Arthouse Spirits DAO: A New Way of Creating Value Through Luxury

Arthouse Spirits DAO
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2023

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have revolutionized the way we think about finance. In recent years, we’ve seen many different crypto projects emerge, each with its own unique approach to value creation. However, many of these projects have been criticized for being little more than “degen communities,” bringing “worthless” tokens to the market, and dumping on community members.

Arthouse Spirits DAO (AHSD) is a new type of cryptocurrency project that seeks to break away from these traditional models. AHSD is a community of luxury customers that brings tokenized real-world assets to the table. The project aims to help DAO members grow by offering masterclasses on topics such as luxury goods, spirits, and art, providing an educational resource to its members.

Membership NFTs 🖼

One unique aspect of AHSD is its Membership NFTs. Holders of these NFTs have access to an exclusive luxury club where they can connect with and meet VIPs and industry experts from top brands in real-life events. The membership NFT also allows holders to obtain benefits in the form of ERC-20 tokens. Rewards are covered through treasury liquidation events, and all revenue from minting events goes towards growing the Treasury, which has a track record of increasing in value over time.

In addition to these benefits, Membership NFT holders have a dedicated channel of communication with VIPs and industry experts to network and exchange ideas daily. Holders can also vote on DAO proposals and have an impact on crucial internal decisions. Plus, Membership NFTs are automatically staked, making holders eligible for token rewards. These tokens are redeemable for physical bottles, as well as Treasury NFTs, which is a unique feature that sets AHSD apart from other crypto projects.

RealFi and Treasury NFTs 🏦

Another innovative aspect of AHSD is its Treasury NFTs, which are a way to increase the value of the ArtHouse Spirits Treasury. To buy a Treasury NFT, you need to own a Membership NFT. The 95% of income from Treasury NFT sale goes directly into the AHSD Treasury, which is used for growing the Treasury, with the goal of increasing the overall value of the physical DAO Treasury. The last 5% is used to cover DAO daily operations.

Treasury NFT holders will be able to redeem their NFT tokens for a physical bottle from the AHSD Treasury. This feature will be implemented two years after the NFT tokens are minted. Furthermore, the maximum number of bottles that can be redeemed is set at 5% of the Treasury per year, unless the DAO votes for a different option.

The DAO voters will decide which bottles are redeemable based on the suggestions of the SME. The redemption process is based on the current valuation of the NFT in comparison to other bottles, meaning the higher your NFT/all NFTs ratio, the more valuable bottle you can redeem. In addition to adding value to the AHSD Treasury, Treasury NFT holders also can vote on DAO proposals.

Finally, AHSD offers three types of NFTs: Partner, Master Partner, and Epic Partner, each corresponding to the total amount of money spent on Member & Treasury NFTs held in the user’s wallet.

The two upper tiers have special activities planned, such as Master Partner participation in releases of new projects, preferred line for physical products in limited editions, possibility of making reservations in the form of pre-orders on specific product numbers, participation in testing events, and a physical work of M-city (in print form), corresponding to the owned NFT.

Bottom Line 📝

The project involves a community of luxury customers who are interested in getting hands on tokenized real-world assets. The goal is to help members of the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) grow their knowledge and expertise through Masterclasses.

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Arthouse Spirits DAO

The first world ever closed community of high-net worth individuals and investors, like minded luxury consumers.