The Crucial Shift: Why Modernizing Core IT is Imperative for the Insurance Industry
Artivatic Insurtech & Healhtech platform
3 min readMay 13, 2024

The insurance sector is standing at a technological crossroads, faced with the urgent need to overhaul its IT infrastructure. This transformation is no longer just an option but a necessity to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace. According to recent data, global IT spending in the insurance industry reached approximately $210 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow by 9% annually through 2027. Investments in core IT transformation are projected to rise from 13% to 16% of total spending. This data underscores the critical importance and immense potential of modernizing core IT systems within the industry.

Insurance Core IT Systems Modernization

The Stakes of Modernization

Why should insurers modernize their IT systems? The answer lies in the significant benefits that modern platforms can offer — enhanced process automation, better management of real-time information across channels, improved customer experiences, and increased operational efficiencies. These advancements are not just incremental; they can boost revenue by up to 25% and accelerate the time to market for new products by three to four times.

However, the transition from legacy systems to advanced digital solutions is fraught with challenges. Legacy systems, often cumbersome and prone to downtime, are increasingly viewed as liabilities rather than assets. They not only hinder productivity but also pose significant operational risks. Moreover, with regulatory frameworks becoming more stringent — especially regarding digital customer access and risk controls — the pressure to modernize is intensifying.

Navigating the Path to Digital Transformation

Modernizing core IT is a complex journey involving significant financial and managerial commitments. Insurers face several obstacles, including:

  • Complexity and Scale: Global operations multiply the challenges of managing large-scale IT projects involving numerous stakeholders and regulatory environments.
  • Business-IT Alignment: Transitioning to modern digital platforms often reveals a misalignment between existing business processes and the capabilities of new IT solutions, leading to potential delays and escalated costs.
  • Partnership Sustainability: Choosing a software platform typically entails a long-term commitment with a vendor, necessitating aligned objectives and robust partnership management.
  • Capability Gaps: Many insurers lack the necessary internal IT capabilities, making them reliant on external vendors and susceptible to conflicts of interest.
  • Technological Obsolescence: The rapid pace of technological evolution can quickly render new systems obsolete, particularly if they are heavily customized.

Strategic Approaches and Best Practices

To effectively manage these challenges, insurers are adopting various strategic approaches, including centralized, federal, and hybrid strategies, each tailored to different business models and market conditions. Additionally, several best practices have been identified to enhance the chances of successful IT transformation:

  1. Incremental Implementation: Breaking down large projects into smaller, manageable phases can reduce complexity and build organizational momentum.
  2. Robust Program Management: Strong governance frameworks are essential for overseeing the transformation process.
  3. Innovation Culture: Encouraging continuous innovation within the organization can help integrate new technological advances.
  4. Zero-based Design: Adopting a greenfield approach for redesigning processes and products can help to move away from legacy systems completely.
  5. Aligned Incentives: Ensuring that all stakeholders have aligned goals can foster collaboration and shared success.
  6. Capability Development: Building internal capabilities and forming strategic partnerships are crucial for enhancing the organization’s technological expertise.
  7. Vendor Independence: Designing technology architectures that minimize dependencies on specific vendors or technologies can reduce risks and enhance flexibility.

The journey towards core IT modernization is not merely a technical upgrade but a comprehensive strategic overhaul that requires careful planning and execution. For a detailed exploration of the imperative for core IT modernization in the insurance industry and to learn more about successful strategies and practices, read our full article here.

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Engaging in this digital transformation journey not only enables insurers to meet the current demands of the market but also prepares them for future challenges, ensuring their continued relevance and competitiveness. As the industry moves forward, the focus must not only be on adopting new technologies but also on reshaping the business models to fully capitalize on these advancements.


Artivatic Insurtech & Healhtech platform

AI & Deeptech focused technology startup disrupting Fintech, healthcare & Insurance sectors: Reducing Risk, Digital Access, Underwriting, Claims, Fraud & more.