I Had a Downdicking Event Yesterday

Smillew Rahcuef
Artisanal Article Machine
3 min readAug 6, 2022


Credit: Unsplash

We have this tradition with my wife; for our anniversaries, we reenact the event. First date, first kiss, first flower bouquet, and others, we stay as close as possible to the original scenario.

Yesterday was our first sex anniversary, and I made a mistake.

We went to my wife’s favorite restaurant. The setting is nice enough, but the main attraction is that they serve fresh oysters.

The servers there know us, and we don’t need to order. They bring us the usual.

When we started dating, I was taking things slow, too slow for my wife. She sent me signals, like talking about how much she liked eating oysters and the weird effect they’re supposed to have on people’s libido.

As a big nerd, I’ve never been too good at reading signals, even the most obvious ones like having a woman I’m dating talking about wanting to have sex when she eats oysters.

My wife, on the contrary, is very good at reading signals and sending them. If they don’t work, she has no problem sending them again, but louder.

That first night we had sex, she went to the bathroom in the middle of dinner. Nothing special, right? Except that she came back and gave me something under the table.

„Hey, take this, but be discreet; it’s not something you…



Smillew Rahcuef
Artisanal Article Machine

One day I will stop writing on Medium. Read my stories while you can.