tumblr blog created the word as a response to questions from the Tumblr user ZoboTheHob0 (formerly referred to as ZoboTheHobo, and will only be referred to as Z or L for safety and privacy reasons) in 2013 DP.
  • To paraphrase what B stated, the term was not meant to be harmful in any way, and its original purpose was to depict a so-called “othering” concept of gender, while it was also meant to be perceived as a particularly positive gender identity that wasn’t associated with the Eurocentric gender binary on what European, Xtian/Christian, and primarily white societies constitute as “female”/”male”.

Aliengender: Refers to a gender identity (ies) or gender(s) that is a subjective interpretation, from a perspective that doesn’t relate to a human one.

  • Coined by the internet user genderghoul
  • A person might or might not feel comfortable with fitting into a gender term and to adopt a label in reference to their own internal sense of their gender, but they adopt a gender that is done in more of a manner, referring to the way that an alien-like being would try out a gender that belongs to a foreign species of living organisms.
  • This gender identity under the vast and modal xenogender umbrella can be good in terms of combining it with relevant genders that can fit for a person (again, that subjectively depends on whether or not a person feels comfortable with combining this gender with others genders that they may also be trying out for themself with).

Allocishetero: a shortened abbreviation of allosexual, cisgender, and heterosexual that really describes a person who isn’t MOGAI, because a person who is all three are protected under perisexism, cissexism, and heterosexism.

  • Society has already normalised being allocishetero since European and Xtian colonialism happened, because before it happened, there were a plethora of diverse cultures that revered and accepted genders and sexualities (including intersex individuals), and there were even roles for people of modal genders and sexualities.

Allosexual: This is when someone experiences sexual attraction, and this can also include having sexual crushes on people or towards fictional people as well.

Alloromantic: This is similar to Allosexual, but this is when someone experiences romantic attraction, and this can include having romantic crushes on people or towards fictional people.

Altersex: An encompassing term that describes one’s state of having sex characteristics, or a combination of sex characteristics that do not align with what could be typically considered as “perisex”, while also NOT being intersex at the same time. It doesn’t specifically imply any specific sex characteristics at all (similar to intersex, but different terms).

  • For example, people who were born as perisex, but have changed their sex characteristics through medical intervention (HRT or surgery), so that their combination of primary and secondary characteristics, and chromosomes do not specifically fit the narrow definition of perisex.
  • There are some altersex fictional characters/ real life people who may resemble their designated sex at birth, but they are different to each other.
  • The term can depict a physical body, one’s internal sex identity, or both.
  • Many more real life examples include: people who were born as perisex but desire to change their sex characteristics through medical intervention and/or a desire to change their own bodies so that they have ambiguous sex characteristics or a mixture of them.
  • There are also fictional examples as well: Altersex characters who are similar to real life examples of Altersex individuals in real life, characters who have sex characteristics or a combination of them that aren’t typically considered to be “possible” in humans, but AREN’T considered to be intersex in fiction, characters with a combination of sex characteristics or have sex characteristics who wouldn’t be considered as intersex in fiction, but would be considered as intersex in the real world, characters of a fictional/”alien” sex that is outside of the Eurocentric, colonialist, and Christian sex binary, but is considered to be as typical for fictional species of living organisms/beings, characters with the capability to change their sex through shapeshifting, or through other fictional methods, and more.

Ambigender: Is defined by Baaphomett as when one is “experiencing two genders simultaneously and without fluidity or shifting” (Baaphomett, 2014).

  • Originated from the Tumblr user Baaphomett as a submission to the MOGAI-Archive blog in 2014 DP.

Ambonec: Refers to a gender identity where one can both identify as female and as male, but also when they identify as neither female nor as male at the same time.

  • Originated from the Latin word “ambo” (or “both”) plus the Latin word “nec” (or “neither”)
  • There is no dated origin to where this term came from, since its origin is unknown.

Androgyny: Refers to a person who depicts social and/or physical characteristics that are culturally identified as “masculine” and “feminine”.

  • It may also be expressed with relation to one’s designated sex at birth, gender identity, sexuality, and/or gender expression.
  • If androgyny itself refers to the natural modality of vast sex characteristics (primary, secondary, etc.), then it can refer to intersex individuals.

Anime: Refers to animation that comes from Japan, but can also come from China, and South Korea (as I’ve known so far…).

  • Has been around since the 20th century (DP)
  • Each genre varies from theme to theme, and there are anime that are not for kids and can depict themes such as torture, violence, discrimination, bigotry, hatred, assault, and more.
  • However, some anime can be for kids (i.e., the slice of life genre), and do not have dark themes.
  • There are some anime genres that can have sexual themes, such as the genres of Seinen (adults, but mostly allocisheteronormative), Yuri (sapphic romance, but unfortunately fetishised for perisex and allocishet men, because they’re a part of it… but they aren’t the only ones who love it, since there are MOGAI fans and fans who are perisex and allocishet women), and Yaoi (achillean/mlm romance, but also unfortunately fetishised for perisex and allocishet women… but they’re not the only ones who love it, since there are also MOGAI fans, including fans who are perisex and allocishet men), along with many other genres.

Anogender: As defined by PocketMouse, it is a “feeling of gender that fades in and out but feels the same whenever it comes back. different from genderfluid in that it’s one gender constantly resurfacing, rather than switching between genders” (PocketMouse, 2014).

  • Originated from a Tumblr user (PocketMouse) in 2014 DP.
  • It is also a gender in which a person is experiencing of their gender(s) often changing, but in a more intense way.

Anonbinary: Refers to a gender that isn’t inherently binary, but it is outside of the modal and infinite non-binary/enby umbrella.

  • Its origin is unknown, and there is no dated origin of this term.

Antigender: (summarised) Refers to when a gender(s) is/are being defined as the opposite of a gender(s) that already exists.

  • Originated by two Tumblr users known as AsexualJavert and kgmps2. However, another term similar to Antigender, referred to as Ungender, was also originated from Baaphomett by a submission post towards MOGAI-Archives in 2014 DP.
  • For example, antiboy would be the complete opposite of a boy, whereas antigirl would be the complete opposite of a girl.
  • Ungender, however, is from Baaphomett’s (2014) definition as “Not without but a negative; an unboy would be the negative of a boy and an ungirl would be the negative of a girl” (Baaphomett, 2014).

Anti-homomisia: A term that refers to combating against homomisia, since homomisia is deeply entrenched in society, and specifically in its systems and societal attitudes towards people who are MOGAI themselves.

Anti-Semitism (or Judeomisia): Refers to the hostility, discrimination, detrimental and inaccurate societal, systemic, and individual (etc.) beliefs towards Jewish peoples (and to individuals who self-identify as Jewish), including violence against them because of them being Jewish as an intersectional aspect of their identity.

  • Can take many forms, such as inaccurate and often harmful media stereotypes about Jewish peoples, along with religious teachings that proclaim a false “”inferiority”” of Jewish individuals (as one example of Anti-Semitism), along with political efforts to ostracise, dscriminate against, or otherwise cause physical (etc.) harm to them.

Aquarigender (known as Genderflow): A gender that perpetually changes, and it is never a specific gender, but sometimes there are existing labels that are close to what a gender can feel like at times for a person. Sometimes, though, it can change to a completely indescribable feeling.

  • Originated in 2014 DP or earlier by Tumblr user 8-bit-angel.
  • It is a flowing gender that changes constantly and steadily (or slowly), and it isn’t a set amount of genders that it can switch inbetween.
  • The prefix “aquari-” comes from the Zodiac constellation Aquarius, the water-bearer.

Arogender: Refers to a gender that is heavily influenced by a person’s place on the vast and modal Aromantic spectrum; Coined by a Tumblr user known as arokaladin in 2018.

  • This could also be due to them feeling like that they aren’t “loving” in the notions that society (mostly Eurocentric, patriarchal, etc… ones) expects of them and/or from their gender; This could possibly be due to one feeling strongly about not “loving” that this affects every aspect of their being

Aromantic: Describes a person’s lack of romantic attraction. Each experience that each aromantic person has can vary and can also be subjective as no aromantic person is the same. For example, some aromantic individuals desire a sexual relationship with someone or with other persons (sexual attraction), some aromantic individuals experience attraction to a person(s) based on how they look (aesthetic attraction), and when some aromantic individuals desire to touch, cuddle, or to hold a person(s) [sensual/physical attraction]. However, there are some aromantic individuals who desire to be friends with others or with only one person (platonic attraction), and there are some aromantic individuals who desire to have an emotional bond with someone or with other people (emotional attraction).

Asexual: Describes a person’s lack of attraction. However, every asexual person’s experiences are different and are subjective as they can vary from person to person. Aside from sexual attraction, asexual individuals can also experience:

  • Romantic Attraction: When someone desires a romantic relationship with someone or with others for some asexual individuals who are also polyamorous
  • Aesthetic Attraction: When a person is attracted to another person(s) due to how they look
  • Sensual/Physical Attraction: When one person desires to touch, cuddle, or to hold someone else or more people
  • Platonic Attraction: When one desires to be friends with someone or with more people
  • Emotional Attraction: When an individual wants an emotional connection with another person(s)

Asexuality, itself, is a natural and vast spectrum in which there are people who experience no sexual attraction, others who experience a little bit of sexual attraction, and others who experience sexual attraction, including people who can be anywhere else along the Asexual spectrum. However, there is a difference. For example, there is also the Aromantic spectrum (also vast and natural), in which there are individuals who experience no romantic attraction, others who have some experience with a bit of romantic attraction, others who experience romantic attraction, including people who can also be anywhere else along with it.

This difference between both Asexual and Aromantic spectrums are that the Asexual spectrum only focuses more on the ranges in which people do and/or don’t experience sexual attraction or somewhere in between.


Bigender: Refers to a gender that is part of the modal trans, enby, and multigender umbrellas, in which a person has two distinct genders, either simultaneously or at different times.

  • The two distinct genders of a bigender person can have a different pair of genders. For example, a person would have the genders of non-binary and female, whereas another bigender person would have the genders of agender and intergender, and so forth.

Bimisia: Refers to hatred towards people who are bisexual, and that includes a plethora of behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes that range from said hatred, erasure, including violence towards people who are bisexual, non-monosexual, etc… that manifest in ways that are institutional, societal, systemic, and societal. This form of violence impacts people of all modal genders and sexualities within the MOGAI community due to a perceived proximity from an outside source of aggression (i.e., a behaviour, a person, an action, etc.)

  • Note: there are problems with using the suffix “-phobia” as it comes from the Greek word for “fear of”, and that can indicate a strong aversion to the part of the word that precedes it (i.e., nyctophobia, which refers to an extreme fear of darkness/night that can lead to intense symptoms of anxiety and depression). One of the problems with using “-phobia” is that there are people who actually have real anxiety-related conditions in which a person experiences intense fear/anxiety that they cannot control, and utilising terms such as “biphobia” or “homophobia”, people and society in general are continuing to equate bigotry with a mental health condition/variance, which is rather problematic.
  • Continuing to do that is relying on the detrimental stigma against mental conditions and/or neurodiversity (in relation to people with ADHD, depression, etc…).
  • By doing this, society and us in general are inaccurately attributing bigoted attitudes and harmful rhetoric/behaviour to fear rather than correctly attributing this to bigotry/hate.
  • We are also causing the removal of accountability of an oppressive individual(s) or a group of people by the implication that their actions and rhetoric/attitudes are “outside of their control”, which it isn’t since it is necessary to hold detrimental attitudes, behaviour (in reference to bigotry), rhetoric, and so forth in order for society to actually start changing.
  • Since labelling forms of oppression/bigotry is detrimental, plenty of people are trading “-phobia” for “-misia”, which comes from the Greek word for hatred/hate. For example, similar to how enbyphobia (fear of non-binary people) and intersexphobia (fear of intersex people) are, we can replace them with enbymisia (hatred of non-binary people) annd with intersexmisia (hatred of intersex people).

BIPOC: Refers to the acronym for Black, Indigenous, and Person/People of Colour.

