Scraper: ChatGPT Plugin That Scrapes Websites with 1 Prompt

Scraping websites has never been easier!

The PyCoach
Artificial Corner


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I recently found a ChatGPT plugin that helps us scrape websites in seconds (and immediately added it to my list of best ChatGPT plugins).

The name of this plugin is Scraper and you only need to create a prompt specifying the link of the target website and the data you want to extract. As simple as that!

Although this plugin can’t help you scrape all the websites out there, it has helped me easily scrape well-known websites like YouTube with 1 prompt!

Here’s how it works.

In case you don’t feel like reading, you can watch my YouTube video below.

First Things First — Install Scraper

To install Scraper, you need to be a ChatGPT Plus subscriber and have plugins enabled (here’s how to do that). Then you have to go to the plugin store and look for the plugin “Scraper” and install it.



The PyCoach
Artificial Corner

My ChatGPT Course - ChatGPT Unleashed: Master GPT-4 & Prompt Engineering: