Creating Your Own Story: Abstract Art with Jeff Bryner

Austin Hale
Artisan Market
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2017
Laguna Beach — breathtakingly beautiful

Do you ever go to an art gallery, stare at a painting, and wonder why in the world it evokes such strong emotions? I didn’t really “get it” when I was younger, and sometimes, I feel like I still don’t, but every once in a while, I see something that makes me stop. It makes me feel. That’s what Jeff Bryner’s art did to me. It made me stop. It made me think.

One of Jeff’s painting — Acrylic on canvas

I was put in contact with Jeff a few weeks ago and before I knew it (with the help of some poor flight planning), I was waking up at 4:30 AM to catch a flight to meet him in California. It was a great experience to get to meet with him, take pictures of some of his available paintings, and get insight into his process in his own words.

Small side note: if you’ve never been out to Orange County, it’s worth the trip. The amount of green and beautiful flowers on the side of the road while driving around really made me question my life decisions to live in the middle of a desert.

Driving to Jeff’s studio, I saw a sign that made my heart flutter. Fanboy for life.

When you first meet Jeff, he’s a little bit on the quiet side. However, that quiet exterior is hiding an incredibly witty personality that doesn’t hold back as he gets to know you. I was really impressed with his space; he has a small garage downstairs from his main living area filled paintings. At least 3-4 large paintings decorated each wall, and in between those, were racks filled with smaller paintings that he’s not willing to part with — they’re too special to him, too many memories are associated with them.

It became quickly evident talking with Jeff and watching him work, that he’s incredibly passionate about his art. He told me that at certain points in his life, painting has been a type of therapy. At other points, it’s helped him to meet new people and develop friendships.

After getting the chance to see his space, we headed out to tour Laguna Beach. If you’ve never been, it’s 100% worth visiting. The views were breathtaking and the surrounding downtown area is filled with art galleries. I found it fascinating to walk around with Jeff and hearing him talk about all the different things that inspire his work.

Overall the trip was incredibly entertaining, but more importantly, it gave me a greater appreciation for the process he goes through to create his beautiful art.

Interested in Jeff’s work? You can check it out on