  • However, there are some Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour who are understandably uncomfortable with this term… This term may be factually correct most of the time, but there is a lack of humanity, since there isn’t a particular indication that they are people.
  • This term is also a generic and inadequate description, like the term POC “People of Colour”, since both of those terms also carry a suggestion that non-white individuals, Black and Indigenous individuals are “”inferior”” to individuals who are strictly Eurocentric and white.
  • This term is needed since non-white Individuals of Colour deal with various types of discrimination and bigotry, and systemic racism still affects Black and Indigenous people in ways that Individuals of Colour may not necessarily experience, because Black and Indigenous communities and individuals are still affected by bearing the impacts of genocide, colonialism, and slavery.

Bisexual: A sexuality that is referred to a person who is attracted to people of multiple genders. There are some people who may define bisexuality as those who are sexually attracted to genders that are similar or different to theirs.

  • There are some people who understand that Bisexuality is an umbrella term that represents a vast amount of sexualities, in which there are also individual representations of people who have experiences of being sexually attracted to more than one gender.

Biromantic: A romantic orientation that someone has when they are romantically attracted to people of multiple genders. There can also be people who may define it as when people are romantically attracted to genders who are different or similar to their own genders. Biromanticism is also an umbrella term that represents a vast modality of romantic orientations, in which there are also individual representations of people whose experiences of being romantically attracted to more than one gender can vary from person to person.

Boi: A term that originated to describe Queer/MOGAI Black women whose gender presentation can fluctuate and/or be more androgynous than to have a gender presentation that is completely masculine. This term is coined to be more different than to the AG/Stud dichotomy due to a rigid conformity to masculinity in the Stud/AG subsect of the Sapphic community (Sapphic is also part of the MOGAI community as well).

  • Stud/Butch is a polar opposite of a person who is Femme. Sapphic individuals who are Butch often have to question themselves if they perceive themselves as “male”, as “female”, or another gender, or as both, or as neither, or somewhere in the vast modality of the gender spectrum. People who are Butch typically harbor characteristics that are mostly masculine.
  • AG is an acronym that is lengthened to “Aggressive Girl”. AGs aren’t necessarily masculine as a person who is a Stud or Butch, but they have more masculine characteristics and are typically dominant (so they’re more of a “top” in a sexual relationship).

Bordergender: Referred to as a gender that is fluctuating and is typically experienced by individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (or BPD). It is also referred to as a gender that has a lack of a firm grasp in terms of one’s gender identity, while they still experience gender in various ways. However, the person would have difficulties pinpointing it down to a specific label of a gender.

  • Coined by the Tumblr user izayaorihahaha in 2014 DP as a submission to the MOGAI-Archive blog.
  • A person who attempts to pinpoint their experience of gender down to a specific term of it can be difficult for them, since having a sense of grasping any labels for one’s experience of gender (as the person keeps questioning their gender and themself) can vary from person to person and can be more difficult for some (while easier for others), because people who have difficulties of pinpointing a specific gender label down keep second-guessing themselves and their internal sense of their gender. This experience isn’t “borderline my gender” for them, because it is an experience that is more of “borderline is having an effect on one’s gender” for them since one’s state of their mental health can affect one’s aspect of their life, including their sexuality(ies), romantic orientation(s), and/or gender(s).
  • This term is also under the Neurogender umbrella since it is a gender that is in relation to mind conditions, or natural variations of one’s neurotype.

Butch: A term that is often utilised by Queer women, especially to those who are Sapphic women that express themselves in masculine presentations.

  • There are some individuals who consider “Butch” to be a gender of its own, but it can also be utilised as a slanderous term.


Cadensgender: Refers to a gender that can be easily influenced by music.

  • Its origin is unknown, but there was one respondent who was cadensgender in the 2018 Gender Census (2018 DP).
  • This is a gender that is relevant to music and especially to songs, which is actually interesting (then again, this gender is also another gender in the vast MOGAI umbrella).

Caelgender: A gender that refers to sharing qualities with outer space or has an aesthetic in relation to stars, nebulae, space, and more.

  • Coined by Tumblr user transmomoi in a post towards the MOGAI-Archive blog in 2014 DP.
  • It is another gender that is part of the broad and modal xenogender umbrella, and it can also relate to nature, and to outer space as well.

Cassgender: A term that refers to one who feels as if they are utterly apathetic towards their own gender or towards gender in general, while believing that it isn’t important.

  • Coined by okaygender (a Tumblr user) in a submission post to the MOGAI-Archive blog in 2014 DP.
  • It is also a gender that relates to the indifference, lack of emotion, along with an indescribable apathy that one has towards the concept of gender or in relation to their own gender as well.

Camp: In both queer and trans social circles, people (including gay men) may be perceived as “camp” or as “campy” if they behaved in a manner that exaggerated societal sterotypes and/or mannerisms towards gay individuals. This kind of exaggeration is typically powerful enough to reveal the irony, hypocrisy, and often ballistic absurdities in terms of patriarchal-based, Xtian and white-washed, and societal expecations around one’s internal sense of gender.

Chosen name: One’s first/second name that someone has a connection to while also allowing themself to embrace it over time, since their name is often tied to their natural and internal sense of their own gender, and/or is in line with their personal or desired presentation of themself.

Christian/Xtian: A term that refers to people who are born under the Christian faith, along with people who self-identify as Xtian.

  • People in power have utilised Xtianity to do terrible things towards people who aren’t perisex, allocishetero, Xtian, European, white, abled, privileged, neurotypical, and allistic…
  • However, there are some Xtians who utilise their Xtian faith to strengthen their sense of human decency and/or humanity by being decent people, where there are Xtians who utilise their faith {*cough cough* GirlDefined, The Transformed Wife, etc.*cough cough*} to bring detriment towards others and especially towards individuals who are vulnerable enough to internalise harmful teachings that can and will eventually harm others around them.
  • Terrible things such as colonialism, the gender and sex binaries (oh yeah, Judaism originally didn’t have those binaries because Judaism, as both an ethnoreligion and culture recognised more categories of gender identities than an Xtian binaristic dichotomy of gender ever will, and at least intersex individuals were revered and valued in some sectors of Judaism more than in some Xtian sects), racism, slavery, religious misogyny and the purity culture surrounding it, etc… are those things that happened due to terrible people who did it in the name of their Xtian religion.
  • Another thing that also happened under Xtianity’s name was the Spanish Inquisition, where plenty of Muslim and Jewish people were killed, and where tortures were infamous for the severity of them that continued since the beginning of the 12th century (DP). The Spanish Inquisition was an office that was established within the Catholic Church to “weed out” and to punish anyone that was deemed a “heretic” by them, including anything that was deemed as “heretic” by the Spanish Inquisition; Origins of the Spanish Inquisition started in early persecutions of non-Catholic “religions” or sects of Xtianity in Europe. So in 1184 DP, Pope Lucius the Third (III) sent bishops to Southern France for the purpose of pinpointing down “heretics” referred to as Cathartists (it continued on into the 14th Century). People who were accused of being a “heretic” were forced to testify, and if they didn’t confess, the so-called “heretic” was unable to escape any possibility of execution and torture. “Heretics” weren’t lucky since they didn’t receive any counsel (advice that is given formally; a lawyer or lawyers who conduct a case), weren’t allowed to face their accusers, and they were typically victims (there isn’t a sense to refer to them as survivors at this point since “heretics” are killed during executions and sever tortures) of false accusations.
  • Jewish people were referred to as “Conversos” in the late 15th century since King Ferdinand the Second (II) and Queen Isabella of Spain believed that they were the ones who “caused corruption in the Catholic Church” while also believing that this happened because of Jewish people who had to “convert” to Xtianity to survive centuries of anti-Semitism. They were typically perceived with bigoted suspicion by old and privileged wealthy Xtian families, since there was the false and often anti-Semitic accusations for an unknown plague and of supposedly “poisoning” others’ water and “abducting” Xtian boys (which wasn’t even true since Jewish peoples were being scapegoated by wealthy, privileged, and primarily white Xtian families for NO reason other than them wanting someone to blame instead of examining themselves and their anti-Semitic biases).

Cissexism: A term that refers to the systemic oppressions which overglorifies and values and privileges cisgender (or cis) individuals more while upholding the colonialist, Eurocentric, white, and Christian/Xtian gender binary. At the same time, cissexism marginalises, harms, and continues to discriminate against the experiences and existences of trans, enby, and gender-modal individuals.

Cisgender: When one’s internal sense of gender is in alignment with their designated sex at birth.

  • Its usage addresses the societal systems in place that mark transgender and gender-modal individuals as “other”

Cisn’t: Typically an umbrella term for anyone who isn’t strictly cisgender. Alternatively, Transn’t also includes anyone who isn’t strictly transgender either, since not all non-cisgender individuals strictly identify as transgender, because other gender modalities are included as well, such as ipsogender, ultergender, isogender, demicisgender, as well as transgender.

Closeted or “In The Closet: A confining state of being secretive about one’s own identity in terms of their sexuality, romantic orientation, and/or their sense of their gender. A person would feel as if they have to “masquerade” or to “mask” in order to maintain financial stability, housing, their “relationship” (or a seldom amount of) between family/friends, or to simply stay safe (in cases of MOGAI individuals living in countries where people are imprisoned, tortured, killed, isolated, humiliated, rejected, and kicked out because of who they are as MOGAI individuals, or in societies where the stances of a society’s or country’s culture(s) can and will detrimentally impact the lives of MOGAI individuals). Plenty of queer and trans individuals are “out of the closet” in some situations (depends whether or not they feel safe or are convinced that they are safe if they are in a safe environment, surrounded by supportive family and/or friends, etc.), while they are “in the closet” in other situations.

Cogitogender: Refers to a gender that only comes to exist when one thinks about it; can also refer to a gender that is mostly quiet until it is called to attention by someone, which, in an alternative sense, is like a person who is feeling genderless until they consciously choose or decide a gender that fits them

  • Coined by an unknown Tumblr user in a submission post to MOGAI-Archive on Tumblr.
  • Also relates to feeling or being genderless, to gender always fluctuating for one (similar to genderfluid, but different terms), or having a gender that one partially identifies with (similar to demigender).

Colonialism: A policy or a practice of acquiring full or partial control over another country, land, or culture while occupying said land, culture, and/or country with settlers while exploiting it economically.

