Prompt It Up!

An invitation to creation

Charlie Cole


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

This post, as you may have guessed, is all about prompts. In an effort to encourage and inspire more engagement I thought it might be a good idea to offer them up! The first couple of go-arounds will just be feeling this out and getting feedback from you all to see if you’d like me to keep doing it.

If it takes off I will post them more frequently and see if anyone else would be interested in creating their own prompts as well. So, let’s get this party started with the first prompt:


The hot season is upon (many) of us and what better way to sweat it out than to make some art about it? I’d love to see your artistic renderings of whatever summer may mean to you. Hate the humidity? Love the beach? Does a certain memory come back to you? Want to surgically attach yourself to the AC? Let’s see it all! This can be in song, in a painting, a photograph, or even a short story. We welcome it all! Please make sure to tag your draft with #ArtiPrompt so it is easily discoverable. Also, please link to this prompt at the end of your piece!

Seeing how this is a very general and overarching theme I’m going to keep this prompt open for a while, to give you all time to think, create, and submit (you can do multiple pieces if you’d like). By the end, I will make a compilation…



Charlie Cole

Writer • Photographer • Editor • Champion Overthinker • She/Her •