Moving On | Nomadic | Life Changes
Life Changes in an Instant
Just like that, another chapter is closed.
This is the last photo I took of our latest garden creation. We had been growing it with loving care since May, even before that if you consider the seeds we started in our house, and looked forward to another month of harvesting its goodness, and potentially canning and preserving some goodies for ourselves when we planned to return in the spring.
However, all of that has changed now. An event happened, words were said, accusations flew, and the rest is history.
In 3 hours we packed up a whole house of possessions that we have collected over the past 8 months of living there, and had Chris’ mom pick us up to take us to her house just an hour away.
It was a rushed affair, and sadly, I never did take one last look in the garden or I may have noticed that we should have at least taken the bountiful harvest of basil we so lovingly encouraged from seed, or a few stalks of celery that we grew for the first time, also from seed.
Thankfully, Chris’ mom took the time to pull some beets while she waited for us to pack, so we at least have those as our parting gift.