I’m Not Rude, I’m Just Different From You

JT Elder
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2021
Credit: Towfiqu Barbhuiya at Unsplash

What is it with neurotypicals thinking that us autistics are rude and impolite? Ignorant, even? They’ll claim that we’re being rude, etc just for not following pointless social norms that don’t make any sense. If we’re not making enough eye contact, then apparently we’re rude and don’t give a shit about the person speaking to us. If we’re “overly” honest (thought honesty was supposed to be a good thing…the fuck?), then apparently we’re rude. If you think about it, neurotypicals get mad at us for the strangest reasons.

Well, neurotypicals, have you decided to maybe try and stop and think that this world doesn’t revolve around you? Believe it or not, not everyone is like you. Not everyone is a perfect neurotypical who can make eye contact. For fuck’s sake, this world’s populated with billions of people, therefore there’s gonna be a bunch of different people.

I don’t understand how neurotypicals can get so easily offended by autistic people not adhering to social norms…and just norms in general, and some of the things they get offended at are honestly so absurd. For example, the whole eye contact thing. How is eye contact seen as so important? We listen with our ears…not with our eyes.

Neurotypicals are so good at making autistics feel like they can’t be themselves, otherwise they’re hurting everyone just by simply existing, because their behavior is apparently “unacceptable”. That’s why I like to say that this world simply wasn’t built for autistic people, and neurodivergent people in general. In this world, being neurotypical (and acting neurotypical) is pretty much the norm, and it’s pretty disgusting.

Why do neurotypicals get so mad at us for being a little “too” honest? Isn’t honesty supposed to be a good thing? Also, to neurotypicals, what’s wrong with struggling to be a little more expressive? We’re not being rude, impolite, disrespectful, and/or ignorant for how we are. We don’t mean any harm for the way we are. We were born this way, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We shouldn’t have to change ourselves just because someone who doesn’t understand us isn’t happy with how we are.

We aren’t rude people. We just aren’t the same person as you. Our brains are wired differently. You just think we’re rude because you don’t understand us. Instead of treating us poorly and making us feel bad for being ourselves, how about you spend some time trying to learn about us instead? Maybe you’d understand us a tiny bit then.



JT Elder

Neurodivergent music nerd (and nerd in general) who enjoys writing about all sorts of stuff pertaining to my interests. INTP. Any pronouns (he/they preferred).