Unusual Colored Pathway


Joanne Olivieri
Apr 11, 2022


Photo by Author Joanne Olivieri

While walking through the gardens I came across this dirt path through another pathway of tall trees. There were no flowers on these trees yet you can see the pathway through a Cabernet colored infusion of what looked like dust along the dirt. It was unusual yet beautiful.

My photo writing challenge prompts at Promptly Written.

Joanne's Photo Writing Challenge

19 stories

Visit my publications Artique and Delicious Delights.

Artique and Delicious Delights

2 stories

My Sammers The Cockatiel Stories.


16 stories

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Joanne Olivieri

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact jmcojo@gmail.com - https://medium.com/@jodapoet