I Used AI to Turn My Sketches Into Masterpieces

Here’s how I did it.

Diana Dovgopol
Artificial Corner


Left: My sketch; Right: AI Masterpiece

In the AI world, transforming a simple sketch into a beautiful image is now incredibly fast and easy thanks to AI tools like Midjourney.

In this article, I’ll show you how to use Midjourney to turn your sketches into impressive artwork within minutes. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a beginner, this method will help you give a second life to your sketches.

Before showing you the steps, here are some of my sketches.

First, I drew a cat and a mouse. Midjourney understood my sketch and prompt without changing the scene or adding anything that I didn’t want.

Left: My sketch; Right: AI Masterpiece

Then I drew a raccoon eating a pizza. It only took me around 2 minutes to transform my chubby raccoon.

Left: My sketch; Right: AI Masterpiece

Here’s another quick sketch I made. In this case, I had to add extra details to the prompt to get the image I wanted.

