Occulture Vultures

An Overview of Kabbalah So Simple Even a Dog Can Understand God

Curious, Non-Jewish boy attempts a breakdown of the overall structure

Gunner Barrett
Artisanal Article Machine
7 min readMay 21, 2022


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If you thought all you’d need to know about Jewish mysticism was wrapped up in the music video for Madonna’sRay of Light” — you’d be pretty close. But many of us aren’t ready for the mind of Madonna, so we turn to other sources of Kabbalistic knowledge. Mostly online. Here’s the issue everyone runs into though — it’s super goddamn confusing.

Take the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article (edited for neatness):

Kabbalah is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubal. The definition of Kabbalah varies according to the tradition and aims of those following it, from its religious origin as an integral part of Judaism, to its later adaptations in Western esotericism. Jewish Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between the unchanging, eternal God — the mysterious Ein Sof — and the mortal, finite universe. It forms the foundation of mystical religious interpretations within Judaism.

That’s not super helpful. Now you have more questions than you started with. Without any…



Gunner Barrett
Artisanal Article Machine

Groovy Writer of Supple Words, LaserDisc Apologist, Grand Intellectual, Seer of Greasy Auras; Bots Welcome. Stories vaguely organized in my lists.