Chainwhiz partners with MemeDAO to host bounties on memes and discover the next Meme-Gods

Arka Sengupta
What’s Cooking at Chainwhiz?
2 min readApr 18, 2022

Moving forward, MemeDAO will be using Chainwhiz to host exciting meme bounties and much more. If you’re into memes, you better be buzzing!

The collaboration between MemeDAO and Chainwhiz opens up a plethora of opportunities for artists, designers, writers, and just about anyone who’s looking to kickstart their Web3 careers.

What can the community expect out of this partnership?

MemeDAO has been famously known across the Web3 space for its brilliant and relatable memes. The contributors behind this wonderful DAO that churns out quality memes relentlessly are pivotal to the DAO’s success. By shifting the bounty culture from a Discord server to the Chainwhiz marketplace, a lot can be achieved.

  • Bounties posted on Chainwhiz are accessible to a wider set of audiences. Since Chainwhiz hosts multiple forms of bounties from a set of protocols, it opens up the stage for more people from different communities to discover MemeDAO and contribute to it.
  • With a more unified payment system in place, the contributors now have a seamless way to contribute and claim the rewards directly into their wallets.
  • Chainwhiz also allows builders/contributors to build a reputation. This is made possible as every interaction is recorded on-chain and discovering active contributors becomes very easy.

So, the question remains? Wen? Wen does it starts?

Keep an eye out on the Chainwhiz Twitter Page to discover more about the upcoming bounties! Till then,


About MemeDAO

MemeDAO is a DAO with an objective to? You guessed it. Their Twitter Bio sums it all up — “Memes for everyone, by everyone.” What better way to introduce MemeDAO than with a meme.

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About Chainwhiz

Chainwhiz is an open-source bounty marketplace on Polygon connecting Web3 protocols and DAOs with builders, contributors, and communities. Using our platform, protocols can outsource tasks of all categories(design, development, memes, writing, etc.) as bounties and contributors can solve bounties in exchange for crypto payments.

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