How to Use Astro Maps to Choose Your Next Artist Residency


Photo by Anastasia Dulgier on Unsplash

Have you ever gone on a trip or attended an artist residency and when you arrived, everything seemed to go your way? Or maybe you felt like your journey was filled with chaos from start to finish, and wondered why the universe hates you.

My guess is at least part of the reason for the good, bad and the ugly was your Astro chart and which planetary lines you were near.

What is Astro Cartography

What is my Astro chart, you may ask? The Grounded Mystic describes Astro cartography as the practice of using your birth chart to calculate the relationship of the 12 planetary bodies to the world map at any time. “Each line is associated with an angle and a planet, and describes certain qualities, challenges, or talents that may be emphasized in that location.”

In other words, you are able to see on a map where certain things might come up for you — romance, career success or unexpected events. But how to put this into use for an artist residency?

As an example, let's use the Mercury line, a line that brings out talents in communication and writing. If you want to attend a writing residency to work on your new novel, you might want to try and find one that’s within 300 miles of your Mercury line to reap the maximum benefits.



Sarah Thibault | Artist, Writer, & Podcast Host
Artists + Travel

Creator and host of The Side Woo podcast, Writer of Art Date, a weekly blog about art, belonging, living in Los Angeles and keeping that spark.