The Power of Influence and Control:

Reed Justice
Artificial Wisdom
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2024

Understanding a Fundamental Human Drive


The need to feel important is a powerful motivator in human behavior, influencing our actions, decisions, and interactions. In our previous article, we explored various aspects of this need, including self-esteem, social connections, and evolutionary roots. This article will focus on one specific facet: the need for influence and control. Understanding how this need shapes our behavior can provide valuable insights into personal growth, leadership, and societal dynamics.

The Psychology of Influence and Control

Importance and Influence Importance often equates to having influence over others and control over one’s environment. This sense of influence provides a greater sense of security and stability, which is crucial for psychological well-being. When people feel they have control, they are more confident and proactive in their actions.

Research shows that perceived control is linked to numerous positive outcomes, such as enhanced performance and improved well-being. People with higher perceived control tend to perform more effectively and experience fewer physical health symptoms (iResearchNet, 2023).

Evolutionary Perspective From an evolutionary standpoint, individuals who had influence within their social groups were more likely to secure resources, find mates, and ensure their survival. This historical context has embedded the need for influence and control into our genetic makeup.

The Role of Influence and Control in Modern Society

Personal Influence Reflect on situations where feeling important has given you a sense of control. Consider how having influence has shaped your personal and professional achievements. This drive often motivates individuals to pursue leadership roles, where they can guide others and shape outcomes.

Leadership and Influence For leaders, the ability to influence others is a key component of effective management. Recognizing the importance of this need can help leaders foster a more productive and motivated team. Implementing recognition programs and providing opportunities for team members to take on influential roles can enhance morale and job satisfaction.

Studies in social psychology highlight that behaviors and actions are significantly influenced by the environment and social situations. This perspective emphasizes the power of situational variables in shaping behavior (Pressbooks, 2023).

Control in Personal Development Awareness of the need for control can aid personal development by helping individuals set and achieve meaningful goals. When people feel they have control over their lives, they are more likely to engage in behaviors that promote well-being and personal growth.

The Negative Side of Influence and Control

Unhealthy Competition While the need for influence can drive success, it can also lead to unhealthy competition and stress. Individuals may become overly focused on controlling outcomes, leading to burnout and strained relationships. It’s important to find a balance and ensure that the pursuit of control does not overshadow other aspects of well-being.

Manipulation and Power Struggles In some cases, the desire for control can lead to manipulative behavior and power struggles. Understanding this aspect can help individuals recognize and mitigate negative behaviors, fostering healthier interactions and relationships.

Strategies for Healthy Influence and Control

Developing Emotional Intelligence Building emotional intelligence can help individuals manage their need for control in a healthy way. This involves understanding and managing one’s emotions, as well as recognizing and empathizing with the emotions of others.

Empowering Others Effective leaders empower others by sharing control and encouraging collaboration. This approach not only enhances team performance but also helps build a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Setting Realistic Goals Setting realistic and achievable goals can provide a sense of control without leading to undue stress. This strategy helps individuals maintain a balance between ambition and well-being.


The need for influence and control is deeply ingrained in human nature. Understanding this drive can enhance self-awareness and improve leadership, relationships, and personal growth. By acknowledging and addressing this fundamental need, we can foster a more empathetic and balanced society.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. How has the need for influence and control influenced your life? How do you balance this need in your interactions with others?


  • iResearchNet. (2023). Control (SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY). Retrieved from iResearchNet
  • Pressbooks. (2023). Social Psychology and Influences on Behavior. Retrieved from Pressbooks
  • USC MAPP Online. (2023). What Influences Human Behavior?. Retrieved from USC MAPP Online

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Reed Justice
Artificial Wisdom

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