  • It can also be referred to the practice of acquiring full/partial control over Indigenous lands, culture, customs, including their faiths while occupying their land, stripping Indigenous individuals, families, nations, and cultural communities of their cultural identities and regalia (cultural gear that are worn for specific rituals such as dances, the Sweat Lodge Ritual, the Moontime {relates to menstruation as something that is typical instead of labelling it as “taboo”} Ritual, along with more rituals), culturally appropriating Indigenous items that AREN’T theirs (i.e., white sage, which can be difficult to buy, and a white Eurocentric person DOESN’T have the cultural background to smudge it… Oh yeah, if any of y’all are planning on buying white sage, ONLY buy it from Indigenous Peoples, and only buy it from Indigenous-owned businesses) including the exploitation of Indigenous land to European, Xtian, and white settlers.
  • Colonialism can also refer to the atrocities that happened to Indigenous Peoples everywhere (including but not only limited to Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Tasmania, the U.S., Canada, Russia, etc…), such as residential schools where children were tortured, abused, raped, sexually assaulted, and also where they died of diseases (due to the lack of proper funding, poor attendance, and also due to the secrecy of illness that happened in those schools since Indigenous families and parents detested the fact that said secrecy about illnesses that happened were being kept from them). Residential schools are also where Indigenous children (including residential school survivors) were being used as labourers, and were also stripped of their Indigenous identity (by being given European and Xtian names, their hair were cut in “uniform” style, including the discardment of traditional Indigenous regalia). There was also a lack of cultural sensitivity in those schools.
  • The residential school era brought about an ongoing cycle of unresolved intergenerational trauma and abuse in Indigenous communities, which is a legacy that still exists today in terms of the physical and sexual abuse Indigenous children, relatives, and survivors are still unlearning and dealing with today.
  • The 60s Scoop (Coined by Patrick Johnson who wrote the 1983 (DP) report on the “Native System and the Child Welfare System”) referred to a time specifically in Canada (and something similar also happened in the U.S. as well, not just in Canada) where it was a certain chapter of Canada’s dark history and not to a government policy that was explicit. This practice referred to the institutional removal of Indigenous children from their loving families and communities (which existed well before the 1960s with the residential school system), and especially the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in the Child Welfare System (which increased in the 1960s and still continues to this day). Indigenous children were forcibly removed and taken from their homes and communities and were misplaced into primarily middle to upper class, European, white, and Xtian Canadian families.
  • Some history on the 60s Scoop (or Sixties Scoop) I will talk about what I’ve recorded down and from what I can recall/remember in one of my notebooks from my Indigenous Studies college course I took in the summer of 2020… However, it is NOT my place to talk about Indigenous history since I would rather learn from experiences that Indigenous Peoples had to deal with, and no, LIKE HELL would I allow myself to talk over their voices (because if I did, I wouldn’t forgive myself), along with me listening to Indigenous podcasts by Indigenous individuals on Spotify so that I can keep listening, learning, and educating myself on what they’re currently facing in terms of the ongoing systemic and societal colonialism that they’re still dealing with and resolving to this day.
  • The European settler government began to dish out “compulsory” residential school “education” in the 50s and 60s as the general public started to learn and realise the dark reality of the detrimental impacts that residential schools can have on children and their families.
  • The government’s general belief during that time was that Indigenous children could “receive” (supposed) education if they were transitioned into the public school system (because residential schools continued to persist being “boarding schools” for children whose families were deemed by the white settler government as “unsuitable” to “care for them”). Throughout this horrific event in Canada’s dark history, its child welfare system didn’t require nor expect social workers to have specific training in working with Indigenous children in their respective communities. What those Eurocentric social workers deemed as “proper care” were mainly derived from middle to upper class, European, white and Christian/Xtian Canadian “values”.
  • For example, if they were to see a lack of refridgerators, cupboards stacked in European fashion, etc… They would most likely deem Indigenous families as “unsuitable” to care for Indigenous children, and if they also saw the social concerns/issues that Indigenous communities faced on governmentally-monitored reserves, such as unemployment, addiction, the large amount of poverty that they dealt with, then they would feel as if they have a “duty” [which they actually DON’T] to “protect” Indigenous children.
  • For most cases, Indigenous parents (who lived in poverty, but actively provided caring homes and familial love towards their children) had their own children taken away from them with seldom warning or without a warning, along with a lack of consent.
  • As I’ve learnt from my Indigenous Studies course, approximately 70% of Indigenous children were placed into white, Eurocentric, Christian, and Canadian homes in which their Indigenous heritage was taken away from them and was denied to them. In some cases, foster parents lied to children about their heritage, claiming that they were “Italian or French” instead.
  • A/N: social workers during the 60s Scoop had a seldom amount of proper, adequate, and culturally sensitive education and were educated with white and Canadian “values”, ergo the seldom amount of personal knowledge (or lack thereof) they had towards the culture and histories of Indigenous communities they’ve entered.
  • Many children went from foster home to foster home or lived in institutionalised care, and physical and sexual abuse wasn’t uncommon. It was covered up due to a societal and social reluctance of publicly ackonwledging the widespread physical and sexual abuse, along with both abuses being ignored by social services (and a lack of them since they only protected white families at this time, and still do to this day) and seldom support towards Indigenous children.
  • In Indigenous cultures, if a child’s hair was cut off, they believed that their parent(s)/relative(s) had died (because the act of cutting one’s own hair is typically associated with the passing or death of a relative).
  • Indigenous children who grew up in white foster families while their Indigenous heritages were suppressed and while they were abused by those foster families and the social services system led to psychological and emotional conditions (or concerns/issues). Those roots of their psychological and emotional concerns didn’t rise until they’ve learnt about their Indigenous heritage/birth families or communities. Those concerns also led to a seldom sense of belonging in a predominantly white society with socio-economic barriers that were created to prevent equity.

Coming Out (Of The Closet) or “Being Out: A lifelong (it depends on the person or people) journey by which queer and trans folx recognise, accept, appreciate and typically celebrate their sexualities, romantic orientations, and/or genders. However, the journey of coming out can vary from community to community and from culture to culture. There is no such thing as a “right” or a “wrong” way to be queer, trans, or to be MOGAI in general since coming out is a possibility for everyone.

  • There are also scenarios in which a “coming out” can go wrong (not all of them go well since not every MOGAI person has a supportive family or a group of friends they can rely on for support)… For example, losing financial support from unaccepting families who perceive their biological (or adopted) child(ren) as dolls for them to play with, or as “vessels” to carry out their non-realistic dreams/ideals for their child(ren), being kicked out of their homes and left without a safe shelter to come home to, without good food that helps them to survive, along with their possessions being destroyed, sold, taken away, or worse, never seen again (those scenarios can depend on the kinds of unaccepting families that MOGAI individuals are still surviving to this decade).
  • However, not all “coming outs” go wrong, because there are some that actually go right, or that there are some which can reveal a family member’s history of being closeted (if they were MOGAI and if they also had to protect themselves while living in a perisex-normative and allocisheteronormative world).

Cultural Infanticide Against Intersex Infants: This relates to the cultural methods in which a culture(s) [typically internalised British, white, Xtian, and European colonialism] has lethal or fatal methods of killing an intersex infant when they are born and when a birth attendant cannot figure out the designated sex at birth due to the natural variance(s) of external genitalia (typically, since the naked human eye cannot see internal genitalia unless medical intervention is involved with or without a person’s medical consent).

  • For example, in some cultures, intersex infants are abandoned to die after they are born, the skulls of intersex infants are crushed, disowned by birth “families”, locked up by their families due to the fear of their children being discovered, discrimination, and more.
  • There are Eurocentric societies and/or societies corrupted by colonialism where, in fact, intersex infants are operated on without their consent and especially without the consent of their families in some cases (which is unfortunately immoral, but just because it is “legal” in a “lawful” sense doesn’t mean that anything made legal is “moral”).


DFAB/DMAB: The correct terms to refer to someone who is designated female/male at birth, instead of assigned sex at birth.

  • For intersex individuals who underwent forced Intersex Genitalia Mutilation surgeries, the terms would be CDFAB/CDMAB, meaning “Coercively Designated Female/Male At Birth”

Demicisgender: A person who partially identifies as cisgender, but they are not fully cisgender unlike most cisgender individuals who are privileged enough to not fully question their designated sex at birth or to take an opportunity to explore their gender (since cisgender individuals do not have to think about it, and also since cisgender individuals are protects under cissexism).

Demiflux: A gender in which someone’s internal sense of their gender is partially fluctuating, whereas other sectors (or sector) of their gender is being static.

  • Coined by aflutteringlaney (a Tumblr user) as a submission post to MOGAI-Archive in 2014 DP.
  • Differentiates from the word “Demifluid”, because the “-flux” suffix implies that one of a person’s genders (or one’s gender) is neutral.
  • For example, one part of a person’s internal sense of their gender can be “genderqueer”, whereas the part that fluctuates is “androgyne” and/or “man”.
  • As aflutteringlaney (2014) defines it, it is a term for “polygender/bigender individuals to describe when one of their genders is “static” and the other ranges in intensity and presence” (aflutteringlaney, 2014).

Demigender: A person who identifies as a gender(s) that they do not fully identify with, but in more of a partial manner in relation to their own gender(s).

Demitransgender: A person who partially identifies as transgender, but they are not fully transgender, since they partially are their designated sex at birth, and partially as another gender.

Demisexual: A person who doesn’t experience sexual attraction towards someone until after they’ve formed a close bond between themself and a person(s).

Demiromantic: A person who doesn’t experience romantic attraction towards someone until after they’ve formed a close bond between themself and a person(s).

Drag: Refers to when someone wears clothing that society irrelevantly genders, which often carries exaggerated stereotypical (from media and/or society) or cultural characteristics of gender. There are individuals who may refer to themselves as drag kings, queens, or as drag performers.

  • Drag can often refer to “cross-dressing” (when someone wears clothing that doesn’t typically associate with a gender that a person is, or with one’s internal sense of their gender), for purposes such as entertainment (think of the show RuPaul’s Drag Race, but it has a much longer history than the show itself much before Xtian, white, and Eurocentric colonialism brought detriment to everything that it touched), performance (as mentioned about RuPaul’s Drag Race a bit earlier), and/or self-expression.

Dryagender: Refers to a form of agender, but with a connection to an empty forest (as a reference to the nymphs from Greek mythology).

  • Originated from maromoroney (an internet user)
  • Is similar to genderless, but it is a gender that relates to nature, and is also in the xenogender umbrella.

Dyadic: An outdated term to refer to people who aren’t born as intersex (or perisex/endosex individuals) since that term means “two” (referring to a pair, or as a dyad). If one refers to a perisex person as a “‘dyadic” female individual or as a “dyadic” male individual, then they’re basically implying that everyone who isn’t born intersex “fits” into the colonialist, Xtian, Eurocentric, and/or white-washed female/male sex binary, and a person using this term means that they’re somehow reinforcing that binary.


Earthgender: This term has at least two definitions… It refers to a gender that is tied to or influenced by nature or by the earth, or it is a gender that is similar as a form of an earth-based deity. The second definition goes like this… It is a gender that is based on one’s exploration with wildly fluctuating moods and identities, and it often has a level of mystery, no matter which aspect a person figures out.

  • Originated from 2014 DP or earlier.
  • This gender is similar to when one is questioning, but it relates to something planetary.

Egogender (referred to as Charagender): Refers to a gender that is mainly based on one and theirself, and there aren’t any words that can define it other than them. To sum it up, “ (insert name) gender, I’m just who I am and my gender is mine”.

  • Originated by Tumblr users queerspike and flynneleh in 2014 DP.
  • The Latin/Greek prefix “-ego”: meaning “self” or “I (referring to first person)”
  • A person may also use (insert name)gender with their own name to insert as a synonymous term.
  • Belongs in the namegender and xenogender umbrellas, and it is perceived as a unique and personal gender.

Enbymisia: Refers to the hatred towards non-binary individuals in a systemic, societal, and institutional manner, and that can include a set of behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes compromised from a plethora of said hatred, erasure, including violence towards non-binary (enby) individuals. This can impact enby individuals of all genders, romantic orientations, and sexualities, and anyone in the MOGAI community.

Endosex: Another term for perisex and relates to someone who isn’t born as intersex.

Enigender: A gender that a person can’t describe or pinpoint down with any words. However, particular photos, audio, videos, etc. are capable of describing one’s gender just fine.

  • Originates from Tumblr user gungnirv2 in 2014 DP or earlier
  • Derived from the word “enigma
  • Anything that isn’t spoken orally or physically written can describe this gender, and it’s a fluctuating gender that is described differently from person to person.

Epicene: Referring to a state of being gender-neutral/genderless, meaning having traits of more than one gender, or having a lack of traits in terms of any gender; Refers to a man described as “effeminate”.

  • Originated in 1600 to the 1630s DP in English for the genders of people, in accordance to the Online Etymology Dictionary’s findings of its origin.
  • It is a gender identity that is centuries old → refers to an effeminate man while it also refers to being androgynous and to a state of being genderless.

Ethale: A person whose internal sense of their gender relates to the subjectively universal (meaning not the same universally as each experience varies from person to person) concept of what womanhood is, although it exists as a separate gender.

  • Originated by Tumblr user redefine-nonb-lesbianism in December 2019 DP
  • Derived from the word “ethereal” → meaning “immaterial” or “spirit-like
  • It also relates to the concept of girlhood, the feminine in nature, and to the subjectively universal construct of femininity.

Ethegender: A gender that is up to interpretation by people. In essence, it is more of an ethereal gender that cannot be comprehended by either a person or others around them. It is also a gender that cannot be explained by the person or by anyone.

  • Originates from Tumblr user robotxt, although the year(s) it originates from is unknown.
  • Also referred to as Delicagender, Daingender, Ethereagender, or Elegender, and is a gender that is dainty, elegant, or delicate.
  • Also a part of the xenogender umbrella, but is unique.

Eunuch: Refers to a person who was designated male at birth and had some or all of their genitalia removed. In history, there were most people who had this done to them without consent (is similar to Intersex Genitalia Mutilation surgeries, but with people who are designated male at birth [also perisex individuals], and without modern surgical materials, such as anaesthesia). However, there were DMAB perisex people who sought out genitalia removal in a voluntary manner, for the purpose of ameliorating the discomfort with having their designated genitalia or to prevent masculinising characteristics hat result in having testicles, having body hair or a deepened voice.

  • An ancient term that has been in the English language since the late 14th century DP.
  • Comes from the Greek “euno” (bed) and “ekhein” (to have or to hold), referring to eunuchs who were the guardians of bedchambers (of nobles).
  • There are transgender individuals who consider themselves to be as “eunuchs”, and there are many eunuchs who perceived themselves as men.
  • Many individuals have thought of their eunuch status as a gender outside the white, European and Christian binaries (this has been the case with eunuchs in history, today, and in most different cultures).
  • Some enby individuals deem themselves as eunuchs meaning that they are eunuchs), and there are some who wish to become one.

Eurocentric: A reference to anything that is European-based and/or European-central, such as the gender and sex binaries, patriarchy (even though it originated since the beginning of human history), colonialism, transmisia, enbymisia, homomisia, lesbomisia, and more, including racism.


Faegender: When a person’s internal sense of their gender fluctuates with the seasons, equinoxes, and with the Moon’s phases (as rephrased).

  • Originates in 2014 DP by an anonymous submission to MOGAI-Archive.
  • Relates to the lunar cycle, seasons of Earth, nature, time, and to phases of the Moon’s cycle. It is often changing like genderfluid, but different from it.

Faesari: A gender where a person feels more comfortable within the vast gender-neutral spectrum, but feels a deep attachment to femininity.

  • Its origins are from the 2nd of January in 2018 DP by Tumblr user SynHeart to Beyond MOGAI Pride flags on Tumblr.

Family: A term that is broadly used by trans and queer people to identify other trans and queer people.

Family of Orientation: People who form a person’s social, practical, and emotional support system.

  • Most trans and queer people are disowned/rejected when their birth families find out about their sexualities or their gender(s), or are forced to “masquerade” in order to mask themselves to their biological relatives. In cases of situations like this, their trusted social circle of friends and/or their partner(s) are the people who are called on during times when a trans or queer person is coping with illness or a personal crisis.

Family of Origin: One’s biological family in which a person was raised in. Those people may be a part of one’s support system or may be severed from their social/support system.

Fluidflux: A gender that changes over time, and it can also vary in terms of its intensity.

  • Relates to a gender that is often changing (like genderfluid, but different), and a gender that often changes depending on the intensity (like genderflux, but different).

F2M/FTM: An abbreviation of the words Female to Male.

  • Also a term that refers to men or transmasculine individuals who were designated female at birth.
  • There are trans men and transmasculine individuals ho reject this term because they have always been male and/or transmasculine, regardless of their designated sex.

FTN: An abbreviation of Female to Neuter/Neutral (or Neutrois) Transgender.

  • Relates to transitioning from one’s designation of “female” at birth, in which said person isn’t female, but is gender-neutral, neutrois, or neuter.

FTX: An abbreviation of Female to X.

  • Includes individuals who were designated female at birth, but are non-binary or X-gender (X-gender is another term for non-binary in Japan and elsewhere outside Japan).


Gay: This term used to define a man who is romantically, sexually, and/or affectionately attracted to men. However, not all men or gay/achillean individuals who engage in romantic or sexual relations with other men and/or achillean individuals perceive themselves as “gay”.

  • This term is sometimes utilised to refer to the MOGAI community as a whole, although many women and Sapphic individuals perceive themselves as “sapphic” or “lesbian” instead of “achillean” or “gay”.
  • This term doesn’t exclusively refer to men, but also to individuals who perceive themselves as gay or as “achillean”, and as attracted to masculinity.

Gender: a human-based social construct that designates individuals (based on their presentation/expression, perceived designated sex at birth, learnt behaviours, traits, and/or actions), as masculine, feminine, neither, both, or somewhere along the vast plethora and modality that is the gender spectrum.

Gender Affirmation Surgery: medical and surgical procedures that some gender-modal, trans and enby (also applies to when some intersex and trans individuals also seek it) individuals pursue that ameliorates the distress that one experiences when their internal sense of their gender isn’t mostly in alignment with their designated sex at birth.

  • Those procedures may include top surgery (breast augmentation or removal) and bottom surgery (altering one’s genitalia; Is also referred to as vaginoplasty or a phalloplasty; Also includes a panhysterectomy [when the ovaries and uterus are removed], and more surgical/medical procedures).
  • This term also refers to “Gender Confirming Surgery”; Historically it has also been referred to as “sex reassignment surgery”.

Gender Agnostic: One’s lack of gender (including lacking any identities such as genderqueer, agender, etc.) and their stance on gendered terms (i.e., pronouns) as a “linguistic” game that they aren’t playing. This also includes to a person having no preference along with not caring which pronouns they’re referred to with.

  • Originated in 2014 DP when Vi Hart (a mathematician) tweeted about being gender agnostic. 2015 DP → Hart released a video titled “On Gender” about their indifference towards gender, along with their lack of preference in terms of pronouns.

Gender Bending: Blurring patriarchal, Eurocentric, and Christian binary gender roles.

  • There is also a genre in Japanese manga that is dedicated to it, known as “Gender Bender”, even though there is plenty of inaccurate depictions of trans, gender-modal, enby, and/or intersex individuals, so it’s crucial to have a comprehension of it when reading mangas of this genre.

Gender and Sex Binaries: Only recognises two narrrow categories of gender and of sex. Those binaries are continuously enforced by Eurocentric, Xtian, predominantly white, colonialist, and patriarchal societies, since behaviours, actions, and anything else are regulated within narrowly defined expectations of what a “man” is or what a “woman” is. This detrimental system has harmed a vast and broad modality of enby, gender-modal, trans, and intersex individuals for centuries/decades while societies continue to make it as a default (it’s the internalised colonialism, racism, perisexism, cissexism, and heterosexism for me).

  • Enforces the typically false and inaccurate belief that perisex individuals who are designated male at birth should be predominantly masculine, male-identified, and/or strictly heteroromantic, heterosexual, allosexual/romantic, and perioriented (meaning that one’s romantic orientation and sexuality are in alignment with each other), and that perisex individuals who are designated female at birth should be predominantly feminine, female-identified, and/or strictly heteroromantic/sexual, allosexual/romantic, and perioriented.

Gender-Conforming/Normative: Referring to a person who conforms to Eurocentric, white, colonialist, Xtian, and binary-based societal expectations of gender.

Gender Dysphoria: When a person experiences discomfort and/or distress that can vary in intensity, interval and/or duration for a person which is based on a seldom to no amount of alignment between one’s designated sex at birth and their internal sense of their own gender.

  • The concept of it is used often used by gender-modal, trans, and enby individuals to label their experience.

Gender Expression: A way that someone expresses their gender either subconsciously or consciously.

  • Encompasses everything that communicates our gender to others, such as hairstyles, body language, mannerisms, how we speak and play, our designated social roles and interactions, along with clothing.
  • Most people have a mixture of “feminine” and “masculine” traits that are a aspect of their gender expressions, and they vary, which can depend on the social context a person or a group of people are in.
  • However, there isn’t a direct translation between one’s internal sense of their gender and how they express their gender.

Genderfluid: An umbrella term for individuals whose gender expressions and/or genders are variable across time and across space.

  • There is a vast plethora of genders that are under the genderfluid umbrella since genderfluid isn’t the only modal gender out there.

Genderqueer: An umbrella term for trans, enby, and gender-modal individuals who blur lines of the Eurocentric and often white gender binary, or embracing the vast fluidity of gender.

  • There are people who may perceive themselves as a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere else on the vast spectrum.

Gender-Modal: A term that is more inclusive and more appropriate to utilise since using “gender-diverse” isn’t as enough to fully validate one’s sense of their gender(s).

Gender-Non-Conforming: A term that refers to a gender-modal person who doesn’t conform to allocisheteronormative beliefs of what gender is, along with the patriarchal binary roles enforced down everyone’s throat.

Gender Roles: Sets of enforced social (and in some cases, behavioural) norms that restrictive societies and more kinds of societies consider to be “appropriate” for specific genders.

  • Gender roles almost often adhere to the Eurocentric and Xtian gender binary when perceiving it in Western societies.

Gender Unisex/Neutral Pronouns: Pronouns that don’t refer to a binaristic gender with a person being discussed.

  • The often European and colonialist dichotomy of “he/she” in English and in many other mostly gendered languages doesn’t leave room for other modal genders, which is a source of frustration along with other valid and strong emotions for the MOGAI community.
  • Individuals who are limited by languages which don’t include unisex pronouns invest their solid efforts into creating them for many gendered languages (i.e., Japanese, Hebrew, Korean, Chinese [and its many dialects], French, Spanish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Russian, etc.).
  • There are plenty of English examples of they/them being utilised as a singular pronoun for people, along with neopronouns (pronouns that are also unisex, but aren’t singular they/them pronouns).

Genderfae: As rephrased by the anonymous person, this gender is one example in terms of one’s experience with genderfluidity, but it doesn’t encompass feeling masculine. Its counterpart is Genderfaun, which refers to its own fluidity, but doesn’t encompass a feeling of femininity.

  • Originates from an anonymous submission to MOGAI-Archive on Tumblr in 2014 DP.

Genderfaun: Another form of genderfluidity, but doesn’t encompass the feeling of femininity, and also when one’s gender isn’t female nor feminine.

  • Originated in 2017 DP by Tumblr user shadowofthedude, as another synonym of the term “Gendermars”.

Gender-free: When one has no gender identity, or has seldom gender. It is another synonym for genderless and agender.

  • Its origin is unknown, nor dated.

Genderwhat: As summarised from daedric-cisphobe’s defintion, it’s a gender that is characterised by apathy and confusion in relation to either a fluctuating or a stable gender.

  • Originated in 2014 by Tumblr user daedric-cisphobe as a submission post to MOGAI-Archive.
  • It is like when someone is confused and indifferent about their internal sense of their gender

Greyromantic: When a person experiences romantic attraction infrequently, meaning that they experience romantic attraction in a low amount of intensity or very rarely.

Greysexual (also referred to as Graysexual): Refers to individuals who are experiencing seldom sexual attraction. To sum it up, they experience sexual attraction very rarely or with a low amount of intensity.

  • Greysexual individuals often perceive themselves to be a midpoint between allosexuality and asexuality, whereas others consider it to be much closer to asexuality than to allosexuality.
  • There are many greysexual individuals who don’t prioritise sexual attraction when it comes to seeking a romantic partner (if they desire one).
  • They feel sexual attraction sometimes, but not as often, and they consider sex as irrelevant to them (while it seems to be like it for the rest of the human population), and they also only feel it in certain circumstances.
  • They also show love and affection in many ways, such as talking, providing aid to their partner(s), and cuddling them.


Hegemonic Masculinity: Depicts the ways in which the patriarchal and toxic version on masculinity is continuously present, systemic, societal, and is inherently tied to control and power.

  • It suggests how and why typically perisex and allocishetero men continue to cling towards maintaining social dominance over women and girls of all intersectionalities (trans, intersex, etc… women too since they’re also detrimentally affected by the social dominance of men as well), including any gender-modal person whose gender(s) are perceived to be outside of Western masculinity.

Heteronormativity: A belief (on a systemic, societal, individual, etc. level) that being heterosexual and being in a straight relationship is considered to be a “default” and anything else outside of heterosexuality isn’t the “default”, as homomisic people believe.

Heterosexism: A harmful system of behaviours, beliefs, actions, and/or practices that manifest across systemic, institutional, individual, cultural, societal, and media-based domains that continues to strictly center and “normalise” heterosexuality, while demonising naturally modal sexualities that aren’t “het”.

  • This system continues to enact violence against other modal sexualities through their invalidation, pathologisation, demonisation, and especially through their erasure.
  • This colonialist and often white-dominant system provides plenty of privileges to typically perisex and allocishetero white individuals who are straight.

Heterosexual: Refers to when a person is sexually attracted to a gender(s) that are opposite to theirs.

Heteroromantic: When someone is romantically attracted to a gender(s) that are opposite to theirs.

Homomisia: A set of beliefs, attitudes, actions, and practices that range from hatred, erasure, discrimination, and from violence against MOGAI individuals who are perceived as achillean, sapphic, or queer that manifest in a societal, institutional, systemic, and individual manner.

