Within the School Systems at Large, The Inadequacies, Ignorance, Lack of Empathy, and the Illegal Failure to Provide ADA Reasonable Accommodation for Autistic Students Results in Cruelties, Abusive Treatment, and a Hostile and Harsh Environment for those With Autism

Dear Teacher

A Letter From a Former Autistic Student.

Accalia Baronets


A picture of a notebook with the words Dear teacher written on it
Image by Keira Fulton-Lees


Within the School Systems at Large, The Inadequacies, Ignorance, Lack of Empathy, and the Illegal Failure to Provide ADA Reasonable Accommodations for Autistic Students Results in Cruelties, Abusive Treatment, and a Hostile and Harsh Environment for those With Autism.

Dear Teacher, when you took my book away from my hands, you took away my coping mechanism in a world that’s too harsh for my senses.

Dear Teacher, when you punished me for reading during recess instead of running around, you punished me for using a coping mechanism to regulate my senses.

Dear Teacher, when you grabbed my chin and forced me to make eye contact with you, I wanted to cry.

Dear Teacher, when you yelled at me for not making eye contact with you, you yelled at me for something that caused me physical pain to do.

Dear Teacher, when you forced me to hold my pencil that way, you made my hands hurt the entire lesson, and that’s why my handwriting was illegible.

Dear Teacher, when you said that it was common sense to understand abstract language, you made me feel stupid.

Dear Teacher, when you changed the seating arrangement when I was absent, you caused me to have a meltdown.

Dear Teacher, when you yelled at me for being unable to hold a knife, you yelled at me for having poor fine motor skills.

Dear Teacher, when you yelled at me for using the elevator and told me I should be ashamed of myself, you yelled at a disabled student for using the elevator and told her that she should be ashamed of herself for using the elevator when she is disabled too.

Dear Teacher, you made my life a living hell, signed, your former Autistic student.



Accalia Baronets

I’m an AUDHD person who enjoys Tea and Video Games. Pronouns: They/ Them, She/ Her