Do you tweak?


Joanne Olivieri
2 min readFeb 14, 2022


All photos by author Joanne Olivieri

I took the top photo at Metson Lake and decided to play around with it using my photo software program. I am one who does not like tweaked photos as I always like the true essence of an original photo particularly when photographing nature. The only thing I do tweak is the focus because I use my zoom lens much of the time.

However, I decided to play around with the original on this shot and change the colors. While I do like the black and white shot, I still enjoy the original much more.

So many people use photoshop and tweak their photos to a point where they look fake and for me REAL is what’s important in photography unless you are creating abstract art and trying to exhibit a particular effect.

Thank you for viewing.



Joanne Olivieri

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact -