I Used AI to Create Images of Disney Princesses And Celebrities, Then I Swapped Their Faces with Mine

The results were amazing! Here’s how you can do it too.

Diana Dovgopol
Artificial Corner


My face in the body of Cinderella (created with Midjourney)

I’m sure you’re familiar with Midjourney, the AI tool that transforms simple text prompts into beautiful AI art.

I just discovered a cool functionality to create your own avatars!

Sure, apps like Lensa already help us create avatars using our photos, but, let’s be real, the avatars look nothing like the original photos, they offer little customization, and are a bit expensive.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so let me show you the results I got after replacing the faces of famous celebrities and Disney princesses with mine.

I’m going to show you how to do this step by step later. The whole idea is to generate an image of a famous character in a half-body shot and combine it with a picture of yours where your face is clearly visible.

Here’s an example. On the left, there’s Cinderella generated with Midjourney, and on the right, there’s a selfie of mine.

