ArtfullyAutistic – A Top Autism Blog on the Web

Keira Fulton-Lees
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3 min readSep 20, 2022


We have been Ranked by FeedSpot as #16, beating “Autism Speaks Official Blog” which only came in at 58.

To the best Neurodiverse Writers on the Web,

I received an email from Anuj Agarwal, the Founder of FeedSpot, an Internet Content Reader that aggregates Blogs, News Websites, RSS Feeds, Youtube Channels, and Social Media Websites into one place.

Anuj is a great innovator with a unique business model. FeedSpot also Curates and Rates Blogs.

I am very pleased to announce that FeedSpot has Curated and Ranked our Publication, ArtfullyAutistic, as one of the “Top 100 Autism Blogs” on the web.

As of the date of this email, we came in at the 24th slot from the top. That’s pretty darn good considering that they have only been aware of our presence since September the 5th!

I would like to extend my deep gratitude to every Member Writer of Artfully Autistic and Neurodiverse Writers, because it is through your voice, your sharing, your uniqueness, and the exceptional quality of your Writing that made this possible.

This is a win for you, not me!

I am even more pleased that we beat out “The Official Autism Speaks Blog,” the world’s largest, yet most insidious Autism organization that exists, which only Ranked 58!

Autism Speaks does not cater to the needs of Autistic people and they engage in egregious tactics to manipulate the parents of Autistic children into believing that Autism is something evil, when in fact Autistic is who their child is. They do not support Autistic children. The overwhelming focus of this heinous organization is on promoting their own brand (Read that as: “Line their own pockets”). As well, and most inhumanely so, Autism Speaks has a long and sordid past with an inhumane interest in Eugenics. Stop, and Think — This means that Autism Speaks supports aborting Autistic fetuses in the womb who test positive for Autism, without even knowing how much care they will need after they are born if any. Eugenics is just a fancy way to say Euthanasia, and it's no different than Hans Asperger sending Autistic Children to the Nazi Gas Chambers.

Note: For more about the Evils of Autism Speaks, refer to the article “Autism Speaks: Deception, Eugenics, and Abuse — How this insidious organization controls the narrative of autism, and what to support instead” written by one of our Member Writers and Published Author, Juliette L. Dunn. It’s a must-read.

Autism Speaks, but They Do Not Speak for Us.

We also out-ranked “The Autism Society,” a reputable organization, which came in at 59.

Is FeedSpot Trustworthy?

  • TrustPilot has rated FeedSpot with an Excellent Rating (4.4 Stars) out of 194 Reviews
  • FeedSpot has been considered safe by WOT (Web of Trust)

Bottom Line: The Listing of our Curation and Ranking is totally free, and these proverbs certainly apply:

  • Any press is good press
  • There is no such thing as bad press
  • There is no such thing as too much press
  • There is no such thing as bad publicity
  • All publicity is good publicity

I would also like to give a resounding shout-out to one of our Member Writers, J.R. Reed, aka “Not Weird, Just Autistic”, as FeedSpot has also Curated and Ranked his Personal Blog among the “Top 100 Autism Blogs” on the web as well. Kudos to you J.R.!

Everyone, please take the time to check out J.R.’s Blog! As well, J.R. can be found on FeedSpot.

Keep up the great work!

With 100% certainty, I know you will!


Keira Fulton-Lees
Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism

Image Credits

Feature/Image Source: MisterStock / shutterstock.com



Keira Fulton-Lees

Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism, Writer, Editor, Artist, Musician, Owner of the Medium Publication: Artfully Autistic: https://medium.com/artfullyautistic