The Artificial Intelligence coming up in our life

Humans can transcend their physical limitations with the aid of machines.

2 min readApr 12, 2014

Futurists predict in a utopian future, in which humans can transcend their physical limitations with the aid of artificial intelligence.

Kevin Kelly, during a conversation with Giuseppe Granieri, says: « Artificial intelligence is coming very fast and will become a commodity like electricity. You’ll buy as much AI as you want or need. Robots will change our employment […]. Humans will be the first artificial species».

Ray Kurzweil, in his book “The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology” predicts that technology will surpass human intelligence by the late 2030s. He says: « […] envisions a time when tomorrow’s robots will become more and more human-like; and humans, by swapping much of their biology for non-biological “immortal” parts, will develop stronger bodies, becoming more machine-like».

Dick Pelletier says that the world will see its first hybrid brain enhanced by artificial neurons. «As wild as this idea seems», he writes, «within 40 years, neurons made from nanomaterials could enable humans to survive even the most horrendous accident, and as a bonus, acquire some remarkable new abilities».

Tia Ghose is confident that artificial intelligence systems will be smarter than humans by the end of the century. She writes: «Some even think the singularity — the point at which artificial intelligence can match, and then overtake, human smarts — might happen in just 16 years».

The Artificial Intelligence is here. Time to prepare

The science of artificial intelligence is being fully embraced by all of the major tech companies. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others are beginning to use artificial intelligence techniques to build out their “deep learning” capacities. They’re starting to process all the activity occurring over their networks, from conversations, to photo facial recognition, to gaming activity.

Following some of the major acquisitions and hires from the AI field that occurred in recent months:

  • Facebook acquired Oculus VR for $2 Billion and launched a new research lab dedicated entirely to advancing the field of AI.
  • Google acquired DeepMind, a company that built learning algorithms for e-commerce, simulations, and games, for $400 million..
  • LinkedIn acquired Bright, a company that focused on data- and algorithm-driven job matches, for $120 million.
  • Pinterest acquired VisualGraph, a company that specialized in image recognition and visual search. VisualGraph CEO Kevin Jang helped build Google’s first machine vision application to improve image search.

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