OpenArt AI

Christine Graves
7 min readApr 8, 2023


A review of a free AI art generation platform

Image by Christine Graves via OpenArt AI

For the past few months, I’ve been getting into the whole AI art thing. Now, mind you, I’m still a novice. And I’m sure many of you who know me, know I’m a writer, not a visual artist. That’s not exactly true. I’m not just a writer, I’m a creator. I’m one of those people who just like to create things. I also crochet, make miniatures, and am a huge fan of coloring books. If I’m being creative, I’m happy.

My first real attempt at AI was through a site called NightCafe. I’m actually a subscriber, but I wanted to see what else was out there. So, I did a little research and found a few different sites that are actually free. However, I also quickly learned that you get what you pay for. I have found a couple of sites that are pretty cool that are free, but so far, my favorite free site is OpenArt AI.

I’ve only been with this site for about a week, but I’ve created a few really cool images. That being said, I’ve also made a lot of really horrible ones. I’m sure it can be done, but I have yet to produce a human face that doesn’t look as though they’ve been in a life-altering accident.

Like many AI generation sites, there are paid subscriptions to OpenArt. However, when I signed up, I was given 1,000 credits to play with…



Christine Graves

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.