  • A spectrum of this form of violence and discrimination deeply impacts people of various sexualities, romantic orientations, and genders within the vast MOGAI umbrella due to a perceived presence by outside perpetrators, and especially by those within the community.
  • However, there are MOGAI exclusionists (they are also MOGAI themselves, but are very TERF-y) who are gatekeepers (gatekeepers, in the context of being MOGAI, are people who attempt to set limits and requirements on what it means to be MOGAI (TERF ideology is also connected with gatekeeping ideology as well and they cannot be separate from each other since TERF ideology is rather similar to gatekeeping ideology, in the sense that both TERFs and gatekeepers exclude anyone who doesn’t fit into their rigid beliefs of what it means to be MOGAI to them).

Hormone Blockers: A set of medications that are utilised frequently with the purpose of holding off puberty and blocking development of secondary sex characteristics

  • Typically used by young trans, gender-modal, and enby individuals if they are able to have the access and support to use them.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): A form of medication and/or therapy taken by some gender-modal, enby, and trans individuals to alter the hormonal and/or physical component of their body.

  • There are some individuals who woud make their own decision to undergo a gender affirmation surgery, whereas others would use HRT as an alternative to surgery.
  • Some transfeminine people make the decision to take estrogen, whereas some transmasculine people choose to take testosterone.


Ilyagender: Describes the tangible presence of a gender(s), one which isn’t man, woman, agender, or neutral in some way, nor is it between or mixture, or a gender that is derived from other genders (as summarised)

  • Originated on December 30th, 2014 DP by Tumblr user epochryphal (known as Cor)
  • From the French grammatical construction “il y a”, translating to “there exists”. If combined with “gender”, then it will result in this → “there exists a gender”

Integragender (also referred to as Melgender or Transcis): Refers to a gender modality in which a person has multiple genders, one of which is in alignment with their designated sex at birth, meaning that they are both cis and trans.

  • Similar to isogender, demitransgender and demicisgender…

Intergender: A gender in which people may perceive themselves as both a mixture of man and woman, or neither man nor woman.

  • Originated in the 1990s before 1998 DP when the newsgroup was established by a perisex and intergender person (Donna Lynn Matthews), along with other individuals who also perceived themselves as intergender.
  • Matthews stated that intergender individuals aren’t necessarily intersex since intersex is much more different than intergender.
  • in 2014 DP, Aeshling (an intergender and intersex person with the Tumblr handles quietyloud-intersex and indonintersex) started posting to MOGAI-Archive, with the argumentative statement that this word should only be used by intersex individuals. However, Aeshling’s definition of intergender stayed constant.

Internalised Queer and Trans Oppression: A fear and self-detestment of a person’s own MOGAI/Queer or Trans identity in individuals who’ve lived with detrimental ideas about being MOGAI/Queer or Trans through childhood/adulthood socialisation, and especially through the media, and/or in some cases, with unsupportive and detrimental people around them.

  • One variation of it is ingrained and learnt/socialised acceptance of the falsehoods and mythology of inaccurate stereotypes that are applied to individuals who are Queer, MOGAI, and/or who are Trans, which can and will result in a seldom sense of belonging, a sense of feeling alienated by others, anxiety, or in more worse cases, suicidal thoughts.

Intersectionality: A concept that describes how one’s ethnic/racial background, socioeconomic class, gender identity/gender, and other individual aspects intersect with one another.

  • Originated from Kimberle Crenshaw (who also has a podcast on the intersections of racism, sexism, along with police brutality that is mentioned in the podcast) who coined it in 1989 DP.
  • Originally created to describe the lived experiences of Black women in terms of racism, sexism, and misogyny interacting with each other.

Intersex: A term that is used for a plethora of natural bodily variances in which a person’s reporductive or sexual anatomy (i.e., internal and external genitalia, secondary sex characteristics, chromosomes, and/or hormone levels) doesn’t fit into the colonialist, medical, Eurocentric, perisex-normative and otherwise allocisheteronormative definition of which genitalia “constitutes” as “female” or as “male”.

  • Some intersex individuals prefer to utilise person-first language to refer to themselves with in the intersex community and to conceptualise their intersex variance(s) as somethign of a medical diagnosis, whereas other intersex people in the community (re)claim intersex as an identity that is another aspect of themselves.
  • Being intersex is a natural variation of being human, and SHOULDN’T (keyword: shouldn’t) be considered as a “”medical problem”” unlike the medical system that keeps overglorifying the Eurocentric and Christian gender and sex binaries for no reason other than to harm people around them. Being intersex is much more common than people realise, and it is difficult to understand how many individuals are intersex, but there are some statistics that suggest that about 1–2 in 100 people born in the US are intersex, whereas there are some statistics also suggesting that 1.7% of individuals are intersex, and also that 1–2% of individuals are intersex (depends on the website, database, academic journal, or anything that has intersex-relevant material about statistics).
  • In other cases, some individuals don’t know that they’re intersex until later in their lives (i.e., when they’re going through puberty, unlike perisex puberty), and sometimes a person can live their entire life without ever discovering that they’re intersex, not perisex.
  • In most cases when an infant is born as intersex, doctors either lie to the parents, and they decide whether the baby “should” be raised as a gender in the outdated and detrimental binaries (referring to both the sex and gender ones), and it is typical for intersex infants to undergo through Intersex Genitalia Mutilation Surgeries without the consent of the infant and without letting them decide for themself(ves). The person is also given hormones to make them fit into binaristic and colonialist categories as they’re going through intersex puberty (since puberty experiences can vary from intersex person to intersex person, and yes, perisex puberty is when a perisex person goes through typical development of secondary sex characteristics, but intersex puberty is when an intersex person goes through atypical development of secondary sex characteristics).
  • Eurocentric societies ridiculously treat being intersex as a “medical problem” instead of leaving it the hell alone, whereas societies that have been corrupted by Eurocentric colonialism (and even internalised it) crush an infant’s skull (in particular cultures) after finding out that an infant is intersex.
  • In some cultures, intersex infants are locked up by their families to avoid public humiliation, shame, social rejection, ostracisation, hatred, or simply because they’re “ashamed” of having an intersex child. Some cultures abandon intersex infants and leave them to die, perceiving them as “omens”, along with them being seen as a “curse” and more.

Intersexism/Perisexism: A word that is utilised to depict the bigotry, oppression, discrimination, hatred, etc. of intersex individuals by societies (Eurocentric, patriarchal, white, colonialist, etc. ones) who protect and privilege perisex individuals while erasing, marginalising, and demonising lived experiences of intersex individuals.

  • It can also take form in the presence of a colonialist and often white-centric sex binary since the sex binary is often interconnected with the colonialist and white-centric gender binary (meaning that both also cause plenty of harm towards trans, gender-modal, enby, and intersex individuals), along with gender segregated bathrooms (that really should be non-existent or thrown away at this point in the 21st century), inaccurate depictions of intersex individuals in the media (especially in anime as well).

Intersexmisia (also referred to as Intermisia): A harmful system of behaviours, beliefs, actions, and/or practices that manifest across systemic, institutional, individual, cultural, societal, and media-based domains that continues to strictly center and “normalise” the colonialist, Xtian, and typically Eurocentric sex binary, while demonising intersex individuals as the term “intersex” also disprove the contradictory, hypocritical, and ironic gender and sex binaries since those binaries often harm intersex individuals.

  • Intersexmisia already affects intersex individuals, but it can also affect intersex individuals of all modal genders, sexualities, and romantic orientations.

Intersexmisic/Intermisic slurs: Can refer to harmful slurs, such as “hermaphr*d*te”, “f*tanari”, and more.

Intrasexual: A neurosexuality (a sub-sect of the modal sexuality spectrum, and it encompasses all MOGAI sexualities).

  • There is also a seldom amount of accurate information towards it as a concept and especially towards the concept of a neurosexuality in general since there is an exclusionist group and/or databse known as “MOGAI-Watch” (which is something to be wary about that since there’s exclusionist things, along with gatekeeping rhetoric).

Ipsogender: Another variation of gender modalities that describes an intersex person whose internal sense of gender is in alignment with their coerced designated sex at birth (can be a form of cisgender for intersex individuals who still perceive themselves as their coerced designated sex at birth, but isn’t the same because Ipsogender is another gender and also another gender modality).

  • An ipsogender person may or may not experience gender dysphoria/euphoria, and they may or may not perceive themself to be trans or to be another modal gender.
  • Also another intersex-based gender identity for intersex individuals who perceive themselves as their coerced designated sex at birth, but it is a gender which some (but not everyone) can experience.
  • Originated from 2014 DP, when Dr. Cary Gabriel Costello (an intersex sociologist) coined it to name an identity that is uniquely intersex (it isn’t as fully inclusive of perisex individuals since that term is only reserved for intersex individuals).

Islamomisia: the hatred, discrimination, hostility, bigotry, oppression, or violence against the Islam faith (including towards people who practice the religion and to individuals who self-identify as Muslim) including the detrimental ideas, society’s inaccuracies in depiction of Muslim peoples, marginalisation, exclusion, ostracisation, and harm towards Muslim individuals.

  • This form of oppression/bigotry affects more than just a small amount of Muslim peoples.
  • As a poll from Gallup states that most Muslim individuals express that they aren’t feeling respected by Western societies.
  • It is also reported from the poll itself that 52% of Americans and 48% of Canadians claim that the West doesn’t respect Muslim societies and/or cultures (A/N: which is infuriating, but then again, it’s the internalised xenomisia and the internalised Islamomisia for me).

Isogender: When a person is neither cisgender nor transgender.

  • It isn’t to be confused with ipsogender…
  • It is also another gender modality besides it being another modal gender one experiences.


Juxera: As summarised from ren, it’s a modal gender that is relevant to “female”, but something that’s separate and is mainly on its own, ergo it being intended for usage as an adjective, not a noun.

  • Originated in 2014 DP by Tumblr user ren…
  • Relates to femme, enby/non-binary femme, but not entirely female.


Ku Klux Klan: An American white supremacist and fascist group whose main targets are Black and American individuals. Although Black American individuals have been the main target, this hate group has also attacked immigrants, Individuals of Colour, members of the MOGAI community, Jewish peoples, (until recently) Catholic Xtians/Christians, and more. As the Southern Poverty Law Center states about it, it has a long and dark history of violence, and it is one of the oldest and most infamous American hate groups since it was established at the end of the American Civil War, when the KKK rapidly mobilised as a group to intimidate Southern Black Americans, and any white individuals who attempted to stand in solidarity with Black individuals while also preventing them from being allowed basic human rights.

  • Typically shortened to the KKK.
  • There are outlandish titles that are a part of the hate group, such as Imperial Wizard and Exalted Cyclops…
  • The KKK also takes part in lynchings of people, tar-and-featherings (a variant of public torture that is utilised to enforce non-official revenge/justice, which was typically used in feudal/medieval Europe and its colonised areas, including the early American frontier as one variant of mob vengeance), rapes (especially towards Black women and lower-class white women as well as other women who challenged the damaging and detrimental actions of the KKK), along with other attacks on people who challenged white supremacy (which became a “hallmark” of theirs).

There are also plenty of KKK hate groups that the entirety of humanity need to look out for and to arm themselves from… I will say it, but only know those names to protect yourselves and your loved ones from those white supremacists and to also ensure your own protection from them as well, and keep a good distance from them because you’ll never know if they’ll harm you and your loved ones as well.

  1. Aliiance of American Klans (in Tennessee, Mississippi, & Ohio)
  2. American Christian Dixie Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Tennessee, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, & Ohio)
  3. American Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Mississippi)
  4. Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Indiana [South Bend], & Kentucky)
  5. Confederate Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Virginia [Richmond])
  6. East Coast Knights of the Klu Klux Klan (Pennsylvania)
  7. Exalted Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Tennessee)
  8. Honorable Sacred Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Indiana [in Madison])
  9. Imperial Klans of America (Kentucky [Dawson Springs])
  10. International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Florida, Georgia, & Mississippi)
  11. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Arkansas [Harrison])
  12. Ku Klos Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Illinois [Lawrenceville])
  13. Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (North Carolina [Pelham], Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, New York)
  14. Noble Klans of America (New Jersey)
  15. Nordic Order Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Indiana & Kentucky)
  16. Pacific Coast Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (California, Michigan [Alpena], & Oregon)
  17. Patriotic Brigade Knights True Invisible Empire ([Martinsville] Virginia)
  18. Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Florida)
  19. United Dixie White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Mississippi)
  20. United Klans of America (Tennessee [Morrison], & Alabama)
  21. United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Georgia [Ellijay])
  22. White Knights of Texas (Texas [DeKalb])

A/N: These are the KKK hate groups (as gathered from 2019 DP by the Southern Poverty Law Center) that y’all need to protect yourselves from because they’re hate groups that can and will fatally harm someone, so please STAY SAFE out there.


