Medium Profile Settings

Important Medium Writer Profile Settings!

5 Medium Profile Setting Changes To Boost Writer Visibility!

Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)
9 min readNov 11, 2023


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Discover 5 Important Medium Writer Profile Settings For Building Trust And Recognition
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium article.

· 5 Important Medium writer profile settings introduction.

· Professional Medium profile display and bio settings.

· Medium settings to receive emails when you subscribe.

· Settings with Mastodon and social media integration.

· Conclusion of 5 important Medium writer profile settings.

· Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

5 Important Medium writer profile settings introduction.

If you want to build trust and recognition on Medium then you want to focus on 5 important Medium writer profile settings. These 5 Important Medium writer profile settings will boost your exposure tremendously when done right.

This is what this article is aimed at, to show you how to build trust and recognition on Medium as a writer. Done by focusing on these 5 important Medium writer profile settings we will be discussing shortly.

There are 5 important settings you must optimize with your Medium profile for maximum exposure. It all comes down to being as professional as you can, offering quality content (solutions to problems), and maintaining consistency.

Below are listed the 5 important Medium writer profile settings to concentrate on.

1 — Design Your Medium Profile.

2 — Edit Medium Profile Bio.

3 — Connect Twitter And Facebook.

4 — Create Free Mastodon Profile.

5 — Adjust Medium Email Settings.

Your Medium profile is your “Viral Salesman”, and proper introductions are of paramount importance for growth. You cannot build recognition and trust with an incomplete faceless profile.

But with social or any other content marketing strategy, you want to show your (full frontal) face. But also use the same profile picture (Logo) with all profiles.

This in turn will boost recognition because your Medium readers can recognize you over several platforms. And all your followers on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter for example.

Can recognize you on Medium. Brand your name, not your car, house, pet, nature scene, etc. As much as I adore my cats, they are not engaging with readers, I am!

Edit or complete your Medium Bio, the section in the right-hand sidebar, where you are only allowed 160 characters. Make it short and descriptive, and where possible include a link to your blog.

You can include bridge pages but from a professional point of view. If you want to get recognized as a professional, then be professional.

These 5 important Medium writer profile settings also include connecting your Facebook, Twitter, and Mastodon accounts. Mastodon is like Facebook but for Medium.

Last but not least of these 5 Important Medium writer profile settings, you will find email notification settings. That is why you subscribe, but don’t show in writer subscriber lists.

Although there are 5 important Medium writer profile settings to focus on. It all comes down to 3 primary editing tasks. Profile, Bio, and Settings.

But we will guide you through this and include other Medium articles that will add value to the step-by-step process to boost both your recognition and trust on Medium.

· Complete Medium Profile.

· Complete Medium Bio.

· Change Medium Settings.

It all starts with a professional Medium profile, these are 4 areas, broken down into your profile. About Page, Profile Images, Lists, and Bio section. We mean logo (1000p x 1000p profile photo) and cover image 1200p X 400p), in PNG image format.

Choose to use GIF image designs with Canva. Follow along, and create your professional Medium profile below.

Professional Medium profile display and bio settings.

On our journey through these 5 important Medium writer profile settings, we will now start with your Medium profile and Bio sections. To edit your Medium profile (Home Page), click on the 3 dots just below the cover image as illustrated below.

From the drop-down menu, simply click on “Design Your Profile”. Then just follow the steps. It is really easy to follow along, just take your time and watch a few YouTube tutorial videos if you must. But get this done!

Discover 5 Important Medium Writer Profile Settings For Building Trust And Recognition Settings Access
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

In the left sidebar, you will have 2 options, “Header”, and “Blogroll”. Be sure that the “Show Blogroll” is selected. Then just follow the steps in the “Header” section to add your cover photo, color, image positioning, etc.

But with the image above, you have a clear guide of where to locate all the Medium tools you will need.

With your Medium profile bio section and these 5 Important Medium writer profile settings, click on the “Edit Profile” section. It is just under the short description in our bio illustration, in green.

The only link you include here is a link to your hosted blog or website. Stop with the cloaked affiliate links already. Professionals don't do that!

Simply enter your name, and short bio, and select the “Display a link to your Twitter profile” block. Remember that your bio only allows for 160 characters, so be specific and leave enough space for your blog.

With your bio, avoid all sales pitches, clickbait, and spam, please. Then just click on “Save”, and your Medium bio is done.

Medium settings to receive emails when you subscribe.

With these 5 important Medium writer profile settings, your journey now takes you to the “General Settings” side of your Medium profile. This is where you must pay attention, especially with your “Notification” or “Email Settings”.

Some Medium writers have their settings set as “Off”. Click on your profile photo and select “Settings” from there.

This is also illustrated in the previous screenshot. When your email settings are set to “Off”, then you will not show in subscriber lists when you subscribe.

And you will not receive the Medium articles from the writer you subscribed to via email. These settings are changed by clicking on “Notifications” in the settings menu to the top.

Discover 5 Important Medium Writer Profile Settings For Building Trust And Recognition settings For This Discussion
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

There are several notifications you can choose from. Just to be safe, we selected all of them, because we want to know exactly what is going on with our Medium growth.

As we have just passed the 900% growth mark, we cannot afford to lose out on engagement or interaction notifications. This also helps with maintaining curiosity. Stay in touch, use this tool.

Settings with Mastodon and social media integration.

With this guide through the 5 most important Medium writer profile settings, you are now going to link your social profiles. Under “Settings”, in the top navigation bar, you have several options to choose from.

For this purpose, we are going to use only 2 of them. But your options are listed below, and we will briefly explain their purpose.

· Account (Username etc.).

· Publishing (Subscriber Page | Subscription Promotion).

· Notifications (Email Messages).

· Membership And Payment (Payment Settings And Methods).

· Security And Apps (Connect Mastodon, Facebook, And Twitter).

From here, with these 5 most important Medium writer profile settings, you simply connect your social accounts. If you’re new to Mastodon, then simply create your free profile. But as with any other, complete your Mastodon profile as professionally as possible. But we have a little bonus for you.

You can also use a site called “Benable”, pretty much like Pinterest. Apart from getting exposure to your Medium profile and articles. You can also use their “Brand Partners” like Amazon for example to generate sales.

There are hundreds to choose from, but we leave it up to you to “figure it out”. Benable has around 206K monthly visitors, 65% from top-tier countries.

Discover 5 Important Medium Writer Profile Settings For Building Trust And Recognition Connecting Social Media
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As can be seen illustrated below through these 5 most important Medium writer profile settings, our own “Mastodon Account”. This is where you share your Medium stories or Medium publications if you have your own.

But you also get to interact with other professionals. Mastodon automatically integrates with Medium. Editing your Mastodon profile once you sign up can be done from the “Edit Profile” button just beneath your cover image.

Notice how we use the same profile photo and cover image as we do on Medium. That is because, through these 5 most important Medium writer profile settings, we want our readers to recognize us everywhere.

Discover 5 Important Medium Writer Profile Settings For Building Trust And Recognition With Mastodon By Medium
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

All these steps and editing with the 5 most important Medium writer profile settings are all equally important. It takes your Medium profile to the next step of “Professional”. You want to build trust and recognition before you generate sales.

Along with your high-quality content, completing your Medium settings by following these 5 most important Medium writer profile settings is how to achieve that.

Conclusion of 5 important Medium writer profile settings.

Simply follow along with these 5 important Medium writer profile settings and improve your visibility. It also boosts your trust and recognition-building capability.

Without trust and recognition, there will be no sales. Give people a reason to trust you, by providing solutions to their problems and they will buy from you.

Readers and people will never buy from you if you do not have their trust. Now, do you think anyone will trust a faceless, incomplete profile infested with personal details and clickbait?

Of course not, right? See how this works? Therefore, we cannot argue with Zig Ziglar, as he so elegantly educates us by saying.

If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.” — Zig Ziglar

Below listed are the 5 important Medium writer profile settings and changes you must make. Do not skip a single section. The more professional your profile is, the better your content gets.

The faster you will build recognition and trust. By doing that you will soon see the “growth and trust snowball” starting to roll.

1 — Design Your Medium Profile.

2 — Edit Medium Profile Bio.

3 — Connect Twitter And Facebook.

4 — Create Free Mastodon Profile.

5 — Adjust Medium Email Settings.

Design your profile by using the free graphics design tool called Canva and spice up your profile. Write a descriptive and easy-to-understand Medium profile bio, while connecting Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon.

Lastly, with these 5 most important Medium writer profile settings, simply adjust your email settings and be sure they are not “Turned Off”. Once done, you’re good to go!

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about these 5 important Medium writer profile settings?

Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Have you already made these setting changes to your Medium profile?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “5 Important Medium Writer Profile Settings!” story on Medium is concluded.

Now you know about the 5 most important Medium writer profile settings and have good reason to start editing!

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Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.