The Top Five Things I Wish I Could Tell My Undiagnosed Autistic Self

Mollie Pittaway
Published in
7 min readJul 4, 2022


If I could go back in time, this is what I would tell her.

A young girl wearing a white jumper rests her hands on her lap, nervously pinching the fabric of her white skirt. Only her hands and lap are shown.
Photo by boram kim on Unsplash

When you’re diagnosed as autistic later in life, it’s a huge relief. Yet, contrary to what you’d think, you don’t always automatically feel this way. You also go through a grieving process. You grieve for the life you could have had if you had known you were autistic, rather than drifting…



Mollie Pittaway

She/her. I write about autism, neurodiversity and mental health.