
Alessandro Lamberti
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2021

Who are we?

Artificialis is an online community.
It was created by me, Alessandro, a Machine Learning Engineer and a bunch of other guys.
We immediately started growing, and I felt the need to expand and bring some guys to help me in this journey (thanks to Ashik, Tomer, Max).

What do we do?

We currently have three main channels.

Medium publication

We’re featuring different writers. We write about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, health and life.
You can expect blogs, technical articles and tutorials.

Are you interested in writing with us? Check our guidelines.

Discord server

Where it all started. A group of enthusiasts and practitioners.
Here, you can expect daily cutting-edge research papers, videos and news about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
It’s also a place for hanging out with all of us, get help with your studies and projects.

Interested in joining? You’re more than welcome to:


The best from Artificialis. Directly in your inbox.
A monthly newsletter featuring the best papers shared during the week, the latest blogs and articles, and the latest news in AI.


