Title: The Trust Chronicles: The Art of Crafting Unbreakable Bonds Over Time

Reed Justice
Artificial Wisdom
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2023

In a world where instant gratification and superficial connections are the norm, it’s easy to forget the true essence of trust: it takes time to build. Trust, the cornerstone of any relationship, whether personal or professional, is a delicate yet powerful force that holds people together. In this article, we delve into the intricate process of building trust over time, providing original insights, real-world examples, and personal anecdotes to guide you on your journey.

The Slow and Steady Pace of Trust Building:

As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” The same holds true for trust. It takes time, patience, and consistent effort to cultivate trust in any relationship. Research has shown that trust builds incrementally, with every positive interaction contributing to the overall trust bank (Lewicki, Tomlinson, & Gillespie, 2006). This means that consistent positive interactions are key to building trust.

The Marriage of Michelle and Barack Obama

One of the most famous examples of a trust-based relationship is the marriage of Michelle and Barack Obama. In their interviews and books, they have candidly shared their journey of building trust throughout their relationship. By consistently supporting each other and being transparent about their feelings, they have cultivated a deep sense of trust that has stood the test of time (Obama, 2018).

Michelle and Barack Obama

My Trust Crisis with a Friend

I once faced a trust crisis with a dear friend named Sarah. Our friendship had blossomed over years of shared experiences and mutual support. However, one day, a seemingly innocuous event sparked a rift between us. Sarah had confided in me about a personal struggle she was facing, and she asked me to keep it a secret. Unfortunately, I inadvertently mentioned it to a mutual friend, which led to the information spreading further than intended.

When Sarah found out, she felt betrayed and hurt. Our trust in each other was severely compromised, and for a while, it seemed that our once-strong friendship was on the brink of crumbling. Both of us were upset, and the tension between us was palpable.

Instead of allowing our friendship to disintegrate, we decided to take a step back, reflect, and then address the issue head-on. We agreed to meet and have an open and honest conversation about what had transpired. We both acknowledged our feelings — Sarah expressed her sense of betrayal and disappointment, while I admitted my mistake and took responsibility for my actions. During this conversation, we also addressed our fears and concerns about the future of our friendship.

As a result of this heartfelt discussion, we both realized that our friendship was too valuable to abandon due to one mistake. We agreed to work together to rebuild our trust. This wasn’t a quick or easy process; it took time, effort, and patience. We made a conscious effort to be more transparent with each other, openly sharing our thoughts and feelings. We also made a pact to be more accountable for our actions and to practice empathy by putting ourselves in each other’s shoes.

Over time, our trust in each other gradually grew stronger. With each positive interaction and shared experience, we deposited more “trust currency” into our friendship’s account. Eventually, we reached a point where our trust was fully restored, and our friendship emerged even stronger than before.

This experience taught us the invaluable lesson that trust, though fragile, can be rebuilt with time, effort, and genuine commitment. By facing our trust crisis head-on and working together to overcome it, we were able to preserve and strengthen our bond.

Steps to Build Trust Over Time

Be consistent: Show up for the other person in both good times and bad, and follow through on your promises.

  1. Be transparent: Share your thoughts and feelings openly, and encourage the other person to do the same.
  2. Be accountable: Admit when you’re wrong and take responsibility for your actions.
  3. Show empathy: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand their feelings and perspectives.
  4. Invest time: Spend quality time together, engaging in meaningful conversations and shared experiences.


Trust is an invaluable currency in today’s world, and it takes time to build. By understanding the importance of consistent, positive interactions and applying the actionable steps outlined in this article, you can cultivate trust that stands the test of time. As you embark on your trust-building journey, remember: trust, like Rome, may not be built in a day, but it is worth every ounce of effort to create unbreakable bonds that last a lifetime.


Lewicki, R. J., Tomlinson, E. C., & Gillespie, N. (2006). Models of interpersonal trust development: Theoretical approaches, empirical evidence, and future directions. Journal of Management, 32(6), 991–1022.

Obama, M. (2018). Becoming. Crown.


This article was generated with the help of ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI.

Sarah is a fictional character



Reed Justice
Artificial Wisdom

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