Legal Transition: A process of changing how one’s gender is presented on a person’s legal documents (not only limited to driver’s license, social security number, insurance, and/or passport).

  • Most countries and American states have legal barriers that make it difficult and expensive for trans people to legally transition.

Lesbian (also referred to as Sapphic): A term that most often refers to a person who perceives themself as a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. However, some lesbian individuals do not necessarily perceive themselves as women, because there are individuals who are specifically attracted to femininity (Sapphic).

Libragender: A gender that is typically genderless (or agender, but a gender that isn’t necessarily the same as it), but has a deep connection to a different gender; A gender that is like a scale between one side being genderless/agender, and another side being at the female/male binary. The genderless/agender sector of a person’s gender outweighs the binaristic female/male side, but the binaristic sector is still present.

  • Originated from a submission by libragender (a Tumblr user) to MOGAI-Archive in 2014 DP.
  • It is also another similarity to demigender, but another form of a partial gender.
  • There are many other variants of libragender, such as librafluid, libramasculine, librafeminine, and more.

Lunarian: A gender that expresses a similarity with feminine-related genders, alignments, or sometimes as experiences. It is a good alternative word to utilise instead of “feminine-aligned”, “fem-aligned”, or “female-aligned”.

  • Originated in 2016 DP by vergess (another Tumblr user).
  • This gender is referred to as that because in most cultures, the Moon is associated with femininity, but in Japanese mythology and folklore, the Moon God Tsukuyomi or Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, is a god whose designated sex at birth is unknown, but in the oldest extant collection of the Japanese waka (compiled sometime during the Nara era in 759 DP) Man’yōshū, Tsukuyomi’s name is rendered as Tsukuyomi Otoko, or “moon reading man” at times.
  • In other cultures, the Moon isn’t necessarily associated with femininity as many people believe, because there are some cultures who perceive the Moon as masculine, or as neutral.
  • Lunarian is another gender from the Galactian System, which is a system that utilises an alternative labelling system for non-binary/enby individuals based on an alignment in relation to the Eurocentric and colonialist (European and white) concept of a gender binary. The Galactian System uses concepts such as the Sun, the Stars, and the Moon. Another thing to note about the Galactian System is that it doesn’t use words that are described to the Xtian gender binary, but rather an alignment with a binaristic gender.
  • For example, an agender person may perceive themself as Lunarian due to having similar experiences that are in common with women, despite not perceiving themself as one.


Magigender: Refers to perceiving oneself as mostly one gender and partially as another gender.

  • Is relevant to demigender in the sense of someone partially perceiving themself as another gender, but different.
  • Its origin is unknown, but is a gender that is often changing (like gendefluid but different), and also partial (like demigender, but different to it).

Metagender: A gender in which someone perceives themself around or beyond it as; Where a person’s internal sense of their gender is almost a specific gender, but isn’t quite like that gender and also extends beyond it.

  • Originated from a 1999 (DP) Phoebe Legere (musician, poet, and/or filmmaker) interview when she said that she was a metagender and metasexual (a sexuality in which there is involvement of sex, or some kind of fully erotic thing/activity, but there isn’t a constraint towards just the purely sexual aspects of sexual intercourse/coitus, but allowing the people involved to freely enjoy the feelings, connection, intimacy, warmth, different situations and subjective worldviews that a partner has to their partner(s), including the trust and consent that comes along with sex) person, but neither a man nor a woman (as I can summarise it as).
  • This term was coined again by Rook Thomas Hine in the 2000s (DP), where Hine (as I can paraphrase it as) defines it as a person who is neither a woman nor a man, not neutral/neuter or feminine or masculine either. Hine also defines it as less of a “both/and” mixture, “all of the above” (androgyne), and/or more of a “wholly other” third, fourth, or eighty-seventh category of gender, or none of the above.
  • It was also independently coined again in 2014 DP, where Tumblr users keyblademastercecilpalmer, agenderchrismclean, and lordmoriarty submitted this term as a submission to MOGAI-Archive.
  • As paraphrased, the 2014 definition of it is when someone identifies around or beyond a gender, and where one’s gender identity is almost a gender, but not exactly and also extending beyond it. For example, imagine that a horizontal line is a person, and that a vertical line is the gender, then metagender would be that the person (horizontal line)’s gender (vertical line) is almost fully another gender (horizontal line), but not exactly (for example, one horizontal line with a vertical line and another horizontal line)→ I.e., meta-boy, meta-girl, meta-nonbinary, and more.

Medical Transition: A journey of transition that typically includes HRT usage and/or Sex Reassignment Surgery.

Misandry: A form of contempt of, or ingrained discrimination and bigotry against men and/or boys in general.

  • This type of oppression/discrimination can take form in many ways, such as social exclusion, sexism [women, men, and people of all modal genders deal with sexism and its many forms too], hostility, belittlement of men, violence against men, sexual objectification, along with gynocentrism [referring to a dominant or exclusive focus on women in theory/practice].
  • There is a difference between gynocentrism and androcentrism. Gynocentrism is when anything is concerned with an exclusively female or feminine gaze/perspective, whereas androcentrism is a conscious or subconscious practice of placing a male or masculine gaze/perspective at the center of a person’s world view, culture, and history while discriminating, oppressing, or marginalising anything that is feminine or considered as “femininity”.

Misogyny: A form of gender-based violence/discrimination that is founded in the often patriarchal belief that people perceived as women are “inferior” to and need to remain “subordinate” to people perceived as men. Misogyny can also apply towards hatred of femininity and feminine expressions as well, not just towards women simply because they’re women in patriarchal societies and cultures.

  • Also literally translates to “hatred of women” and is predicted upon the Eurocentric, white, colonialist, and often Christian gender and sex binaries.
  • Misogyny and its societal acceptance is to be blamed for men’s violence against women and girls (including trans, intersex, Indigenous, Black, and queer women, especially women of all intersectionalities), including discrimination against women in employment, education and politics, seldom adequate health care for women, continuously inequitable divisions of one’s labour in society and at homes, among a broad vastness of other social inequities.
  • White supremacy, perisexnormativity, allocisheteronormativity, Eurocentric and Xtian patriarchy, ableism, racism, colonialism, xenomisia, Islamomisia, and many forms of bigotry and oppression intersect with misogyny to bring detrimental impact towards the lived experiences of Women of Colour, Immigrant women, Disabled, Neurodivergent, Neurodiverse and Autistic women, Black women, especially Queer and Trans women, and many more women.

Misogynoir: A term that originated from its coinisation by Moya Bailey (a Black feminist scholar) to describe the intersections of racism and sexism (racialised sexism) that Black women face.

  • Also refers to discrimination, hatred, bigotry, and oppression that Black women face where anti-Blackness and misogyny intersect with each other.
  • However, this term ISN’T applicable to non-Black Women of Colour, to non-Black Immigrant Women of Colour, and/or especially to Eurocentric (and Xtian, but in some cases, Jewish and/or Muslim, because Judaism and Islam ISN’T just inherently white) white women.

M2F/MTF: An abbreviation of the words Male to Female.

  • Also a term that refers to women or transfeminine individuals who were designated male at birth.
  • There are trans women and transfeminine individuals ho reject this term because they have always been female and/or transfeminine, regardless of their designated sex.

MTN: An abbreviation of Male to Neuter/Neutral (or Neutrois) Transgender.

  • Relates to transitioning from one’s designation of “male” at birth, in which said person isn’t male, but is gender-neutral, neutrois, or neuter.

MTX: An abbreviation of Male to X.

  • Includes individuals who were designated male at birth, but are non-binary or X-gender (X-gender is another term for non-binary in Japan and elsewhere outside Japan).

MOGAI: Another alternate term to use instead of LGBTQIAP2S+, because the LGBTQ+ acronyms can get lengthy. This term is more inclusive and handy than other acronyms, but there are other good acronyms such as GRSM (Gender, Romantic, and Sexual Minorities), SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression), and more.

  • Is also lengthened to as Marginalised Orientations, Gender Alignments, and Intersex.

MOGAI-misia: The hatred, violence, erasure, discrimination, and bigtory towards MOGAI individuals that happen in systemic, individual, familia, societal, and otherwise global levels (including the media’s inaccurate portrayals of MOGAI individuals).

MOGAI Pairings: Refers to pairings who are MOGAI (regardless of their sexuality, gender, and/or their romantic orientation).


Nanogender (also referred to as nan0gender): A person who feels that their gender is a small aspect of one gender, and mostly something else. For example, a nanogirl would feel slightly female, but not entirely female, and vice versa for a nanoboy.

  • Originated in 2014 DP or earlier than 2014 DP. Some people say that it was created by transmedicalists (people who believe that individuals who perceive themselves as trans, but don’t have a so-called “requirement” of the subjective gender dysphoria experiences [which not every trans person experiences that and that is okay because it DOESN’T make anyone any less trans since people who perceive themselves as trans are still trans], or do not make a personal decision to undergo sex reassignment surgery or through HRT (medical transitions) “”aren’t”” transgender, which causes more harm and detriment to trans, enby, and gender-modal individuals who are harmed by transmedicalists, and intersex individuals can also be harmed by them too because transmedicalism is inherently white, colonialist, racist, xenomisic, TERF-y, and more), and was then reclaimed by the non-binary/enby community on Tumblr.
  • Is another form of a multigender, but partial.

Nebulagender: A variant from the Neurogender sub-umbrella for Neurodivergent people only. It is a neurogender that is another variant from the multigender and/or xenogender sub-umbrella, but different and vast, like space.

  • Originated in mid-2015 DP if not earlier than mid-2015 DP.
  • there are two meanings to it…
  1. A concept of gender that doesn’t always clearly make sense for a person, and it can become difficult to distinguish between subtle and not-as-subtle differences between genders
  2. A multigender and/or xenogender identity, in which nebulagender individuals have most interconnected xenogenders that collectively create an expansive, beautiful and mainly multifaceted experience of gender. Many of those interconnected xenogenders can have genders that are fully defined, as an allegory of stars that are born within a nebula, as well as die out, and also them being vague and either partially or completely unidentifiable feelings of gender that exist inbetween, which is another allegory of cosmic dust, but not physically like cosmic dust.

Neurodivergent: A person whose neurological development is atypical (atypical DOESN’T necessarily mean bad) and whose neurological state are typically perceived by those who aren’t neurodivergent (a.k.a. neurotypical clowns in power and/or who are privileged and/or who are ableist) as “abnormal” or “extreme”.

  • Also a term that is used to describe neurodevelopmental variances of one’s neurotype, and having an atypical and natural variation of their neurotype.
  • I.e., ADHD, etc.

Neurodiverse: One whose mind functions in natural ways that diverge from the dominantly allistic (non-Autistic) and neurotypical (non-Neurodivergent and/or non-Neurodiverse; also used as a term to describe people who aren’t Autistic).

  • A vast modality of human minds, in which there are a plethora of variations in neurocognitive functioning within humanity.

Neurogender: Is a sub-umbrella under the Non-binary umbrella, and also referring to any gender identity in which a person feels that their internal sense of their gender is somehow correlated to or with their natural neurotype and/or neurodivergence.

  • A person’s neurotype can also affect many aspects of a person’s life, including their own internal sense of their gender.
  • Originates from Tumblr user Baaphomett in 2014 DP as a submission to MOGAI-Archive on Tumblr.
  • They aren’t defined with their relationship to binary and Eurocentric (Xtian and white too) concepts of what is “female” or what is “male”, which (as said earlier) is under the umbrellas of both xenogender and non-binary (ergo it being a sub-umbrella for a plethora of vast neurogenders)

Neuter: As summarised from the Merriam-Webster dictionary and other dictionaries on the internet, there are several meanings to this word. A gender that is neither masculine nor feminine; referring to genderless/neutral; an androgynous person; without genitalia or with “incomplete” genitalia; animals that are sterilised, castrated, or otherwise artificially spayed, including animals who were born as neuter → i.e., worker bees, including plants without stamens and pistils(in relation to both biology and zoology).

