The Neurodivergent Enterpreneur

How (Not) To Start a Business When You Have ADHD

A practical way to keep track of your ideas

Helen Olivier
Published in
5 min readJan 16, 2023


A drawing of flowers in soft pastel tones, with the text “My Busines Idea Garden” written over them in equally soft pastel greem color.
Image credit: Author

Like most people with ADHD, I have no problem coming up with an idea (or a few hundred) for a business. I come up with a new idea every few days. But the problem is how to choose the right one that I want to stick with in the long run — which is definitely not easy for someone with ADHD.

I want to start an online business. It’s my dream, even if I have a long way to go yet. But I wasn't able to finish anything. I started to work on dozens of ideas, then abandoned them as I realized they aren’t something that I really want to do. Or I just got bored with working on them. It doesn’t help that I’m a perfectionist and I try every product I work on be the maximum possible product, not the minimum viable product. I had to realize this and force myself to change my approach. But it still wasn’t enough.

You need to keep all the ideas in the same place

After a year or so flailing around the internets and attempting to do ten things at once, I’ve finally realized that I need to write all of these ideas down, not on a million little sticky notes that I file away somewhere and never find again. Otherwise, I will 1)…



Helen Olivier

Neurodivergent, curious, overthinker, overfeeler. 🌈 Ebook with strategies for managing time blindness: