Traverse City Vacation Haiku

Arthur Shi
Arthur’s Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2017

it’s a long drive up.
thankfully, we have aux cord,
music, and bass boost.

oh my god I can’t
believe this sunset is real.
scenic drives are great.

first night in TC.
Cards Against Humanity,
and maybe some drinks.

this is a satire and not a personal attack

I wake from some strange
dreams, by now long forgotten.
What to do today?

pork belly and rice
for lunch. A rich meal. in fact,
a little too rich.

TC is like Ann
Arbor, but cooler. litter-
ally: lake effect.

Cherry Republic?
yeah, we have one in AA
but this place is huge!

chilling at state park.
the water is crystal clear,
and the breeze feels nice.

dinner at diner;
order burgers and whoa, that’s
a big fucking milkshake.

pork belly for lunch,
and now a burger too. please,
I need a salad.

time to pay the bill.
wait… I left my card at the
ATM. dammit.

next day pork belly
for brunch again, it’s too much.
at least we finished.

we head to the dunes.
long ago, a forest fire -
rest well, you poor cubs.

it’s a steep steep hill,
feet sinking deep with each step.
we’ve only started.

at last, a downhill!
then i grasp: when we return
our fortune reverses.

at the end of it,
lake michigan. brilliant,
cold, clear, fresh water

the trek back feels like
it’s far longer. did we need
to bring pretty rocks?

finally, we leave
in search of cherries. there are
roadside vendors near.

at first bite: heaven
good, that i bought a quart. we
won’t stop for dinner.

it’s relatively
a quiet ride back. less bass.
twas a fun weekend.

just me being silly and noting some of the memorable parts of a weekend getaway in the form of haiku. hope you enjoyed!

