How Hines is Uplifting their Public Spaces and Supporting Artists with Disabilities

ArtLifting Stories
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2019

By Liz Powers, Co-founder and Chief Happiness Spreader at ArtLifting

ArtLifting artist Lindsay Abromaitis-Smith’s piece “Luna”​

Logan Bjorkman is a Property Manager for Hines at a commercial high rise building in downtown San Francisco. She uses an innovative approach to engage her community. Recently, I had the chance to talk with Logan about why she chose to use ArtLifting art within the building’s public art gallery.

  1. Why did you choose ArtLifting art for your building’s public art gallery?

When I started at this building a year and a half ago, I was looking for a way to activate our Building’s Public Open Space. Coincidentally, around that same time, I got an email from a member of the ArtLifting team explaining the company’s mission. It was the perfect fit for the space. The space already had art, but there was significant room for improvement. ArtLifting provided a solution that activated the space in a socially conscious way. I am also an ambassador for our company’s Community Outreach Team so advocating for philanthropic opportunities is something I immediately gravitated to.

ArtLifting artist Jefuri with “Angel” | Artist based in Burlington, VT

2. What has the reaction been like?

It’s been amazing — from tenants in our building to people from the public. In San Francisco, there is a city code that requires privately owned buildings to provide public open space in new buildings. The gallery gets a lot of public traffic: from people eating lunch to meetings and large events. So it is seen by a lot of people who are not necessarily working in the building, which is great exposure for ArtLifting and its artists. Our office is on the Lobby level and we constantly have guests stopping in to compliment the art. It’s really great to see. Also, within Hines, we have seen interest across the country. Our other local buildings are trying to find a way to incorporate ArtLifting; an LA HighRise Manager just contacted me asking for information and our corporate headquarters in Houston has been spreading the word!

ArtLifting artist Tim Henning with “Spring” | Artist based in Searsport, ME

3. Amazing! What’s the reaction been like from the tenants?

While the art has been up for about 9 months, it’s been somewhat of a slow roll out to the tenants. We wanted to make sure the art gallery was perfect before we really publicized it. So we updated our lighting and we went through 4 phases of adding more and more art. It has only recently been publicized to our tenants as a free public art gallery with art provided by ArtLifting. The tenants have been really excited about it!

ArtLifting artist Lucas Farlow with “Music in the Crowd” | Artist based in Denver, CO

4. Sometimes you read articles about millennials caring a lot about working in places that give back. Do you think that ArtLifting is a cause that appeals more to younger employees?

For us, it is everyone equally. When we did our tenant event this summer it attracted professionals of all ages, certainly including millennials. But what’s really interesting, is the public commenting on the art, are usually from an older generation.

ArtLifting artist Peter Perrino with “Horizontal Blues” | Artist based in San Francisco, CA

5. What was the art buying process like before ArtLifting?

There had been an art rotation in the building since it was built in 2001 but there was room for improvement. We did not get to select the art, there was no option for tenants to purchase pieces, there were no plaques describing the work, and there certainly was no socially conscious aspect. We are so happy we made the change to ArtLifting and hope to stay in the program long term. We went from 4 pieces originally, to now we have 12!

ArtLifting artist Naomi Brown’s with “Elsewhere” | Artist based in Boston, MA

6. What was the process like for renting the artwork from ArtLifting?

I just simply worked with an ArtLifting team member. We needed fairly large art for the space and they are able to give me dozens of options each rotation. I get to personally pick each piece with ArtLifting’s guidance, which has really developed my appreciation for art. The art is then delivered and installed by ArtLifting, making it a really really smooth and seamless process. There is no work required on on my end, other than growing my appreciation for art. I wouldn’t say that I have a lot of experience with art so it’s been a fun process for me to enjoy art a little bit more.

Learn more about ArtLifting’s impact and featured artists here.



ArtLifting Stories

A platform for artists living with homelessness and disabilities to find self-empowerment through the sale and celebration of their artwork. | USA