Autism and Womanhood — A Poem

Autie Adventures / Julia Maher
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2023
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The other women greet each other with soft, saccharine voices

My body feels suffocated by expected fashion choices

Conversation flows, but I’m pushed to the edges — invisible.

I’ve never felt so alien and peripheral.

Attempt to contribute, but guess I’ve missed my shot

Everyone else just knows what to say and when to not

Long silences and side-eye glances keep me in my place

Others resume their coded communication without regard or grace.

Tears well up, but I force them down

I really thought that, finally, I would feel less like a clown

Always feel so removed from typical feminine social life

Even put on my best act, but (still!) there’s strife.

I sprint back to my refuge — my home

I really, really need to be alone.

Tear off my clothes and crash onto my bed

I can be myself now; I no longer have to pretend.

But I finally found a few others who get it

No need to force eye contact and regret it

That intrusive, piercing sensation once consumed my energies,

But now I can focus on my profound feelings and reveries.

No need to worry about connotation or intonation

My heart swells with joy in our deep conversations

Infodumping, stimming, and echolalia galore;

I don’t know why I ever felt the need to mask before.



Autie Adventures / Julia Maher

Autistic woman with a special interest in autism & neurodiversity, sharing post-diagnosis insights through my favorite art form