The top 10 insurance trends that will shape the industry in 2024:
Artivatic Insurtech & Healhtech platform
1 min readDec 14, 2023

In 2024, the insurance industry is witnessing a paradigm shift, marked by the integration of advanced technology and personalized services.

This transformation includes the adoption of telehealth in healthcare, AI-driven personalized insurance plans, and an increased emphasis on mental health coverage. Wearable technology is also gaining prominence in health monitoring. The evolution extends to auto, home, and life insurance with innovations like telematics and smart home technology.

Top 10 Trends for Insurance in 2024

Blockchain’s role in enhancing data security, along with a heightened focus on sustainability and climate change, underscores the industry’s pivot towards a more technologically sophisticated, customer-centric model. This shift is not only responding to current trends but is also shaping the future of insurance in response to global challenges.

For a detailed exploration of these transformative trends, read more at Artivatic’s blog: The Top 10 Insurance Healthcare Trends 2024.


Artivatic Insurtech & Healhtech platform

AI & Deeptech focused technology startup disrupting Fintech, healthcare & Insurance sectors: Reducing Risk, Digital Access, Underwriting, Claims, Fraud & more.