NFT Digest: Generative Much. Art. Wow

Ann Radnizky
Art Keepers
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2022

Part 1. Architecture

authors who created generative art related to the architecture of buildings.

Irukandji is a rising artist in the generative genre.

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Expresión Urbanistica is a collection inspired by urban textures and development. The original idea came from the landscape of my city which is vibrant and sometimes soft in terms of color.

For me “Expresión Urbanistica” is the feeling that I get each time that I look through my window, each time that I get out of my house, and each time I watch a sunset through my balcony.

Julia Vergazova — artist from Moscow

In her projects Julia addresses to semiotics and linguistics of modernity. Area of her interest includes redefinition of prior distances between biology and technology, natural and syn­thetic in­tel­li­gence. Julia’s practice is focused on research and diving deep into the context of mutating, accelerating reality.

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Utopian Space Castles

In this work, artist took a hand-drawn sketch as a basis, transformed it with a neural network, and randomised the mutating space station modules using code. The result is a series of semi-living objects, a techno-bestiary similar to those from Miyazaki’s “Howl’s Moving Castle”.

Revived aircrafts combine steampunk aesthetics, the romance of utopia from the movie “Silent Running” and warm lamp watercolour technique.

ismahelio: Generative stuff — ARTchitecture — Creator of NonSpaces

The token tracks its inception date.
Every new day, trees, bushes and vegetation will start to grow… with time…

The nature captures the image space in Non Spaces tokens similarly to randomness and bugs capturing the code of a software…

Part 2. Nature

…what if the programmer is not an architect, but, for example, an agronomist, a biologist or even a hydrologist?

dcRay— generative artist & creative coder from Hong Kong.

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Making some abstract plants, inspired by a painting technique called string pull.
The semi circles rotate while moving to create some random brush strokes.

Michaël Zancan is former oil painter, longtime programmer from Bordeaux, France. Bewitched by density, plants and trees.

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“Garden, Monoliths” is the result of an algorithm that started in April 2021.
The initial goal was to use mathematical formulas for creating patterns inspired by the density of nature, that could be used by a pen plotter, so it kept focusing on outputting vector lines. This history and practice produced a graphical style based on line strokes, plus occasionally some transparent, filled shapes.

Brian Gawlik — disenchanted PhD from Austin, Texas turned generative artist. In pursuit of the landscape.

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Delicate, “little trees”. Some with green leaves, some with orange, some with red.

SPACEFILLER consists of artists Alexander Nagy and Alexander Miller, and is the result of their long time collaboration and pursuit of visual art, music, programming and math. They reside in Seattle, Washington.

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The “spaceplant” series expresses “computational beauty of nature” through a lo-fi simulated garden. This garden has been grown by collecting, curating and nurturing algorithmic specimens that inhabit a space both cellular and planetary. A symphony of particle forces orchestrates the form and interaction of the simulation, tuned to cosmological constants by the artist.

James Paterson (presstube)
Drawing, Code, Animation, Sculpture.

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Lemon Princess

After accidentally swigging from a potion of banishment (mistaking it for her moon mead) at the Annual Wizard’s Gala, Lemon Princess was instantly transformed into a colorful and rapidly modulating energy node.

For a few short moments her karmic fabric strained against extinction. It summoned every possible objection and gripped every precious memory, but alas the brew was too potent and the Princess winked out of existence never to be seen again.

eziraros — a web designer/developer based in Taiwan.
Learned Processing years ago but almost forgot it.

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the generative octopuses

every octopus is a good octopus.
feed with p5js and love.

Matt Perkins (nudoru) — generative artist and designer from Charlotte, North Carolina.

I’ve been making things with computers for too long. Enjoying learning all about math, randomness, and Javascript.

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Meander River Plot v1

A river meandering over a noise-based landscape. A line is drawn either horizontally, vertically, or more rarely, a ring. Time progresses for 1,000 iterations as the line travels, bends, and splits.

Part 3. What you see is all there is

Without unnecessary preludes, enjoy the part of the digest where diverse generative abstractionism is presented!

Wang Hsin-Jen (ileivoivm), an internationally recognised pioneer in Taiwan’s audiovisual art field.

Specializing in breakbeat, associated with geometrical shapes and forms, concern for the land and culture also feature prominently in this artist’s creations.

Algorithms are used to remodel history and point cloud to subvert conventional thinking.

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No feature, no attribute, believe what you see.

Chris McCully (spinkdinky) is digital and analog artist making work about mental health.

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Originally a study of paint brushes and texture, this project morphed. I started to find a medley of painting with the texture of handmade rugs, leveraging this medium to not just recreate the everyday, but let my imagination run.

Enjoy each abstract piece that “Bedlam” has to offer, with 25 palettes, 5 brush styles, and an endless combination of stroke lengths and layering effects, there is much to be discovered.

Tyler Boswell generative artist using javascript and p5.js.

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Fragments of fragments, pieced together.

VGA — generative artist based in Finland.

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Memo is a abstract expression of memories written on small pieces of paper, pictures of important moments or a reminder of all the things You have forgotten.

Large number of rectangles are packed in loops to the canvas with a random rectangle packing algorithm with simple collision detection.

Liam Egan is programmer, math lover and generative artist from Canada.

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The coalescing point exists in a self-contained system. It voices and moves and drifts in salient, contrary motion.

Generative art in large depends upon the idea and a talent of an engineer. But the degree of freedom that those artists knowingly left to random forces simply can’t stop amazing us.

This week Sotheby’s is gonna feature generative art. Guess which artworks made it?

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