Autism Adventures

How to get an Autism Diagnosis in Germany

A guide to the German healthcare system

Sarah Klostermair
Published in
10 min readDec 20, 2021


A person with sensory processing disorder experiencing stress due to noise.
MissLunaRose12, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As a native German who is consuming 95% of media in English, it sometimes feels like Germany is stuck somewhere behind Grimm’s seven mountains where the dwarfs live with Snowwhite.

Especially Germany’s medical system is so far from being efficient that I sometimes wonder why it didn’t already collapse. And I am always appalled when people from non-European countries praise free universal healthcare in Germany and other countries.

Germany’s healthcare system is kaputt

Our universal healthcare system sounds very nice from the outside. Everybody has insurance and most of the medical services are covered, from general checkups to operations, psychological therapy to pregnancy. Even Homeopathy is covered by some insurances.

But it is way more complicated than it seems. Germany has two separate insurance systems, one is public and their fees will be automatically deducted from your income, if you are an employee. The other one is private and is mostly used by civil servants, self-employed people and people who make a lot of money.

As a person with public insurance (“gesetzliche Krankenversicherung") you can…



Sarah Klostermair

Avid narratology nerd and freelance Ghostwriter. Currently studying German Literatur.