The Importance of Overcoming Resistance and Being Tested

Abdi’s Insights
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2023
Photo by Paulina Milde-Jachowska on Unsplash

In life, there are moments when we are faced with challenges that test our true character. It is during these moments that we truly discover who we are and what we are capable of. To me, a fight is not a fight until there is resistance and something to overcome. This is because it is only when we are faced with challenges that we are able to tap into our inner strength and push ourselves beyond our limits.

Whether it’s a lawyer in the courtroom or a doctor in the operating room, it is only when there is something to overcome that we can truly determine their skills and abilities. When a doctor has to perform a complex surgery, it is not until they successfully navigate the challenges and save a life that they can truly call themselves a surgeon.

Similarly, in life, we are all tested in different ways. We may face challenges in our personal relationships, our careers, or our health. It is only when we overcome these challenges that we can truly know ourselves and our capabilities.

When we face difficult situations, it is important to remember that we cannot just rely on our physical strength or aggressive nature. We must tap into our inner warrior and believe in ourselves. We must be willing to do whatever it takes to overcome the obstacles in our path.

In the end, it is only when we are tested and face resistance that we can truly grow and become stronger. We must embrace these challenges and use them as opportunities to push ourselves to new heights. Only then can we truly know what we are capable of and become the best version of ourselves.



Abdi’s Insights

Runner, writer hope you like my writing. Full time student athlete part time writer.