Intersections II

Published in
Sep 10, 2022
Intersections II, stone mosaic 12" diameter, ©Delfino Cornali 2022

This is the fourth of a series of eight mosaic stepping stones, using a similar style and method as the previous work. Again, working with three value groupings: the light a mix of white & pink marble; mid-range with an Italian royal yellow and an Aegean beige; the dark values a mix of Teos green and Emperador; the border and intersection lines using a dark red/brown marble.

I think by using long & thin tesserae gives this piece a sense of flow that my other geometric pieces lacks.



Writer for

Pastel artist, bread baker, runner, backpacker, traveler, gardener, mosaicist, @home in the Idaho foothills w/my partner Michele enjoying owl/coyote serenades.