Marko Polojärvi
Artificial Intelligence In Business
6 min readMar 31, 2017


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Right from school, we have learned to take it to heart the fact that computers are machines. And the inherent definition of “machine” is a device which can do automated predefined work, in short, mechanical redundant work. Such a pedagogy makes it hard for us to grasp the fact that machines have grown in stature over the last few decades. And now, business focused AI has entered our offices and joined our desks to work along with us, as one of us. AI in human resource management is a real thing right now. AI software engages, interviews, hires and trains people to work in different capacities inside the company.

One of the biggest advantages of having AI in human resource is the fact that the software can remain unbiased. It can determine the idiosyncrasies of the different prospects and employees in the company. This helps the company managerial board to cherry pick its top performing employees and push them up to higher positions and responsibilities.

With the futuristic approach of information technology companies at the moment, it is essential that the in-house employees are trained efficiently. This makes sure that the employees can make the shift in working over different platforms and teaming up with other colleagues seamlessly to complete the project at hand.

Generating framework to create business possibilities

AI in human resources can work on innumerable channels of data simultaneously. The problem with generic data about people in a company hierarchy is that it is quite chaotic. Artificial intelligence has the capacity to draw out from the pile, the important pieces of information that are needed to create business growth.

It can use such data to create work patterns in teams and members of the organization. Through these patterns, AI in human resources can spot positive trends. This is further understood and can be used to train the rest of the employees. Such techniques can improve on the best practices to follow for the company’s growth.

Engaging and training employees to perform

AI human resource systems tend to understand over time, the general working of every employee it is made to work with. This helps it to create workflows and action plans in training them. These methods can be applied in places where the AI system feels that their potential was not challenged well enough.

In the future, the system can be expected to design certification courses for the employees. This can help in cross-training them on various alternative skills needed to excel at work. Developments in technology have led to a stage where AI can understand and interpret our thoughts. It thus has the ability to perceive the need to keep its workers happy and satisfied. It uses prior performance and personal attributes to give incentives to the people and thus keep them focused on the job.

Such things apart, the biggest disgruntlement against the HR department is the fact that they are not effective in creating interpersonal relationships. It also holds true between peers and also between a manager and his subordinates. Even though this should be a cause for concern, in a corporate setup, it is increasingly difficult to address such issues. AI in human resource could be of help in such sticky situations. It can try being a mediator who could pacify and engage both sides of the workforce.

Improving the general image of the company

It is estimated that about fifty percent of the people who apply to a job in a corporate company fail to get any response from the management over long periods of time. This can lead to a negative impression about the company to its potential candidates. Large corporations like Coca-Cola get hundreds of job applications every day. Thus they also have the need to make sure everyone is addressed. This gave rise to various Application Tracking Systems (ATS) which were used to sift through all the applications.

But the issue was, it could not get the underlying potential between different candidates. The effort still needed a human to help in the search for the right person to a vacancy. This also highlights the problem of under-staffing in the HR department, since it is improbable to cater to every application in great depths.

But AI in human resource takes it a bit further by engaging them with at a personal level. They can go about it by emailing or even by chatting with the applicants on the helpline. It can all be done real-time and the conversations can be tailor-made to every prospect, with very negligible manual intervention. This also makes sure that the labor costs are kept low, with the software engaging with multiple applicants at the same time.

There also is the question of re-engaging candidates who could not be given a job offer previously, citing no vacancies. When new positions open up, AI could be used to search the available interviewees’ data to check if they are suitable for the job. Keeping this system automated makes sure that the company recruits the best possible candidate for the job.

Generally, the HR department usually does nothing towards improving the mindset of the successful candidates who are waiting for their joining date. There might be a time gap of about a few months before they join the company, and this might be the time when they can be coached by an AI system. It can help the new employees to understand the in-house corporate culture, the working environment and make them look forward to their stint in the company.

Improving freshers engagement with human resource AI

Statistics say that about 90% of the employees forget what they were taught during the initial few weeks of joining the company. This is because the environment is new and it takes people some time to adjust to the surroundings. The way of dumping information through introductory sessions on nascent employees is inherently wrong, and artificial intelligence can provide solutions to this.

AI in Human Resource could alleviate such issues by analyzing the learning capabilities of people and creating lessons in accordance to that. This helps in greater knowledge retention for the employees and impacts the working environment more positive manner.

How can businesses flourish in human resource AI?

Companies traditionally store up a lot of information of applicants in their database. SMEs are usually understaffed and thus can not cater or scrutinize every application to its merit. Startups have ample space to perform here. Innovative companies are mushrooming, where they work with different companies to check the authenticity of the candidate profiles.

There has been a growing cause for concern with data reliability, with some potential candidates blatantly lying or tampering with their resumes. This leads to over-selling and eventually, the company is at a loss. AI in Human Resource can prevent this by cross-channel checking of the profiles. They can also work on conducting customized tests to ascertain the proficiency levels of the candidates with regard to their resumes.

Understanding data coming from different channels inside the company to create workable action plans for the managers is a possibility that startups need to pursue. Informed decisions by managers backed by data can create progress in the company and AI can be the tool to do just that. For instance, top performers in a corporation are always in demand in the open market, and AI could understand such subtleties. It can have a reward mechanism in place to make sure the talented employees are retained by the organization.

On the flip side, from the perspective of the employees, AI in Human Resource could be a revelation. One impressive startup idea is to make sure a person can understand his strengths and unique selling points by analyzing his career and growth graphs. This can help the person to be more confident during interviews and also to demand a salary on par with his market value. Artificial intelligence software can also go a notch higher and find suitable jobs for the people, based on their qualifications.

AI in human resource is thus, a necessity. With the technological service sector exploding in growth every year, it becomes more and more important for companies and employees to fit into roles and move the system forward. Human resource automation is a vital cog which keeps the engine running. It saves a lot of time and stops friction between the different organizational levels in a more efficient way than a human personnel. It can create a path towards better-informed solutions, a tighter work group, and more happy employees. AI in sales has created significant impact already and it is about time businesses start taking AI in human resource into their mainstream corporate structure as well.

Original post: AI In Human Resources — Benefits of Intelligent Automation at Artificial Intelligence in Business / Machian Future

