A.I. Expectations

In order to predict the future of artificial intelligence in business we must look upon the past and present use of artificial intelligence as well as the opinion and predictions of businesses themselves. We can view this information through the Reshaping Business With Artificial Intelligence study by the Boston Consulting Group and MIT Sloan Management Review.

Present and Future Use

Artificial Intelligence is already widely used in business in very small ways such as automation of simple processes. Many of these small impacts of artificial intelligence don’t affect the workplace and its employees’ jobs that much but the future of artificial intelligence in the workplace will have significant impacts in their business careers. As of today, not many businesses have implemented artificial intelligence into their business and even less have plans to implement it in the future as shown in the graph below.

Future Planning and Expectations

Even though there may not many businesses that use artificial intelligence in the present, businesses in different industries all know and expect artificial intelligence to have a beneficial impact on their industry in the near future. These expectations tell us that businesses are not ignoring the impact of artificial intelligence in the present day and realize that it will be a useful and widespread tool in the future.

In those different industries their expectation of which areas of their business will be affected vary but are similar in some key areas. The main areas that businesses think will be impacted by artificial intelligence are operations/manufacturing and information technology which implies that many businesses will still be using artificial intelligence for automation. Even if it will still be used for automation artificial intelligence will probably have a bigger part in more areas of said automation.

Most artificial intelligence in businesses will be driven by many factors like increasing efficiency, obtaining a competitive advantage, and customer request. Increased efficiency will result from more automation or artificial intelligence having a bigger part in the automation process. By implementing artificial intelligence businesses will have a more productive and efficient business process, giving them a competitive advantage in quality and price of their product or service. Eventually customers will want artificial intelligence for certain aspects of the business that they with in order for them to have a more positive and efficient interaction.