  • Originates from the14th century (DP) “neutre” as it was utilised in a grammatical manner. The mostly confusing, but sometimes ever-growing English language borrowed this word from the Latin language (Latin is the founder of many languages today that belong in its language family, such as Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, and French).
  • The Latin “neuter” → “neither one nor the other” (“ne” → “not, no” and “uter” → “either [of two]”); Most likely taken from a word in old Greek “oudeteros”.
  • It is a gender that is centuries old, which can also refer to a gender that is neutral, meaning neither any gender in the white and European gender and/or sex binaries.

Non-Binary/Enby: A person whose internal sense of their gender isn’t within the Eurocentric and Christian gender binary, or whose internsel sense of their gender is their act of resistance against the Eurocentric and Christian gender binary.

  • Non-binary/enby individuals often don’t identify as women or men, although there are some enby individuals who identify as a specific binary gender to a certain extent, and there are some enby individuals who utilise binary pronouns for themselves (similar to how agender, demigender, genderfluid/queer/flux, etc. people use binary pronouns for themselves, or identify (either partially, fully, or fluctuating, etc.) as a binary gender to a specific point).
  • The Non-Binary umbrella is also vast like the Xenogender and Neurogender sub-umbrellas (where there is a vast plethora of modal genders), but the Neurogender umbrella is a sub-umbrella that is also under the Non-Binary umbrella.
  • There are also many Non-Binary/Enby individuals who perceive themselves as trans and/or as genderqueer or anywhere else along the vast and modal gender spectrum.

Nullgender (or null gender): A person without an internal sense of their gender or whose internal sense of their gender isn’t feminine, nor is it masculine; Can also be another synonym for genderless.

  • Its origin is unknown.

Nyctogender: As summarised from a submission to MOGAI-Archive, it is a gender in which someone’s internal sense of their gender is pure darkness.

  • Originates from Tumblr user wynter-caelum as a submission to MOGAI-Archive in 2014 DP.
  • It isn’t defined in relation to a binary gender (similar to a xenogender), but it is more abstract, “dark”, and/or “spooky”.


Other gender: A gender that is “other” than the binary “female/male”

  • Refers to a gender that isn’t female, but not male either.

Otherkin: Refers to people who perceive themselves as “non-human” (not fully human) in mind or spirit.

  • They may encompass themselves as living organisms/beings or as mythological beings/organisms (i.e., elves, angels, dragons, etc.)
  • Otherkin are more identified with the Mythos (mythology sense or a myth-like sense; a set of beliefs typically depicting a characteristic(s) or prevalent attitudes in a group or in a societal culture as the online Merriam-Webster dictionary describes it as) of religious and/or fantasy mythos of various types.


Pangender: A person whose internal sense of their gender is comprised of all or many modal genders.

  • However, this term excludes gender that pangender individuals don’t have any access to, such as culturally-specific genders (i.e., the Indigenous Two-Spirit, the Samoan Fa’afafine, The Jewish Aylonit, the Thai Kathoey, the Southern Asian [specifically Indian] Hijra, the Balkan Sworn Virgins, etc.) or neurogenders.

Pansexual: A sexuality that typically refers to a person who experiences sexual attraction to people of all and/or most modal genders/gender expressions.

Panromantic: A romantic orientation that ypically refers to persons who experience romantic attraction to people of all and/or most modal genders/gender expressions.

Parsex/Parasex: An umbrella term for anyone who isn’t perisex and/or protosex (refers to individuals who aren’t altersex, and can include individuals whose sex characteristics are classified into the Eurocentric and colonialist sex binary, and desire said characteristics [non-altersex, perisex female and male], including people who have natural sex variations due to being intersex), and includes both intersex and altersex individuals.

  • Refers to someone who was born with sex characteristics that cannot be coercively classified as a binary sex, or to desire sex characteristics that diverge from the medical and often detrimental sex binary.

Partner/Significant Other: An example of unisex terminology to describe someone a person is romantically and/or sexually involved with.

  • Other examples: joyfriend, datemate, one’s person, etc…

Passing: Being perceived as a member of a privileged group (i.e., white, neurotypical/allistic, perisex and allocishetero, etc.).

  • People who are Queer and/or Trans and who have the subjective capability to pass can decide to conceal the stigma associated with being MOGAI (for their own survival, or for other understandable/valid reasons), and they often do so to avoid dealing with discrmination from privileged perisex and allocishetero groups and/or societies in power.

Patriarchy: A system of a society or government in which a father or older man is perceived as head of the family and descent is tracked through the male line; A system of societies or governments in which primarily perisex, allocishetero, white, Eurocentric, abled, middle-to-upper class, neurotypical/allistic, and Christian men hold an entirety of power, and women (along with many individuals of modal genders) are largely excluded and marginalised from it; A society or community that is based on the organisation of patriarchal lines.

  • Also describes the power relations between privileged men in dominant and hierarchal social groups and women (many gender-modal individuals as well) and to also seek out the cause of it.
  • Also a cause in reference to the subordination of women.

Pendogender: As paraphrased from pastel-memer, it refers to a person who isn’t being satisfied with their gender or feeling completely settled no matter how well a gender fits them due to (understandable) self-doubt, which causes them to mandatorily search and seek out a gender that fits them even better (gender perfectionism).

  • The “gender” sector of it can be replaced by a closer fitting gender at any time (i.e., pendo-juxtera or pendo-agender, etc.).
  • Originated in 2014 DP by Tumblr user pastel-memer as a submission post to MOGAI-Archive on Tumblr.
  • This gender isn only reserved for Neurodivergent individuals, and this gender was coined for people with anxiety-based conditions, such as OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder)

Perisex: Refers to people who aren’t born intersex.

  • Another good alternate term to perisex is Endosex (same meaning, but different terms).

Perisexnormativity: Refers to the systemic, societal, medical, and individual (etc). privilege that perisex individuals have over intersex people (i.e., being protected under the gender/sex binaries (in some cases when perisex people are also cisgender), overglorification in terms of the usage of the medical sex binary that still protects perisex individuals over intersex individuals, and more).

Pringender (also referred to as Prin*gender, Princessgender, and/or as Princegender): A soft, but a more grandiose gender, in which a person feels that their gender is more imposing, grand, and/or majestic, but also ethereal, cute, and/or prim.

  • Originated in 2017 DP or earlier than 2017 DP.
  • It’s also a gender that is relevant to prins, princesses, and/or princes, and to royalty in general as a xeongender.

Polyamory: Another natural variation of relationship structures that is based on having an open-minded perspective/understanding or being open to consensually having more than one partner(s)/significant other(s).

  • This term is sometimes utilised as an umbrella term for all naturally encompassing forms of consensual, moral, and loving relationships that are non-monogamous.
  • This term is unfortunately conflated with polygamy (a practice in which a typically non-intersex or perisex and allocishetero man has many wives or typically female concubines in his harem) by strictly monogamous individuals and societies who have a lack of comprehension along with inaccurate societal beliefs about polyamory, because polyamory has equity, consent, love, mutual respect, etc. like in most monogamous relationships UNLIKE polygamy, which has neither of those.

Proxvir: A gender that is in relation to male, but something that is entirely on its own.

  • Relates to being masculine and non-binary, but not male at all.
  • Originated in 2014 DP by ren (Tumblr user), and coined by him since he no longer identified with “demiboy” due to its focus on “boy” and the implication of a mixed or split gender.


Queer: A mostly reclaimed (but not all since some people don’t really reclaim it for themselves, and that is understandable) derogatory term that is utilised in a few ways.

  • Originated in the late 1980s (DP) to early 1990s (DP).
  • A catchall term for the MOGAI community.
  • An identity term that is typically characterised by incorporations of fluidity, and anti-normativity.
  • An academic nomenclature to depict postmodern feminist and theoretical projects that are based on the complexities of sexuality and gender.

Queer/Quasi-Platonic Relationship (QPR): A form of a platonic relationship that can have similar levels of a commitment to a romantic relationship. It is also another variant of a relationship that transcends boundaries of a typical friendship.

  • People in a QPR may decide to live together, have a sexual relationship, or even raise children together.
  • Every QPR can vary from person to person.

Questioning: A term for someone who is exploring their sexuality, their romantic orientation, and/or exploring their internal sense of their gender.

  • People may be questioning at different times in their lives, because gender and sexuality (two SEPARATE terms)can be experienced as fluid and/or ever-changing. It doesn’t have to be a linear experience or a progression.

Quoigender: A person who feels that labels of gender and/or existing terms do not apply to them; Someone whose relationship with their internal sense of their gender is complex.

  • Its origin is unknown.
  • From the French “quoi” → “what” and gender.
  • There is no set definition for it.

Quoisexual: A sexuality that is a part of the Asexual spectrum which is when someone doesn’t relate to, or doesn’t understand experiences, or doesn’t understand societal concepts of sexual attraction and/or sexuality.

  • quoisexual also refers to when someone is feeling a sense of confusion about their own feelings of sexual attraction or their sexuality.

Quoiromantic: A romantic orientation that is a part of the Aromantic spectrum which is when a person doesn’t have any relation to, or doesn’t understand their own experiences, or doesn’t understand societal concepts of romantic attraction and/or romantic orientation.

  • Can also refer to someone who feels a sense of confusion about their own feelings of romantic attraction or their romantic orientation.


Racism: The discrimination, antagonism, hatred, oppression, systemic and societal (etc.) violence against a person or people on the basis of their racial/ethnic background or aspect of themselves, which is typically a marginalised social group(s) of individuals.

  • Can take many forms, such as inaccurate media, societal, social and systemic stereotypes about people of modal ethnic backgrounds, including hate crimes that are targeted towards racialised individuals, especially to Black, Indigenous, and to non-white Individuals of Colour.
  • It also refers to the marginalisation and/or bigotry towards Black, Indigenous, and Individuals of Colour (Immigrants and Refugees as well) based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges primarily Eurocentric, Xtian, and white people over others.


Salmacian: To rephrase Carter’s (1996) defintion, it is a term for male-to-intersex and female-to-intersex individuals, along with it being a reference to the Greco-Roman myht of Hermaphroditus and the nymph Salmacis.

  • Originated from Raphael Carter (an androgyne person) in 1996 DP or earlier than 1996 DP.
  • Also another synonym for altersex, aphrodisian, and/or bigenital.

Sapphic: Another alternative word besides “lesbian” as another descriptor of a person’s attraction to femininity, although there are individuals whose perspective on the word can vary and can depend on their stances of it.

Scorpigender: A gender that is perceived as a mystery, and is very difficult to comprehend. There are plenty of labels that vaguely fit it, but almost no label can ver truly describe it.

  • Originated in 2017 DP or earlier.
  • Scorpifluid: A gender modality of genderfluid that are between unknown/uncommon genders
  • The prefix “scorpi-” comes from the Zodiac constellation of Scorpio, the Scorpion.

Sekhet: An ancient gender from Ancient Egypt that is usually translated to “eunuch” (that is an oversimplification of what this gender category means), but is most likely referring to perisex and cisgender gay men in the context of not having children, and also not necessarily someone who was castrated.

  • Originated from Ancient Egyptian writings in 2000–1800 BP [Before Present], which stated that there were “three genders” of humans, such as sekhet, female, and male.
  • It could also be an entire category of sex variance or gender variance that doesn’t fit into a binary gender.

Sex: A societal construct that encompasses the biological (anatomical, hormonal, genetic, etc.) characteristics used to categorise someone as binary perisex or intersex.

Sexism: Prejudice, discrimination, hatred, and stereotyping, etc. that are against women on the basis of their sex.

  • In language, society, and intersectional feminist theory, sexism is a form of oppression, violence, along with actions and/or behaviours that are a reminder of the patriarchal and cultural perspective that women are being perceived as.

Sexuality: A social and human construct that captures the relationships between one’s experience, practice, and their individual conceptualisation of their physical, psychic, and/or emotional attraction (or an absence of) to other people around them and/or to themself.

Social Transition: Includes transition from one gender to another by changing one’s own mannerisms, dress, pronouns, name, hair, including a set of other numerous means.

  • It can also involve elements that don’t have to be necessarily medical/legal since every person’s experience can vary and aren’t linear.

Straight: A non-scientific term used to describe primarily heterosexual people.

  • Also used to designate someone who wasn’t MOGAI, and it was first used in gay communities as one form of slang to “go straight”, meaning that a person “shouldn’t” engage in any form of queer sex and/or romantic behaviour.

Stargender: A gender that has several meanings…

  1. A person whose internal sense of their gender is otherworldly and is beyond comprehension using earthly-based terms.
  2. A person whose internal sense of their gender cannot be strictly defined no matter how many other terms are created.
  3. A person whose internal sense of their gender is that of a star.
  • Originated in January 2014 by Tumblr user nbqt.
  • Another xenogender that is indescribable, unnameable, and is relevant to nature in terms of stars (can relate to stars in outer space, but that depends on how a person perceives stargender as).

Straightwashing (referred to as “hetwashing”): Portrays MOGAI/Queer individuals in fiction and in media as “straight”, which make them appear to be “heterosexual” or altering information about MOGAI historical figures as a means to ensure that the inaccurate representation of them complies with enforced heteromormativity.

Staticgender: A gender which can be best explained as television static; A gender that is fuzzy and incomprehensible.

  • Its origin is unknown.
  • Also another xenogender, but more of an uncommon/unknown one (uncommon doesn’t mean that it’s bad or peculiar, and that is okay).

Systemgender: A gender that is defined as a sum of all genders within a multiple system or a median system (a system in which members are more interconnected and less distinct than members of multiple systems).

  • There is no known origin of it.
  • Is in relation to headmates, alters, and especially the natural variation of being human that are systems.


Therian: Referring to people who are specifically, “non-human” animals (of identifiable living organisms) in mind/spirit.

  • Technically a sub-sect of otherkin, but the therian and otherkin communities remain separate.
  • Therians also have a tendency to relate more with werewolf/shapeshifter mythos or with other forms of shamanism, whereas otherkin don’t since otherkin relate more to fantasy and religious mythos of variable types.

Trigender: A person experiencing three genders, either simultaneously or moving between the three at times.

  • People have referred themselves as trigender, while its origin is much more earlier before 1999 DP.

Transgender: A gender that describes the experience when one’s internal sense of their gender is NOT in alignment with their deisgnated sex at birth.

  • Trans individuals challenges society’s harmful views and bigotry in terms of its falsehoods about its contradictory perception of gender as “fixed”, “unmoving”, “binaristic” (also bullsh*t because Eurocentric and colonialism-ingrained societies are far gone in their subconsciouses about it), and is in “alignment” with one’s designated sex at birth (which is obviously and not necessarily the case).
  • Sexualities of trans individuals can vary in modal ways just like it can vary in cis individuals.

Transitioning: A process in which a trans, enby, or a gender-modal person starts a new chapter in their life journeys as their true sense of their own gender.

  • Can range from social, legal, and/or medical transition. However, not every transitioning person will have all three because each experience varies from person to person, and that is also okay and typical.

Trans-Exclusive Reactionary Fascism (Radical Feminism won’t be used because this term is the EXACT opposite of the concept of Radical Feminism since Radical Feminism is more intersectional, inclusive, and is more in line with principles of intersectional solidarity, unlike TERFism): A term for fake feminists (or fauxminists) who define and “”celebrate” the subjective and otherwise complex concept of womanhood through the medically defined “female” body, but with cissexism, transmisogyny, misogyny, perisexism, heterosexism, xenomisia, racism, anti-Semitism, ableism, white supremacy, conservatism, and colonialism (*cough cough* J.K. Rowling and how she sees autistic people as “manipulated” while also infantilising us and while also being an ableist snake*cough cough*), along with more worse things.

  • TERFs are corruptive, toxic, and manipulative individuals who have the false and often inaccurate belief that trans women “aren’t” women (which is actually inaccurate becuase trans women are female human beings) since they were “socialised” as “”boys”” (which, again, is full of absolute gender and/or sex essentialist bullsh*t). This is one example of an argument (that isn’t based on the reality humanity is living right now) that is a biological essentialist one.
  • TERF ideology is fortunately rejected by intersectional feminism along with actual radical feminism, including most queer, trans, and MOGAI communties as well. However, TERF rhetoric and ideology can infiltrate MOGAI communities in the form of gatekeeping and especially in the form of political lesbianism (political lesbianism is a theory when being lesbian is considered as a political and “feminist”-relevant “choice, while simultaneously advocating for lesbianism as a so-called “positive alternative” to heterosexuality for women as a struggle against sexism), which brings more harm than good…
  • For example, there are gatekeepers (i.e., truscum (another term for transmedicalists), transmedicalists, some K-Pop (or Korean Pop) stans (referring to dedicated fans) who gatekeeps people who are bi and pan sapphic individuals since bi and pan sapphics are being discriminated against on the internet and also in real life for having more than one sexuality, and especially a seldom amount of knowledgeable comprehension around people who are bi sapphic and pan sapphic) who keep enforcing their standards on what makes someone “female”, “lesbian”, “trans”, etc. but will be angry when justifiably called out on their contradictory and detrimental behaviours.
  • However, political lesbianism is actually detrimental towards sapphic/lesbian individuals because it implies that being sapphic/lesbian is a “choice” rather than a sexuality that is another natural variation of being human.
  • TERFs also support ultrareligious conservative groups who are against MOGAI individuals, and very specifically, are typically perisex and allocisheteronormative, Eurocentric (mostly British), white, colonialist and racist, along with them being privileged, abled, Xtian, and/or neurotypical/allistic.
  • TERFs also support the concept of a traditional wife in a patriarchal, white supremacist, and especially in a misogynistic context, NOT in a cottagecore context (since there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a traditional wife, because that is a personal decision that a person can make if they have enough finances, and time [etc.] for it).

Transmisia: Systemic, societal, social, individual, etc. oppression, discrimination, antagonism, erasure, and violence towards trans, genderqueer, agender, and gender-modal persons, especially intersex individuals who are also trans and/or may be directly affected by it too.

  • Can take many forms (such as some trans individuals who’ve internalised socialisations of transmisia and are agents of it as well) → i.e., inaccurate depictions of trans individuals, microaggressions (also applies to enbymisia, MOGAI-misia, and intersexmisia too), misgendering (also applied to enbymisia), bathroom policing (can also happen to enby individuals and especially to intersex individuals who were policed too many times).

Transmisogyny: Marginalisation of trans women and transfeminine individuals that fall at the intersection of transmisia and misogyny.

  • Exists within an assumption that womanhood (A/N: especially trans womanhood, which is another natural variant of womanhood, in which womanhood is, and always will be, subjective) and femininity (A/N: transfemininity as well in some cases, but I cannot speak for them nor for trans women as well) are “”inferior”” to manhood (A/N: I am unsure about trans manhood, because this isn’t my place to speak about it) and to masculinity (A/N: I also am not sure about transmasculinity either since again, I am in no position to speak about it)

Transmisogynoir: Marginalisation of Black trans women and Black transfeminine individuals that intersects transmisia, misogyny(noir), and racism along with how they interact towards one another.

  • This takes into consideration that Black women face another variant form of misogyny that is mixed with transmisia.

Tr*p slur: A slur that is used in the Anime communities/fandoms as a derogatory word to refer to trans, enby, and gender-modal individuals in Anime as, which not only contributes to embymisia and/or transmisia, it also contributes to the seldom amount of knowledge that typically perisex, allocishet, Christian, abled, privileged, Eurocentric, and especially allistic/neurotypical dudebro fans have an absence of since they still have internalised heterosexism, perisexism, and cissexism instead of confronting and/or challenging biases that they were socialised with.

Two-Spirit/Twin-Spirit: An Indigenous concept of gender that is present in some Indigenous cultures across North America including sections of Central and South America.

  • A term that was reverred, while referring to people who traditionally display both feminine and masculine sex or gender characteristics (i.e., masculine-hearted women who lived a heterosexual life and produced children, and after the death of a husband, take women as their lovers and are accepted by their communities in this role).
  • Two-Spirit individuals are also referred to by European colonisers as “berdache”, and they were and still are traditionally respected, and may be leaders/healers that are believed to possess higher spiritual development.
  • In Canada, Two-Spirit individuals also go missing along with many missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls as a part of an ongoing national tragedy from Canada’s screwed up history of colonialism and especially of racism (among many other forms of oppression).
  • Survivors and families of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, MOGAI, and especially Two-Spirit individuals have called for action from Canada for a long time, but the government sadly and unfortunately still doesn’t care since Canada’s government only cares about privileged people in power and still revere privileged people in power today, which is saddening and infuriating, but it is the dark reality of being Indigenous in Canada.


Ultergender: Ultergender is another gender modality for trans and intersex people.

  • Describes intersex individuals who perceive themselves as a gender other than their coerced designated sex at birth, but feel as if “transgender” doesn’t describe them since they’re intersex. However, they don’t primarily identify as ultergender due to an aspect of their experiences as intersex people (even though an ultergender person could be categorised as transgender).
  • Also the opposite of ipsogender, since ultergender individuals may identify as intergender as well, since their internal sense of their gender can be affected by their intersex status.

Utrinquegender: Utrinquegender is another gender modality that describes a person who experiences both aspects of both trans and cis experiences.

  • This isn’t due to being a closeted trans person, but more of a result in terms of one’s identity.
  • Examples of people who may perceive themselves as utrinquegender can include: alters of feminine genders in OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder)/ DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) systems where the host body is DFAB, but has medically transitioned to male, alters of masculine genders in OSDD/DID systems where the host body is DMAB, but has medically transitioned to female, and individuals with hormonal variances, causing the production of too much hormones that are of a “wrong” sex, leading to development of secondary sex characteristics that are of the “wrong” sex.


Virgender: A gender that is mainly and specifically genderless in practice. This can happen when it’s too stressful or too difficult for a person to have a gender. It is also a gender identity that feels weak due to stress, and also to the point where one is nearly perceived as genderless.

  • Originated from Tumblr user stevenuniversequartz, and its time of origin is unknown.
  • the prefix “virg-” comes from the Zodiac constellation Virgo, the virgin/maiden.


White Supremacy: The bigoted, nazi-like, and often fascist belief that white people are “”in danger”, and that they’re “”superior” (they aren’t since being white is a result of a lack of melanin that a person has, which can and will depend on the amount of genes that can and will affect the amount of melanin that is a natural part of human skin, and no being white NEVER is “”natural””, and never will be since people who say this load of nonsense are attempting to justify scientific racism, which is the pseudoscientific belief that there is so-called “empirical” evidence to “”support/justify”” racism, which is rather immoral and has seldom to no humanity in it).

  • It is also Islamomisic and anti-Semitic, since there is the harmful belief that the so-called “”white race”” (A/N: I cringed at it, I know, but unfortunately, I will need to explain it as a white Jewish person, because if I don’t then I’m doing a shit job at continuing to unlearn internalised whiteness, racism, and xenomisia, which should be my own job to do) are “”controlled and manipulated”” by Jewish peoples (which I know is full of bullsh*t and is full of fascist and nazi sh*t).


Xenogender: an umbrella term for non-binary/enby genders that cannot be described in their relation (or absence of) to androgyny, femininity, masculinity, neutrality, and more.

  • Xenogenders can be best depicted through how they relate to beings, concepts, and/or things that most people don’t think of having to do with one’s internal sense of their gender, such as animals, plants, planets, things/objects, and/or concepts.
  • Sometimes xenogender can be explained as genders that cannot and will not be contained by limited/human understandings of gender.
  • People who perceive themselves as a Xenogender may perceive themselves as xenic; a gender quality associated with xenogenders is referred to as “xeninity”, while the opposite of a xenogender is an anthrogender.

Hello everyone! I hope that y’all have enjoyed this long, but comprehensive list of terms so far since I can make a second part to this with new terms if any of y’all would love to do so!

Anyways, Happy 2021 and a Happy New Year!


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