2FAST interview (english)

Mélissa Benon — Artopic Gallery
Artopic Gallery
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2020

For the resumption of the Blog and this end of the year, we are pleased to offer you the first interview of 2FAST our favorite Croatian graffiti artist ! To read in French or English for Shakespearean language purists.

Crédit photo 2FAST

Melissa of Artopic : Hello, to begin can you introduce ?

2FAST : My name is Kresimir Buden (street nick name 2Fast), freelance artist and designer from Zagreb, Croatia, member of Croatian Artists Association and Croatian Freelance Artists Association, one of proud founders of a Croatian graffiti scene in late 80’s. Passionate biker and father of a great man Karlo :)

What is your professional background ?

After finishing School of applied art and design back in 1992 I have started to work as an air brush illustrator and graphic designer. Since then, I have brushed my visual communication knowledge in many design studios and advertising agencies as Designer, Art and Creative Director. Working as creative leader and creative thinker on numerous projects and advertising campaigns. During that time I was also living my second life as graffiti writer and artist, creating side projects for myself.

Copyright 2FAST

How did you become an artist ? And when you decide it ?

Since I was a little kid, I was always drawn and created something, so I was pretty sure what I wanted to be in my life. I was also attending great art school where I was improving my skills. During the late 80s, I started to paint walls and write graffiti, inspired by MTV hip hop spots. Always find graffiti writing as great escape to a creative world, especially for one youngster. It was a brave way for making our world more beautiful and available to the public. Later, during time, I was a little bit bored of painting two dimensional walls and started to create three dimensional sculptures based on my 3d street art pieces. It was a pretty demanding job, because I have started something I was not good at. But it was pretty challenging for me as an artist to explore new shapes and possibilities. I think that art is a learning and exploring process with the final result — personal satisfaction. If we are truly satisfied, then we share that energy to our audience.

How did you create your first Splash ?

First Splash look a like sculptures were created for my solo exhibition in 2013. It was my first solo show and I have given my best to create 13 street sculptures in a few different series. Few of them were the creation of cans dispersing shape of color on the wall. Audience reactions were so amazing that I decided to create a series of objects which are faster to create, small enough to be packed into a gift bag and affordable to a wide audience. I have put all my knowledge and effort into creating the first Splash sculptures in different color combinations. Also, I have created them just for myself and as Christmas gifts for my friends, without any commercial expectations. During time and online promotional possibilities more and more people wanted to buy them from me. All that gives me opportunity for constant exploration and new creations.

2FAST, Splash It MTN94.

What are your sources of inspiration ? Do you have any artists who inspire you ?

I think we have great luck to live in these times with unlimited online possibilities. We are overcrowded with constant visual impact of worldwide knowledge, art, science, news… What we’ll do with that, it’s on us. We can take our creative inspiration everywhere and it’s a changing process during lifetime. I used to be inspired by great artists, such as Warhol, Dali, old masters such as Rembrandt and Michelangelo, Le Corbusier, Bauhaus, De Stijl… My passion for cars and motorcycle design from an early age, forward me to the product and automotive design and to the greatest designers of our time such as Pininfarina, Walter de SIlva, Peter Schreyer, Starck and many other more or less famous designers and artists.

Regarding street art, it’s so fast and a changing process which constantly gives us new heroes (with every refreshed instagram feed :) ). I have few street artists I really respect, such as Pichi & Avo, Sen2, Seen. My huuuuge respect goes to Banksy. Nevertheless he’s a person or a project, his innovative approach to the audience and mixture of different techniques gives me a humble thought that he can be the greatest artist of our time.

Do you still draw in Zagreb ?

Very rarely. Must say that I am getting pretty tired for ladder climbings and can’t find propper inspiration for painting on the walls. I feel that I’m into other forms of art which makes me satisfied. I take time to rest from the walls, but let the water run and I’m sure there will be fresh opportunities which drive me to the walls again.

What do your prefer: MNT94 or Montana ? And Why ?

Both are great and I use them all depending on the effect I want to create. Distributor for MTN94 is my great friend and he’s always here when I need something from their stock :)


How do you live your lockdown ? Can we have your opinion of this year ?

Despite this terrible virus and cancellation of my solo exhibition in France and many other international events, I can describe this year in three words — “work, work, work”. I was completely committed to my work, my Splash sculptures and galleries I work with. Since I work alone in my studio, I was in constant self isolation nevertheless lockdown or government decisions. I find this year really productive and lack of social events, concerts and travels gives me even more time to focus on my work and my family. Of course, all of that wouldn’t be possible if my family wasn’t healthy and safe during these weird times.

Why did you accept to work with Artopic Gallery ?

Because of Melissa of course :) She gave me an inquiry about representing my work in France and it was an easy decision to have someone trusted, professional, comfortable to communicate with great art market knowledge. French art market is probably the most important in the world, art tradition is inside every Frenchman and it’s great to have someone there. Also, it gives me even more time to focus on my work, because communication takes more time than you can imagine. Thank you Artopic gallery!

What is your opinion of contemporary artwork ?

I find it so inspiring, a great example of contemporary art is graffiti that is exhibited in museums. People of today are so overcrowded with informations and their attention is really short, even visual art must be a mixture of art and advertising — diverse, challenging and innovative.

What are your next projects ?

Currently I am settling into my new studio and my aim in the near future is to forward part of work to my employee so I can be even more productive with ideas that are waiting in my sketchbook. Hope to take part in exhibitions in the future, which always drives me to the next level and push me to think out of the box.

Thank you!

I am very happy to have been able to know you with this interview, thank you.

You can discover this Splash at the gallery and our website www.artopic-gallery.com See you later !



Mélissa Benon — Artopic Gallery
Artopic Gallery

Directrice d’Artopic Gallery, une galerie d’art 100% Pop Art, 100% Street et 100% toulousaine — www.artopic-gallery.com