I’m Autistic… 71, Still Breathing. Doc, That Takes Resilience.
Cuz there ain’t no cure for something that ain’t wrong…
- Content warning: abuse, trauma + experiences & opinions from one autistic life.
What I tell any therapist… any caregiver… first session:
I have survived physical and sexual abuse from family and schoolmates.
Bullying by teachers and fellow students… 2nd grade through high school.
Multiple professional crashes… in multiple careers.
Dozens of firings.
2 evictions.
Dozens of major household moves.
Few friends, and…
2 divorces, 3 “living togethers,” and a couple of “serious” relationships that, well…, weren’t?
Ain’t this resilience?
Resilience. Ya know, that cap-and-gown term pros use for getting knocked down seven times. Stubbornly getting up eight…
I’m still alive. Still creating. Still getting published. Still speaking to thousands of autistics a year.
Never attempted suicide… despite three hospitalizations.
AND I’m still autistic. Cuz there ain’t no cure for something that ain’t wrong. Unless you base your “medical model” on some statistical “normal”… which is simply fiction.