The ‘100 Things in 20 Minutes Challenge’ is Clearly Ridiculous, But at Least It May Clear Out My Brain

I have a problem resisting prompts

Paul Combs
Artisanal Article Machine
6 min readSep 13, 2022


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Most of you already know that I simply cannot ignore a writing prompt. Typically the challenge comes in either the film or music genres (like the one from Pierce McIntyre I’m working on now, trying to prove that Born to Run is a concept album), but sometimes they come from way out in left field. Like past the bleachers and into the parking lot left field. Not surprisingly, it was Hogan Torah and Gunner Barrett who lured me into just such a challenge: 100 Things in 20 Minutes.

I’ve read several of these over the past week, and each had its own special take on the prompt. Some contained one-line story ideas, some were akin to a slam poem, and more than one resembled what you’d get by letting your cat walk on your keyboard for 20 minutes. It’s been madness, and I have enough madness already, so why jump into more?

Because it’s a challenge, damn it. And I have some kind of weird addiction to the things. I also clearly don’t grasp the concept of coming up with 100 things in a set amount of time or I wouldn’t be hammering always at this introductory blather.

Balls. Six minutes gone already. I am too wordy for my own good. Time to get after it.



Paul Combs
Artisanal Article Machine

Writer, bookseller, would-be roadie for the E Street Band. My ultimate goal is to make books as popular in Texas as high school may take a while.