Autism and Tactile Sensory Issues

This is a poem about shopping when you’re on the Spectrum.

Ellie Jane
1 min readDec 5, 2020


Image Source: wikihow

Go in

See something you like

Pick it up

Try it on

Easy peasy, right?

But it isn’t at all…

Velvet and nylon

Woven wool, brushes against my skin

And slowly but surely I pull further and further away from the racks

As t-shirts, dresses and jackets all grab my nerve endings

And tug ruthlessly

Pulling, pushing, snapping and grating

Until I can no longer see the sky blue dress, which one pleased my eyes

I can only feel

Feel the shivers running through my veins

The zaps of electricity as one sleeve of each woollen jumper manages to brush against me

The mere sight of nylon places a frog in my throats

But velvet oh velvet is my kryptonite

I see it and want to run

So I do

It’s been all of fifteen minutes

I think …

And already I’m squeezing my moms hand

A silent signal we devised when I was a child

A signal that that says so much but equates to four simple words

Too much, must leave …



Ellie Jane

Classist, Ancient Historian and Archaeologist who loves exploring a variety of topics: historical and personal