Pop Quiz, Monday with Michael McDonnell

Art Legends
Art Legends in History
4 min readFeb 11, 2019

The Pop Quiz, Monday is a fun little exam that we love to give to savvy business owners. The examination is not a surprise after all since the interviewee already knew about the questions in advance. However, we can always pretend and have fun with the scenario of a young entrepreneur sitting in class nervously biting on their pencil. They are ready to take a pop quiz on a chapter that they were supposed to read the night before. Instead, they played Metroid all night on their SNES (Oops, this was me in high school). The real purpose of the pop quiz is that this is a fun way to introduce business tips from real-world experiences that you can not learn in a classroom. We want to thank our entrepreneur for being a good sport and volunteering their time to answer a few questions to help our community grow from their knowledge.

I want to introduce you to our guest today who will be taking our Pop Quiz Monday.

Can you please tell everyone your name?
Michael McDonnell

What is your job role?
I’m a serial entrepreneur, podcaster and entrepreneurial digital magazine & brand co-owner.

Tell us about your company?
I’m a mindset coach for entrepreneurs first and foremost; I help them get into the best mental state to 10X their success and sales.

I also run a fitness/personal training business that provides boot camps, personal training and fitness holidays amongst other things.

Alongside that, I host my own business podcast and magazine.

What do you love most about your job?
Everything, seeing people’s eyes light up when they feel AMAZING about the progress they’re making and the results they’re achieving thanks to me.

I had that feeling, helping someone at 16 as a tennis coach, and I’ve never looked back.

What motivates you to get up every day and go to work?
Knowing that everyday… someone is benefited by my words and actions in a positive way.

How do your co-workers inspire you?
I always encourage the people who I work with on a short, medium or long term to lead others and be a shining example of how to behave while doing the work they do.

That in itself inspires me.

How do you have fun at work (team building, pranks, etc..)?
As I spend a lot of time alone, I like to watch funny films or speak to friends and try to make them laugh.

I find the more I try to make others laugh, the more I laugh too.

What are some of the challenges of your job?
It’s lonely. Aside from the rare moments when I run boot camps or see people face to face; most of my time is virtually connecting people or recording podcasts/videos.

The time I spend with people is far less than the time I spend virtually talking or texting.

And It can get lonely sometimes; but that’s what you sign up for and if you don’t actually engineer the social, face-to-face, side of your life and business.

You’ll lose it.

What are some lessons learned from a past project that you can share with us?
One of the big lessons I’ve learned is the power of collaborating.

You can’t achieve great heights of success that you may want if you don’t have the resources actually to achieve them.

You can spend all day every day trying to achieve what you want, or you can connect with someone that can help.

Not being afraid to ask for help was the biggest lesson; as now, I routinely ask to collaborate or ask for help on a project, and it’s more likely actually to happen than if I tried to figure it all out alone.

What advice would you give to someone who is starting out in your industry?
Similar to the previous answer; work together with a group of people who are also starting out with the agreement that the fruits of the labour are to be shared.

That way, everyone helps everyone, in their own way, succeed at the levels they want.

Another lesson would be never to stop learning, learning new things has become the only other reason I’ve reached the level I have.

Thank you for taking our pop quiz today. You get an A+ for effort. You can learn more about our interviewee and their business by visiting them on the web:


Originally published at https://thestartupgrowth.com on February 11, 2019.

