How data-driven solutions can help businesses thrive

Radboud Heinink
Artificial Industry
3 min readApr 17, 2019

A carefully thought-out digital strategy should be part of every company’s DNA. Businesses require a customer-centric and refined digital platform, which can function as a business card. They should have sophisticated software so the customer experience is flawless. They need applications that analyze collected data swiftly. SEO needs to be on point. And customers need to feel stimulated to — both online and offline — engage.

Most businesses have a clear idea of their raison d’être. They know which problem they’re solving, have a vision of their ideal customer and can visualize their ‘dot on the horizon’. But more often than not they lack the tools, development capacity and human resources to convert that vision into a smoothly run operation.

Following years of working in customer experience, VANAD Group experienced firsthand which hurdles companies encounter when translating plans into reality. They saw how many companies struggled with resources — mostly digital — needed to make the leap they wanted to make.

Hence why they decided to acquire Artificial Industry, to help these businesses go from idea to solution. Artificial Industry has gathered the knowhow and resources inhouse that are needed to facilitate companies on this journey, and take their customer experience to the next level.

Sounds complicated and jargon-y, but it’s pretty straight forward. We work with a team of people — ranging from data scientists, developers, UX designers and scrum masters — who have the knowhow to develop digital solutions in an agile way, allowing businesses to become smarter business and focus on what actually matters.

Here are some examples of solutions we designed.

  1. Together with New Green Market, a digital marketplace for flowers and plants, we looked at how the production chain in floriculture could be optimized. NGM wondered: What would allow stakeholders to no longer be physically present at an auction?, and came up with the following solution: an online, intuitively designed digital platform making it possible for flower breeders and wholesalers to trade flowers and track processes in the value chain in real time. Over the course of a year, we built this platform. Thanks to this platform, the number of people with access to the floriculture market gets a boost. Moreover, the chain becomes more efficient and the time needed to get the product to the customer, is reduced.
New Green Market optimizes trading flowers and plants online. Credit: New Green Market

2. For VANAD Engage, a company that helps boost customer engagement and a partner company of Artificial Industry, we developed a tool that helps analyse phone calls with machine learning and speech analysis. The software can convert speech to text in real time during customer contacts, label the conversation and extract hot topics and emotions. This helps employees to compare today’s conversations with those of yesterday (or another point in history) and to detect and analyse trends.

As a result:

  • Time and effort was saved because team managers had a better understanding of customers who were calling.
  • The software clustered certain topics, and could indicate which topics were hot topics.
  • Trends and significant events could be detected. For example: when the topic ‘service outage’ suddenly doubled over the past hour, a larger trend was identified within the company so special attention within the customer’s technical operations team could be freed up for this matter.

These are just a few examples of solutions Artificial Industry has thus far designed, developed and customized for its customers. These applications are data-driven, allow companies to better understand their customers, act more swiftly and in real-time, and thus become a more customer-centric organization. Which, in the end, is what every company strives for.

👉Do you have a digital business challenge? Let’s brainstorm. For more information about what we do, visit our website or get in touch:

