ChatGPT Creator Just Launched an AI Detector. Let’s Put It To The Test!

Can we finally detect AI-written content?

The PyCoach
Artificial Corner


Image via Shutterstock edited with Canva

In the past months, we’ve seen the launch of many tools that try to detect AI-written text.

However, only yesterday OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, launched its own text classifier that aims to distinguish between AI-written and human-written text. This is a free tool that has some limitations but it can still help you detect whether something was written by AI.

I’ve tested this tool with both human-written text and AI-written text. Here are the results.

Testing the AI Detector With a Text Written by Me

Let’s start by testing OpenAI’s new AI detector with a human-written text, but before we try this out, we have to keep in mind the limitations of this tool:

  • It requires a minimum of 1000 characters
  • The classifier isn’t always accurate
  • The classifier was primarily trained on English content written by adults

For the first test, I’ll copy the text from my article 4 Jobs That ChatGPT Will Change.

One reader said that it was written by ChatGPT in the comment section. Let’s find out whether it’s an…



The PyCoach
Artificial Corner

My ChatGPT Course - ChatGPT Unleashed: Master GPT-4 & Prompt Engineering: