5 Minutes to Forever Improve Your Blog Posts with ChatGPT (and Other AI Tools)

Mastering the art of writing blog posts with Artificial Intelligence.

Diana Dovgopol
Artificial Corner


Image created with Midjourney

When it comes to creating blog posts, there are some elements that can help you get more views and increase your read ratio.

  • Headline and thumbnails: Get the clicks
  • Writer’s voice and useful information: Boost reader engagement

AI can help with that. The problem is that some writers are either skeptical about AI or use it the wrong way.

I’ve been writing and using AI tech for a couple of years. Here’s how I use AI to improve my blog posts.

Use AI as a Cheap Research Assistant

If you’ve been writing for a while, probably you know that besides your own ideas, you need to add information to your blog posts to clarify concepts, back up your ideas, and provide examples.

Researching on the internet is time-consuming sometimes. The good news is that AI tools can become your research assistant for a low price.

AI tools like ChatGPT or Jasper can provide information for your articles in seconds. You only need to give a prompt describing what you want and they’ll generate text with…

