The Ripple Effect: How Neurodivergence Impacts Siblings and Parents’ Role in Supporting Them

Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2024


Let’s empower all children in neurodiverse families.

Sibling girls in summer dresses standing in a field facing either sun rise or sunset.
Image by 822640 from Pixabay.

I have a confession to make as a mother. I overlooked the needs of my second child to support my autistic child. It took years of fighting with the school district for them to recognize that my firstborn was not only on the spectrum but also had learning differences. While the struggle continues to get her the support she needs in school, I put the needs of my second child on the back burner. I spent hours reteaching the lessons my autistic child should have learned in school. As a result, I paid less attention to the needs of my second child who doesn’t have learning differences.

Most recently I have been struggling with personal and philosophical differences with my partner, which led to a reactionary moment, and as a result, I decided to delegate the caretaking of my autistic child to my partner. At first, I thought I was being a selfish mother for shifting the responsibility to my partner, but then I realized that I had been stuck in the mindset of role-playing. I played the role of homemaker since I was not the primary breadwinner. I quietly fulfilled the role that society expected me to fulfill especially in Indian culture. So what if he was the breadwinner; wasn’t he still the father of my children? As…




A life-long learner, a mom, a volunteer, an educator, a citizen scientist, and an engineer. Support me by becoming a Medium member: https://mybackyardlab.medium