A virgin’s worst nightmare.

Salem Zikora
Artistry Liberation
3 min readFeb 6, 2024
Photo by Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash

Six days had gone by since the event of that night. She still couldn’t believe it happened. She blinked again and again, praying, hoping, it would all be a dream. A terrible one, but one She’d eventually wake up from.

A tear slips down her face as his name comes to mind.


Her chest heaves, her heart contracting in pain as the pages of that particular night opened, and the events came rushing in as darkness, faithful to the call of the night.

He had called throughout the two weeks prior, saying he missed her, and needed to see her. She missed him too, and so she went to see him.

It was supposed to be a happy occasion .

It was.

At least for those first twenty minutes— two young lovers separated by distance, finally reunited against all odds.

She remembered entering the room, sitting on the rugged floor with her legs folded in, while her eyes scanned the environment.

She remembered the laughter they shared, even as he served her the hot meat pie, and 5alive juice. It was “our” laugh, because it came from communicating in a language only they could understand. No words spoken, none needed.

Oh! the excitement she felt when he said;

“I am happy to see you”

Her heart fluttered when he begged for a kiss. He’d been begging for a month now.

She looked into his eyes and saw the earnest plea. A passion so beautiful in brown eyes.

A kiss? just a kiss?

What is a kiss to make him quake so?!

A kiss I can give…

And so, she obliged.

It was wet and slippery, not sweet and heady as she saw in the movies.


Maybe because she wasn’t Concentrating enough, people usually closed their eyes, no?

So she did, and it hit her.

I’m having my first kiss!

Feeling nothing — but still, first kiss! How exciting!!

And then he started to tug on her clothes.

It must be good for him then, I mean to get him into this frenzy”

Buttons coming undone.

Okayyy…it’s time to pause…

She thought and said out loud — jokingly.

The regular heartbeat undone by anxiety, streaked with hope that he’d understand her words, “NOT YET”.

It wasn’t news to his ears. They had talked about it, discussed it in length, over and over again, and he had assured her. It was one of the reasons she loved him; sharing the same value.

They had even slept on the same bed, through the night, severally too. He had hugged her once, caressed her twice, but never touched her. It was why she came to trust him.

So why is she crying now, with clothes coming undone?

She used to think she was powerful over him — or atleast their love was; “too pure”…as she she’d brag to her friends about their purity, but as he tugged persistently on her pants, her doubts rose like waves, boats rocked to pieces.

Yet she continued to float using the leftover woods, woods of faith.

He is a good man…

He promised me…

It’ll all go away and he’ll come round and apologize…

But he didn’t stop.

And when he slammed into her,

She sank.

Losing complete hold of her pieces, snapping back to reality, as the first drop of blood trickled down her legs.

It dawned on her there and then, that a desperate man NEVER holds to his promises.

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Salem Zikora
Artistry Liberation

Writer | Scriptwriter l content writer /ideation Personal essays keeps us in touch with our feelings. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Salemzikora