MAMI Lectures, Part 3

Kenric Allado-McDowell
Artists + Machine Intelligence
1 min readJul 29, 2016

This is the third of several posts in which we’ll share lectures from the Music, Art and Machine Intelligence conference that took place in San Francisco, CA on June 1, 2016. Previously: Part 1. Part 2.

Did you think that was it? That we couldn’t get more creative with MI?

Below, you’ll see a MI-augmented drumstick prosthetic by Gil Weinberg of Georgia Tech, robotic brushes by Columbia’s Hod Lipson, Memo Akten’s MI-based lighting control and gestural interface for music, and Magenta’s MI-generated compositions on a simulated Moog synth (presented at MAMI by Adam Roberts, but depicted here in its Moogfest incarnation).



Kenric Allado-McDowell
Artists + Machine Intelligence

Co-author Pharmako-AI. Co-editor Atlas of Anomalous AI. Co-founder @artwithMI . Opinions channeled. Thee/Thou