Salem Zikora
Artistry Liberation
2 min readNov 29, 2023
Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

I am afraid.

Of being an open book;

An open book whose pages every Tom, dick and harry can have access to.

To read.

A book each passerby can empathize with at each turn.

In the mountains and in the steep valleys, even in the meadows in between.

I am afraid.

Of the information exchange fraud.

Exchanging my deepest struggles for a casual “I’m currently in a bad place”.

I’m scared, that I might mistake a danger zone as a safe space to open up the gruesome package, carefully wrapped in a bright smile.

A meal, my anxiety.

I’m afraid of the forks distributed among the hands of people — seemingly friends, whose eyes mirror hunger for a piece of me.

I am afraid of sharing myself to people and having none of them;

Fraudsters, encouraging me to talk about my worst relationships, while they hide their own deathly cancer in the request; “pray for me oh!”

Just the thought of nothing left for me sends a chill down my spine.

No shield, no armor.

So I think to myself,

“There should be a mystery left”

something to package at least.

Do not get me wrong, though I do not live with what you think of me, I still think that I should be able to look doll pretty today, and tomorrow, appear in my comfort sweatshirt,

I should Succeed without the pressure of not failing ever again, and I should fail without their expectation of me falling apart.

The furtive glances, the nods of appraisal, the unsolicited compassion!

Locked in this endless loop of expressions, I call for help.

“Can I just be out of the spotlight?”

Three seconds go by, and my phone screen lights up with a notification from my Bible app;


I sigh and complete the scripture verse in my head.

I know all of these, I should be prepared.

But dear God, I am afraid.



Salem Zikora
Artistry Liberation

Writer | Scriptwriter l content writer /ideation Personal essays keeps us in touch with our feelings. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Salemzikora