Alexandru Ciucurencu (Romanian, Post-Impressionism, 1903–1977)

amy marie adams
ARTists I like
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2017

The first painting, which I personally prefer, shown here by Alexandru Ciucurencu is based on a passage from a poem by renowned Romanian author Mihai Eminescu, Imparat si proletar (Rulers and Workers) the author of the article doesn’t specifically say what passage of the poem the painting refers to and I am unfamiliar with this work so there is not an interpretation or speculation here, although I wonder if there is something else behind it. Actually find it intriguing to know only half of the information, then to know all of the info or none at all — but maybe that’s just me. You can read the article in Romanian at this link. Other language speakers I recommend using BING search engine translator — better than google* — still not sufficient for accuracy — but will give you enough of an idea.

Note recently, January 2017, have read that google upped their game in their translation software so maybe you might want to try that out.

alexandru ciucurencu painting
Imparat si proletar (Rulers and Workers) by Alexandru Ciucurencu

Second shown is The Chess Players an oil painting oil on cardboard. This work is held by the Brukenthal National Museum, in Sibiu, Romania.

Chess Players Oil on cardboard by Alexandru Ciucurencu
The Chess Players, Oil on cardboard, 61x91 cm, Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu, Romania (source

Artists I Like: Alexandru Ciucurencu

According to various texts that I’ve read about him, he is known more so for his still life paintings and nudes. I have not come across any nude figures but some paintings with figures. Following are a 3 still life paintings and one of his house paintings, all of them very strong works, especially colour.

Four Paintings by Artist Alexandru Ciucurencu, Natură-statică (top left ), Natură-statică-cu-vase-verzi-, 1971 (top right), Natură-statică-cu-vioară (bottom left), Peisaj (bottom right), Fair Use (image sources: Galeria-Quadro, Artmark,, Yahoo image search & Pinterest)

Here is a collection of his works set to music.

You can view many of his works online at artmark’s website linked below.

In addition to his art practice, he worked as a professor at the “Nicolae Grigorescu” Art Institute in Bucharest. Over the course of his career he received many commissions and prizes including the following:

1930 he was a winner of the Official Salon

1955 he won the prestigious State Prize

1956 the Ion Andreescu Prize given by the art Academy

Alexandru Ciucurecu BW photograph of the 20th century post-impressionist painter.

BIO information

for Ciucurencu in ro and en links listed below:

ROMANIAN -Citeste mai mult in romaneste aici.

ENGLISH — Read more about Alexandru Ciucurencu here.

His work sells for many thousands of euros and he is highly regarded and well known in Romania. One wiki stated that a collection of his works as well as a book of his works was shown in two episodes of the 1990’s popular TV series Frasier.

Normally I would include additional links and references, however generally speaking their are less links to Romanian artists and the links provided in this article are the best that I’ve come across to date. You can also do a search of his name on pinterest to see a selection of his images all in one place.

A version of this article was originally published on my art blog.

Hope you enjoyed getting acquainted with Alexandru Ciucurencu’s work. If you found this post useful, show me your love by tapping on the ❤ button at the end of this post.

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About The Author

Amy Adams is a fine artist (MFA Painting — Academia de Arte Vizuale Ion Andreescu) living and working out of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is passionate about the visual arts and music.

You can connect with her on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and her website.



amy marie adams
ARTists I like

editor mindful soul center magazine, fine artist (MFA painting), periodic code warrior, supreme lover of dogs, epic gardener, and sometime yoga goddess RYT-200