
Graeme McNee
Artist's Journal
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2017

Today I started writing the first few pages of the prologue, or as I will call it Chapter 0. This is based on a real scientific theory but told through the mouth of one of the secondary characters.

I think I have a basic understanding of the theory, so I wrote a draft from memory first, then looked it up online to see how close I remembered the details. As I clicked around the various articles I realised it was much more complex than I initially thought and quickly felt out of my depth.

I mailed a draft to a friend who knows more a lot more about science than me, and he pointed out the errors and recommended a book that explains the theory in a simple way. I was secretly hoping he would just rewrite my text so I could move onto the drawing stage, but to his credit he refused and like any great teacher he simply put me on the right course for discovering the information myself.

The local bookshop didn’t have have the book so I ordered a copy which may take a week or two. The opening for this story was one of the first things I composed in my head, and I have been mentally tweaking it for years, so it’s a bit frustrating that I haven’t been able to finish what I thought would be the easiest part of the book (ie. the part based on an actual established theory). I guess whenever you use reality it is going require a lot of research and fact checking. Much better to just make something up from scratch, then it can be any way you want!

Although the text may change I think the picture and the page structure for this section will remain the same, but to play it safe I will move onto the next scene and come back to this part later.

